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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Wow... Ine ostentatious birthday do's! We all know who YOU'RE shagging! ... ... ... Realistically speaking, that probably works better if you're not, or if it's some kind of secret office romance that no-one is supposed to know about... Anyway, happy birthday, Young Link!
  2. Better that than getting on your dick, or are you still in that awkward bi-curious phase? One way or the other just ignore him politely or block him or whatever. There's no need for any drama. Unless he's a film director offering you a part. Then you should go in for some drama. However, he'll probably ask you to go for his part after your audition anyway... ...I see your quandary.
  3. Shia LaBoeuf would make a better Spiderman than bumtouching Tobey Maguire. He can do the fast talkin' much better, he's not ugly and he's farily convincing as a clever guy too. So yeah. There ya go. Mmhmm.
  4. Thanks guys. Unfortunately yesterday's pleasant proceedings have now been followed by one of my Bipolar "downs". Pretty desperate for a hug, actually.
  5. Good luck! My cousin wants to join the police on their next intake. My older cousin has just retired as a DI from the Met, says he will miss it. He told me a story once when he was on crowd control at a protest there was a large crowd of lack guys champing at the barriers and yelling abuse at the one black constable on the scene. He walked over to the screaming crowd and said "I'm not black, I'm a policeman."
  6. Wow, Google translator is surprisingly right!
  8. WHAT THE F*CKING F*CK?! THE F*CK YOU SAYING, DANIEL? Now we're enemies. And it is on.
  9. http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-gb&vid=1c926727-c033-446b-96ae-8de78badb75f&playlist=videoByTag:tag:movies_2010:ns:Gallery:mk:en-gb:vs:1&tab=s1204298895071&from=homepage_slideshow A-Team Trailer. Haven't got any sound on this PC in the office, but looking at it, it looks pretty crap. :/ Hollywood, why must you rape my childhood so? I begged you to stop after the first Transformers movie, but you still go on... please stop... I don't want you to... no....
  10. Frilly ones, with extra padding around the crotch for the incontinence that's creeping in. Kisses honey! Thanks everyone, you're only as young as the man you feel! I will later be demanding a fairly youngish man to grope.
  11. And Labour aren't? They've had 13 years to make significant improvements, but still we haven't seen them. We had a mock general election in our school, in which the pupils voted to keep the Tories in power, and the teachers voted Labour in without a single other vote cast for any other party. I met one of my old teachers when I came back at Christmas - he and everyone else believe things have never been worse in schools. I have to state that politically, I'm non-aligned, so I don't give a rats ass so long as whoever it is does the right thing for the country. Right now I don't believe either party has the ability to do right, the Conservatives through a lack of policy, the Labour government don't deserve another chance either.
  12. I am currently Acting School Principal. Though I think we've found a full-time principal, so I'll go back down to Director of Studies once they come in. Foreigners tend to do a lot of things here - I did voice acting for the most recent Star Ocean game, some "localisation" work for a company wanting to advertise in a UK magazine, I occasionally write food reviews... You have to do what work you can. I have a house and a mortgage here with Mrs Iun, so times are tight, especially as we need to save money to put furniture in the new house when it has finished being built.
  13. I think my point with the blog is to show the inconsistencies in China, things like during the worst crisis of the recent recession they were saying "The Dollar is unreliable! Our Yuan is better, you should all use the Yuan!" And then they go to Copenhagen where everyone is all trying to commit to some kind of plan to improve the planet's ecological future and their attitude is: "No, we can't play with the big boys now, we're only a developing country for godssakes!" I hate hypocrisy. I should do something about that... And yes, there are some great things here - for example my mother in law is forever coming to the house to cook, or buys us vegetables, or sewing the burst seams on my trousers... Most low income families absolutely worship their children, and while that negatively impacts the childs' development, it's also nice to see because the families will actively sacrifice their own wants to better the future of the child at university. Rich people here are vaguely aware that there's a noisy pink thing running around the house. It's best to let nanny deal with it.
  14. No the problem was he stopped liking fanny. I actually miss him - what happened to get him banned? I'm sure I was away when it kicked off.
  15. I got it! He's a DJ and he did something wrong, but put on a recording to have an alibi! The record skipping was a sign that he wasn't where he was supposed to be! Thank you Northern Exposure episode "Northern Lights" for the clue to that one! You're here with Chris in the Morning
  16. Oooooooooo, you are dark! I dunno, the record skipping probably means he forgot to do something or he did something bad and the record skipping was like a signal that he was guilty.
  17. Yes, plenty Besides, my defence is that I'm only reporting what they themselves are reporting on in their official newspapers, everything I say and do is free, open and in the public domain.
  18. Well, I'm trying to avoid saying anything political there, instead just point out some foibles. If I get "disappeared" I'm counting on you all to form a crack team of commandos to come and rescue me.
  19. Is this worthy of a thread? Yes! I've finally decided to vent my pent-up closet homosexuality on the goings-on of this new country that I've been living in for the last three years. http://thebigc.blog.com Detailing my interests in the amazing world of China and its bizarre ups and downs. Mainly its downs, actually. Alright, just its downs. But if I find an "up" then I'll detail that too.* * No, I won't.
  20. It's not a case of not wanting to, I'm phyiscally unable to see 3D projections for more than about 5 minutes before my eyes "adjust". Then I can't see them anymore and I get a splitting headache. Yay.
  21. Well, we might go and see it on Sunday. If it's 3D, then no, if it's standard, then yes.
  22. I'm sceptical of another big James Cameron movie. I didn't like Titanic, seeing as I have testicles n'all.
  23. NEGATORY! http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26289&page=5 Observe PREVIOUS Baggsy made in thread! Also Brett Anderson's line. But there were no Baggsies for that previously.
  24. Please for the love of God, stop showing films in 3D! I can't see the effects for more than 5 minutes before my eyes "adjust" to the glasses and I get a headache.
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