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Your first game


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Well, this thread is for a liitle nostalgia. What was the first game you ever played. Was it good or was it bad?


For it was "the legend of zelda - link's awakening" for the gameboy. I first played it when I was 7, but I finished it for the first time when I was 10. Sincen then I have played it about 6 times to the end. And I still think it is one of the best zelda's.

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first game ever-jesus that goes back further than i can remember!!!


prob the first mario game or godzilla for the NES os something totally random on the ZX Spectrum lol


first game i remember completing was links awakening as well-awesome awesome game!

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First game I every play that I remember was some crappy word spelling game at school. You would type words in and then a crappy little character would do the actions but I guess that doesn't count as a game. My brother had a giant frogger thing which was like a frogger home arcade thing. It was crap and boring and probably cost 50 quid when he got it. I also remember playing Granny's garden on the old bbc's. I want to find that game and finish it, I always got caught by the witch granny thing.


At the time I guess I didn't know I was learning. All I knew was that granny was a bad lady and I needed something from out of that house.


Anyway to get an idea of how brilliant granny's garden was try this flash version someone made: Granny's Garden

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I played my first game at friends house when I was 7 - I think it was Super Mario World on the SNES.


My very first own game was Mario Kart 64.


I remember some good times with Super Mario World. Especially trying to get to every level via evey possible route. Especially the special in the star world was great.

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Think I've been playing games ever since I was born. I always remeber playing on the atari which was just amazing and still is (takes about 30mins to loads a game though). My grandad also had this thing with about 5 or so games on it, each controller was just a dial that you turned, but it had pong on it, now those were days of great gaming.

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Bubble Bobble on the Master System round a friends house when I was about 7 possibly. First game I owned would be Sonic / Alex The Kidd on the master system.


weridly that is EXACTLY the same as me. i think even the ages might bew the same.

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I think the first game i played was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES.

I think i was 4-5 years old or something....


Awesome first game!! I've still got a copy of that in my bedroom, how hard is the electric seaweed bit? lol!


I remember playing some proper old school games on my grandads spectrum & that old sports thing with the dials and the 4 sports! [edit: that Binatone thing above!] The first proper game I can remember playing is Duck Hunt in Dixons when I got my NES, happy days :bouncy:






Gobbos ftw!

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I think it was some spy game on my older brother's Commodore 64. I can't remember the name of it but the first level your sky diving and the rest your walking along shooting things, you're kind of like a James Bond type character.


Boy do I miss manually loading up those cassettes.

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Mine was an old BBC game called Pod that I played in Primary School. You typed in commands such as "Pod can jump" or "Pod can run" and a little guy on the screen would do the action. I always thought it was hilarious to put "Pod can poo", but it would come up with "No, Pod cannot do that".


First proper game though would be one from our first family computer. It had a load of games on it including Pacman, Rogue, Hangman, Crystal Caves and Duke Nukem. Oh I loved Duke Nukem so much, I forced my parents to buy the other two in the series; Duke on the Moon and Duke in the Future for christmas. I was so excited when I came down stairs and found Father Christmas listed in the high scores. :yay:

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Mine was an old BBC game called Pod that I played in Primary School. You typed in commands such as "Pod can jump" or "Pod can run" and a little guy on the screen would do the action. I always thought it was hilarious to put "Pod can poo", but it would come up with "No, Pod cannot do that".

Happy memories! :D 'Explode' was my favourite command. Kept me amused for months did that!

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It's a Binatone. Had like four basic games built in which were all kinda like pong iirc.



I think I used to have one of those. Thanks for reminding me, it's been bugging me for ages what it was called. :)


There were some games on the commodore 64 which I remember being pretty awesome. Cyberdyne Commando (i think) was pretty funky. They were my first games. However, they were handed down to me from relatives.


The first game that was actually 'mine' was Super Mario AllStars on the Snes.

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