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I am wondering whether any of you gringos out there find that maybe whilst playing a game and doing the dangerous task of listening to some music which isn't in the games soundtrack, it seems to fit the game.


Off the top of my head I have one example, whilst playing Super Metroid I found that No Doubt's Hella Good seemed to gel quite well with its space-esque ch00nage.





Metal and rock seems to go very well with Smash Bros Melee. Me and my mate always have the standard sound off and stick on a CD, usually Metallica.


When I went to my friends house I let him play a bit of Kingdom Hearts 2, and at the same time he had Evanescence playing in the background, It was awesome, especially with some of the boss battles I was letting him replay.


Muse - Anything from Absolution or Black Holes and Revelations with Counter Strike, wierdly it makes me play a lot better too.


When I was playing Majora's Mask, I had the Oasis familiar to million album on in the background.


Two songs stood out for me. One was rock and roll star, and the other was live forever. They especially fit the bits where you're in the ranch getting your horse, defending it.


The whole Desperado album, by The Eagles suits 'Gun' perfectly.


The album was written to give the feel of a 'western', or as 50's western nostalgia, and did so perfectly; and Gun, if you didn't know, was set in the old American west, so it fits perfectly.


But I doubt any of you will be rushing out to get the album anytime soon, so I'm just wasting my breath (or fingers), really.


Whenever I listen to What's the Story (Morning Glory) I think of PGR2 as that was the only album I had on my Xbox at the time so I listened to that whenever I played PGR.


All that remains, whispers, goes perfectly with some PVP in Alterac Valley in world of warcraft, also drowning pool, bodies I find my self singing "when the allys hit the floor, when the allys hit the floor" etc.


Also I always thought that Halo by Soil would have been the perfect soundtrack for Halo. Maybe M$ should use it for the sound track to the movie! ::shrug:


"Beast And The Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold seems to go strangely well with LMA Manager 2007 IMO. As does "Privilege" by Incubus, "Ripchord" by Radiohead and "Die, Alright" by The Hives.

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