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Everything posted by Iun

  1. It's alright dear, but you forgot to bring back my sandwich when you came back.
  2. Remind me of your email address? EDIT: Found it, panic over.
  3. Aye. And it would be good if we could take it with us all the way back to the upper-mid-table of the Premiership as well.
  4. I had quite possibly the most phallic dream ever last night...: We were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, and I was living in a big, long lighthouse on a cliff. On the other ridge of the cliff, connected by a path there was an even bigger, longer white lighthouse inhabited by a lord. Now this lord looked almost exactly like Richard O'Brien, and was wearing a tight-fitting Victorian Explorer suit with a domed hat (which fell off partway through the dream.) but the crotch of his suit kept coming open revealing his little Richard. Now, even though we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse (the Zombies were all pink and carrying knobbly walking sticks, by the way) the Richard-O'Brien-Alike kept trying to rub his winky on me and "get" with me, over my strong objections. Seriously, this guy would just not leave me alone, and took every opportunity to poke, rub or otherwise touch me with his crotch. Um... something?
  5. Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box If you played he original, then it's more of the same, which is hardly a bad thing. The issue is, I wish more of the puzzles were directly related to the story as many of them just seem so pointlessly random. Also, I'd like a slightly less linear storyline and less of the "The Professor and Luke decide to explore..." Er... no, I didn't decide to do that, actually. But otherwise the puzzles are just as smart, but there are a few cheap shots here and there that elicit a growl of frustration. 7/10
  6. Hahaha... Her husband did an enormous curry fart and she be all like... "Wakram! Don't be doing that in the dining room!"
  7. Mrs Iun looks younger than Mr Iun, and she's actually 7 years older... that'sa worry...
  8. Aw Christ.... just been to one of those types of Chinese Banquets that you hear about... I've drunk 18 PINTS of beer - Heineken, mind you, not some poofty Chinese brand. I am drunker than Pedobear in a playground... gonna pay for it tomorrow....
  9. He's saying it's easy to attack the police as they are a visible soft-target for your anger. But also that people make unfair generalisations and over-simplifications about their work and the manner in which it is carried out. He's implying that if you made the same line of accusations against minority groups, then there would be hell to pay. But as the police are public servants and supposedly "Supra-citizenry" somehow their actions must be viewed in a much harsher light.
  10. Christ... you people don't know you're born. Try living in a country where the standard police response to anything is "I don't care, go and bother someone else". Of course, if you're connected then the police are... well, your own private police force.
  11. Whenever I hear that quote, you know what I think? I think that the drug trade also represents millions of dollars and people's jobs; I think also does Scientology; prostitution and child trafficking. Defend those as well, please. Using a trite, smart-ass quote from a frankly painful film does not disguise the fact that these fashionistas are self-perpetuating morons who can't get a job in the real world, and their "art" is no more than a shitty balls elitist attempt to raise themselves up onto a pedestal where they can look down on the uninformed masses who don't "get" their somehow genius creations. RIP Alexander McQueen.
  12. There should be a button for "Umm.... Thanks?" Admins?
  13. I dunno... how do people perceive me on here? Am I more than Fire Flower, Miyamoto's Garden and various silly little witticisms in reviews and on the boards? In real life, people tend to see me as the reliable and humorous alternative to the conventional way of doing things.
  14. 5-0, talk about kicking when you're down... Still, the Toon have had a good few results lately against teams in trouble, so we can hardly cry foul. But I keep getting the feeling that if we bounce straight back up to the 'ship, we're going to bounce back down even harder.
  15. Crikey! I have to say that I'm a little surprised that there are so many other people using their DS Phat's every day!
  16. Thanks everyone. Honestly speaking, I'm surprised that the battery lasted this long anyway, considering my phone batteries tend to go for a year, then only hold a three-day charge.
  17. Maybe Christmas this year, but I'm really not sure. I already bought a Lite to replace it. But... the screen... it's so... bright and big... I just, I mean... what was wrong with the original DS? But to have one the same so soon afterwards... it would just hurt too much.
  18. 'nk you. It's just so... senseless. I mean, 6 years together and then...
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