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Well like the title says, quote your favourite historical or non-historical quote. If it is in a foreign language, please give a rough translation.


I'll start myself...


Veni, vidi vici - I came, I saw, I conquered - Ceasar

Ave Ceasar, morituri te salutant - Ave ceaser, those that are going to die, greaet you. - Roman Gladiators

Cetrum censio cartaginem delendam esse. - Further I'm of the opinion that Carthago should be destroyed. - Cicero

When I'm here, death isn't. And when death is here, I'm not. - Epicures

Veni, bibi, vomui - I came, I drank and I puked - Me

Cetrum censio sabaiam bibendam esse. - Further I'm of the opinion that this beer should be drunk.


PS Sorry 'bout the last two :grin:


I don't know too many fancy latin quotes, but my favourite quote of all time is the following:


'If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing.' - Bill Shankly


I live my life by those words.

"you sir, are drunk!"

"yes, but in the morning I shall be sober and you, ma'am, shall still be ugly"


-exchange between some woman and Churchill at a party.


Another Churchill classic:


Woman: "If I was your wife, I would put stricnyne in your evening drink."

Churchill: "If I was your husband, madam, I'd drink it!"


I have Quotes of the Day on my customized google page, and there is a brilliant one today.


I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

- Galileo Galilei


"Si vis pacem, para bellum."


If you want to live in peace, prepare for war.



"Hegluh'meh QaQ jajvam." old Klingon proverb


Today is a good day to die.



"Revenge is a dish best served cold." another Klingon proverb :D



"If they don't have bread, they shall eat cake." Marie Antoinette



"Alea iacta est." Caesar


The dices are set (don't know the exact translation to english)


Iuventus Stultorum Magister : Youth is the teacher of fools. (J. Ringo)


Rashness is the mark of youth, prudence that of old age and discretion the better part of valour. (Cicero)


My favourite quote is from a Mormon leader. He was having a hard time and his dad told him to:


"Forget yourself and go to work."


It's about not moaning, doing what you should do and having all your problems worked out while you put others first.

with the gladiators one it's actually ' Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you'


That's a more literal translation. I was looking for the word hail but it just slipped my mind. Just like salute, but that's just a matter of preference.

"Te salutant" - salute you,

Morituri can be translated as "we who" or "those that" and there probably some other ways to translate it.


PS I never knew that Churchill was such a bastard.


"Do you know what the chain of command around here is? Its the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in ruttin' command" Jayne Cobb, Firefly


"I never realised he had red eyes until I saw that photo" A friend of mine


Churchill was a mean son of a bitch. he had some amazing insults to dish out.


one time he got sent a pair of tickets to an opening night at a play with a note from from the director reading

"Have enclosed two tickets for the opening night. Bring a friend...if you have one"


Churchill replied with:

"cannot possibly attend opening night. Will attend second...if there is one"




Dr. Cox:


"Because, ultimately, you don't have to answer to me, and you don't have to answer to Kelso, you don't even have to answer to your patients, for God's sake! You only have to answer to one guy, Newbie, and that's you!"


In all seriousness, I've applied this to my life, it helped me through exams aswell. Yet another reason for Dr. Cox's awesomeness.


My PE teacher had quite possible the quote of the year today, me and a friend help in younger years (in this case, 2nd year) PE classes and they do social dancing (ceilidh dancing) in the run-up to Christmas and we have to dance with them. We usually wait until the end and pick a girl that no boy would willingly pick, but our teacher told us to hurry up "or all the good ones will be gone and you'll be stuck with a munter". :D


"Shit or get of the pot" Randal from clerks


"He who spends his life watching his back will eventually be killed from the front"

I think it wen´t something like that


"I am the king of Rome and above grammar!" Some Roman emperor


"The meek ain't gonna inherit shit" Book of Larry-20.12.

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow." Two of many excellent quotes from Mark Twain.

"I did punch a baby once in anger. In my defense, the baby was being kind of a dick" Gabe-Penny Arcade

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