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Do you talk to yourself?


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I don't talk to myself out loud or in my head... most of the time I don't think in words.


However, occasionally when I am all alone in the house I say "I am talking to myself. I am doing this because I am able to, and nobody will know I'm doing it and it will be of no benefit to me whatsoever. But I am nevertheless doing so."

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I always talk to myself in my head. I also have a debate/argument with someone I know and think out how it could go. then afterwards I'll think "if I ever argue with someone about that I'm sure to win."


A bit off topic but when you people read do you say the words outloud in your head? I do it when I'm reading/writing/typing wtc. and it's just struck me as quite strange. So does anyone else do it?

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A bit off topic but when you people read do you say the words outloud in your head? I do it when I'm reading/writing/typing wtc. and it's just struck me as quite strange. So does anyone else do it?

No, not when I'm into a book. It gradually becomes like watching a film, that my head produces. Something similar happens with manga- the pictures start to move.

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A bit off topic but when you people read do you say the words outloud in your head? I do it when I'm reading/writing/typing wtc. and it's just struck me as quite strange. So does anyone else do it?


Eh, isn't it normal to have the words going through your head when you're reading? I mean, you're not really reading anything if you aren't making those words go through your mind first to comprehend them. I don't think it's strange, it's just your brain working and making the words make sense. Unless I don't quite understand what you're trying to ask and you mean something else...

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Eh, isn't it normal to have the words going through your head when you're reading? I mean, you're not really reading anything if you aren't making those words go through your mind first to comprehend them. I don't think it's strange, it's just your brain working and making the words make sense. Unless I don't quite understand what you're trying to ask and you mean something else...


I've never thought about it as being strange before. But it just struck me as being strange.


I hate it how you can't know how other people think.

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Im a welder and i do it all the time whilst under my headscreen, other welders i have spoken to say they do it also, once i was reciting bits of the Lee Evans dvd i had watched the night before, and laughing out loud, people think welders are a mad bunch - and we are :hehe:

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Thank-god for that, i thought i was the only person who spoke to themselves.


Yeah i do all the time. Normally about making decisions, but also if i'm alone and i'm worrying about something, i try to work things out in my head to calm me down.

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I sing to myself, at random times. Hmm, not sure about talking. It's usually mumbling. Either that, or random swear words when I do something stupid/something happens that makes me jump.


Katie talks to herself, though. All the time. She even has an alter ego. He is called Michael.

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I "talk to myself" sumtimes when doing certain tasks, if I'm on my own. Also I will shout out "Why did you do that?!?" and stuff on those lines, when watching a film or tv show (only if I'm really into it of course), in my room on my own. Also, just realised, I talk to myself while i'm drivin with a friend (i,e say stuff like "Into 2nd gear" "All clear" ), but never alone...weird. And now i'm talking to myself, saying "tut tut" cuz the grammar in this post isnt all tht great!

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this thread has made me realize how much playing video games has made me crazy. I always yell and cuss at myself when I lose but only usually if i've been doing the same thing over and over for hours. I hold a conversation with myself only if I have to talk to somebody about something important.

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Last night, while I was lying in bed, I was having this chat about how annoying my dad is, it was just me, having this full-blown conversation with no-bloody-body. And I do that a lot. Having random talks about random topics, and I'm the only bugger listening. :hmm:

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