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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Well, yeah, it would at least be a break from being recognised as the World's Most Undertalented Guitarist.
  2. Do we take pride in the fact it was two ex-Newcastle players who helped sink Arsenal? Well, I guess. I mean, take pride in the fact that two of our old boys came up to scratch, not glory in the defeat of others, that's a bit naughty. I can't believe Titus Bramble has come good since he left us... time was he and Boumsong were just... a public nuisance on the football field.
  3. No. I think you'll find this is Sparta.
  4. Yep. She definitely did.
  5. Original Cadbury's caramel, especially those adverts with the sexy bunny. Admit it, you all would have done the bunny.
  6. Oops... did I? Sorry, my bad...
  7. Yeah, you're kinda being a smartass for the sake of it. Try and be a little more... intelligent with your sentences. Let's limit it to a maximum of two n't constructions.
  8. Negatory! You repeated "never" and "nothing" Negatory! Repeated words there! But pretty good try! That's better! But I think "Denied" is, well, denied in this case. And no, I'm not getting that deep. Let's allow multiple "n't"s provided they suffix different words.
  9. I misread that as "I named my snooker cue 'Alton Towers On Thursday' " Which I actually thought was a pretty cool name. Slowpoke is s-l-o-w. Yeah, but thanks nonetheless. He was no age and had an extremely promising future ahead of him.
  10. A new Word Power Challenger Approaches! This occurred to my work-frazzled brain earlier... When I'm bored I like to challenge my literary mind with amusing little games of making alliterative sentences using one consonant, or seeing how many negatives I can cram into one viable sentence. So, here's the challenge: I've come up with five different puzzles for you to have a crack at, after I declare a winner for each challenge, I'll post a new one. The aggregate winner of all five challenges will be crowned "Word Power King (or Queen, Chair) Presumptive". Interested? No? Tough. Here's the first challenge: How many negatives can you fit into a single sentence without repeating a negative construction? And your example, or shall we say, benchmark is the following sentence of my own concoction: No, I ain't never haven't had none of nothing not like that never. Now, depending on how you count the "no" at the beginning, that's an octuple or septuple negative. Can you match it, or dare I say, beat it? Go.
  11. ...you consider Luxembourg to be essential? Crap, I took the test: 50% BNP. 25% UKIP, 25% Green. Hmm. I don't agree that immigration is at the heart of all our social problems, but I do think we should withdraw from the EU Human Rights treaty and replace it with one of our own.
  12. I disagree. I think they have a lot of quality in the first team AND (when the moment is right) they can pull out some really top-drawer performances. Besides, football is a funny old game, so strange things can always happen.
  13. Arsenal's First Team: Top Class. Aresenal's Back Up: Not Good Enough. One of my students is an Arsenal fan and we were talking about this the other day, it's how he understands the phrase "No Strength In Depth". I feel sorry for Arsenal fans, but it's true. :/
  14. Meat cupcakes, of which the main ingredient is baby seal? Happy Birthday!
  15. We deserve to go back to the Premiership for all our hard work. We deserved to be relegated because we didn't work hard enough. Let's now spend a few seasons building up strength, hovering just below mid-table to remind us how far and how easily we can fall. Then let's leverage our strength, hard work and self-respect to launch ourselves into the European places. We've tasted humble pie and we earned the dish, now let's not taste it again.
  16. Thanks dude, I wanted to fly over to Japan right now, but luckily she's got people with her and her husband will go direct from Mexico where he is on business.
  17. It's his mother I feel for, like I said, he was the world to her. 19 though! Come THE FUCK ON. I kept trying to get him laid! He was a major Otaku!
  18. His mother has rushed out to Japan to see him... the word is, he's in a critical condition and if he makes it through, well, the brain damage is so severe... he's just gone. I used to take the piss out of his long hair all the time... The worst thing is, his father committed suicide a few years ago, when his factory in China went belly-up. The mother absolutely dotes on the son, even though he's in another country.
  19. Bad, long day... Our former bassist, 19 year old Japanese boy and son of our keyboard player and rhythm guitarist had a heart attack. His brain lost oxygen, he's in a sorry state. I just don't have the words.
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