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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Oh, now we're going for longest play time... Morrowind: 600 hours. and in all that time... I only ever completed it once.
  2. Plowing you in Goldeneye was also one of my favourite memories
  3. Resident Evil 4. Time was, I'd go home after work on a Friday, get a cheap container of fried rice and a bar of chocolate from the local Lianhua supermarket, then sit down with a little Resi 4 for about 2 hours. Of course, I always had to stop whenever I got to the part where you play as Ashley... I still can't do that part in the dark. *shudder* Link To The Past Again, another weekend tradition was coming home from school on Saturday (I was a day-pupil at a boarding school) chowing down on an enormous self-made tuna baguette and playing Link to the Past. That game was almost open world in scope: there were probably five or six non-essential quests that would make the last two dungeons easier if you completed them.
  4. Fallout: New Vegas is only £20? Bargain...
  5. Iun


    I regret that I have no regrets.
  6. Iun


    My mommy always said that there were no monsters, no real ones anyway. But there are, aren't there?
  7. Merry Christmas to one and all, I'm off to the Shangri-La in a minute with Mrs Iun for a nice expensive lunch. Still desperately unhappy about not being in the UK this year though
  8. Hmmm.... too William Sadler. Maybe you could kill the first-born male child of every household?
  9. Dammit, and you just drank all that Rohypnol I gave you... sigh.
  10. Iun


    I had intended to return to the motherland for Christmas, but Mrs Scrooge guilted me into staying here. In a way, I'm glad I did because I'd probably be stuck in Frankfurt now desperately trying to get a train to GDN and then to Ashford. Still, I would rather be with my (English) family than stuck here in Shanghai. It snowed last week, and the whole of the Chinese nation were like "WTF?! Frozen skywater!? What do we dowhatdowedowhatdowedo?!?!" And then the CCP were all like "It's the fault of the Imperialists because of the Opium War and everybody hates China."
  11. Iun

    Tron Legacy

    Sadly, in China everything new and high-tech is supposed to be great. Even if it really isn't.
  12. It got released, didn't it? That was a fair chance, it's more than Luigi's Mansion 2 ever got.
  13. Iun

    Tron Legacy

    Again, have to find a cinema in China that isn't showing it in EXCLUSIVE-MIND-BLOWING-OH-HOLY-CRAP-HOW-DID-WE-LIVE-WITHOUT-IT-FOR-SO-LONG 3D. Because I can't SEE those stupid 3D images, and watching it with or without the goggles gives me a headache. I want my apple mash.
  14. What... no Morrowind or Oblivion? *barf* And yes, it should be a toss-up between RE4 and Metroid Prime. EDIT: RESIDENT EVIL 4 LOSES TO SNORE-FEST FINAL FANTASY X? Christ, I swear I sometimes understand why people go on killing sprees.
  15. Bah, Humbug. Mrs Scrooge and I have 80% decided not to have kids. Right now I'm studying for my PhD and once that's over in five or so years, we'll be moving to the UK to find a University for me to lecture in. By which time she'll be 40 and I'll be... thirty something. I guess I've always thought of myself as too selfish to have kids.
  16. Iun

    Iron Man 3

    So Favreau is out, who's in the hotseat next? Praying it doesn't turn into an X-Men 3 style of debacle.
  17. What, sex or sex with three pairs of socks? Wow... three socksy-girls at once, that would be socktacular, like totally a socksual fantasy of mine. Socks.
  18. That's not rape, but it is irresponsible. STD's unwanted pregnancy... Should a man be arrested for being irresponsible in the bedroom? No. Should a man be arrested for irresponsilbe leaks of classified documents? Absolutely.
  19. Exasperated, is the word. Seriously, what the hell? WE NEED STABILITY! Sorry for you Chris, it was genuinely not your fault. And no, we don't want Martin Jol. The thing about "More Experience" is obviously to forestall any discussions about Shearer coming back. I was just getting to tolerate Mike Ashley - he seemed to be taking a good hands-off approach and letting things run as they should be. Hughton got us back into the Premiership, minus the "Stars" of the previous campaign at the first time of asking. We're 11th in the table, when people said by now we'd have no points. We had negative cash to spend on transfers, and yet still we've proven our mettle. Hughton may not have been a charismatic, dynamic tactical genius, but he got us to a great position. Ditching him like this just shows no respect and no class. Odds on that there will be demonstrations outside St James' and Ashley will throw another hissy fit and put the club back onto the market.
  20. I'm going to rape you! ... ... Not really! See? That was a pleasant surprise!
  21. ...a ticket back to England. Despite working 12 hour days 6 days a week, I don't have enough money. The Chinese recently doubled the tax payment on new houses from 3% to 6%, so instead of paying 50,000 in tax, we paid 100,000. And this is having signed a contract saying we'd only pay 3%. China: not a country ruled by law, but by the whims of her despotic masters.
  22. I think there should be an award for not proposing an award which I wouldn't win because I didn't propose an award, did I?
  23. Stop posting Youtube videos! I can't view them because of this backward country and their irrational fear of the internet! uh... I mean... Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad! *whimper* Anyway, I loved Trio toffee bars... TRIIII-O TRIIIIIIO!
  24. That's a pretty standard childhood bully right there. Or at least, standard for my area.
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