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Everything posted by Iun

  1. The dirty little greebo soapdodger got exactly what she deserved. If it had been me there, I'd have stepped on her neck after knocking her to the ground. She obviously wanted to provoke some sort of response, she would have got a better one from me.
  2. Berserk is RIGHT! Still, that's the best news in China that I've seen recently.
  3. I am personally DEVASTATED that I was not there.
  4. http://thebigc.blog.com/2010/03/30/bikini-news-alert-bikini-news-alert/ MUST READ! There are Bikinis! And Mud!
  5. "oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh...... somebody's ti-red!" FUCK YOU!
  6. Get out of the internet, we're full!
  7. The Game. Which you just lost.
  8. You can also make your device work longer if you get new batteries!
  9. I like the tingling feeling I get from being under the yoke of an oppressive regime OR: I moved here three years ago, pursuing a dream of visiting China, developed some kind of career out of the ether, married and settled down. Probably the first one though.
  10. Ffffffuuuuuuuuuu-----------! Well done lad!
  11. I never made any claims about anything. *a little confuddled, but mostly wearing underpants* I was just so jizz-tastically happy about the new trailer for my favourite super hero ever.
  12. Wrong and silly? How about a little "Song and Willy"?
  13. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/ironman/ NEW IRON MAN 2 TRAILER! CEASE AND DESIST EVERYTHING YOU ARE DOING AND WATCH NOW. NOW!
  14. Amen to that. I'm all for entertaining football, but it's the results that matter most. It won't be a few years until we're top six again, and until that time, I hope the Tyneside "faithful" give whoever's in charge enough time to build a good platform for winning matches and staying consistent. Seriously, the local supporters piss me off - their opinions are so changeable: one week we win and the manager can do no wrong, then the next week we lose and everyone is grumbling into their pints and calling for his head outside the gates of St James'. Of course, the media doesn't really help much: there's always a good story to be had by stirring up trouble and rabble rousing amongst the Toon Army. Half the time I think the media are into getting a good show more than distinguishing fact from fiction.
  15. Most definitely, he never really "felt" like a Newcastle player - I suppose that much of it had to do with the fact that he spent most of his time with us injured, and also the pressure on him to perform like Shearer did. He was never going to be as prolific as Big Al, they were different players with entirely different abilities and styles, but the expectation was still there. The main issue is that he repeatedly refused to commit his future to the club, but was still perfectly happy to pick up his hundred thousand every week while watching from the sidelines, that's what really grated on a lot of people, me included. Oh, and nice result for us today, it would have been good if Carroll had gotten another brace, but well done to the goal scorers! However, the opposition were a man down, so there's little enough to crow about. My fear is whether or not we can adequately survive in the Premiership if we go up again. Most teams should be able to put six past a ten man Barnsley -and that's no disrespect to Barnsley or their fans, but the question is can we put one past Chelsea and hold on for 90 minutes?
  16. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke really, eh? Shame that he's not being paid a hundred grand like he was with us, that would be a nice bit of icing on the cake.
  17. Fair enough, but I'm warning you: It's cliched, full of false sentiment, bad acting and is chock full of unintentionally funny moments. All I'ma say is "It's me: Piggy!" *THUNK*
  18. No...No, you don't. The Conduit Started this last night - my local seller only just re-stocked. I'm enjoying it so far, but the health packs are strangely placed. 8/10
  19. Well, you're supposed to not sort of, um... grind yourself against another male in a hug. Women it's ok with, however. I regularly give croth-filled hugs to my female colleagues.
  20. Hugs to EEVIL! *more crotch than strictly necessary in a manly hug*
  21. Oh thy explained it alright, they simply said "if it's less we'll pay you (hahahaha like we'd do that!), if it's more you pay us". So that's fine. The issue is they want THIS MINUTE as we are preparing to do the interior design and the bigger issue is that it's ONE F*CKING METRE. One metre in the grand scheme of things makes absolutely no difference to the house, seriously. If it was five metres or ten, then that would be more like it - the resale value would be higher and we'd actually be getting some benefit. But a single metre has practically zero impact on the overall size of the house. We went there last year to look around and we looked at a place about 3 (advertised) metres smaller than our place and thought that we could be just as happy there - we saw a place maybe 50 cm bigger and said there was no point paying the extra as there's no appreciable difference to the eye or the mind.
  22. I don't want to get through it, I want it to be easy. Why can't it be easy for a change? Someone tell me why the cosmos has saved up all this shit and doled it out in regular portions to a decent person. And then people who would happily let others die to get a Lamborghini, get a Lamborghini and all the things they desire. They may be empty as people, they may only have a false sense of happiness. But it sure as hell looks like a real kind of happiness to me. Mr and Mrs Iun are already married, we've been married for 9 months on the 8th of March. We bought a house at the insistence of her parents -if you read the blog then you'll know Chinese girls positively REQUIRE a house in order to get married. And now we have the house, we can't live in it. Every month we can't live there I'm paying a mortgage of £800 and on top of that rent of about £200. Until we move house I can't save any more significantly - but we can't move house until we save more. Kobayashi Maru.
  23. Frankly, I can't see the point any more. It felt like such a good day today - you remember me and Mrs Iun bought an apartment after a lot of turmoil and issues. Well, we got the news today that we could pick up our keys next Friday as the building was now completed and safety tested. Great news! And seeing as we bought it as a shell, we were beginning to get up some steam in the planning process of doors, floors and furniture. However, we were also told that we needed to pay another 28000 RMB (about £2500) as our house is... get this... JUST OVER ONE METRE LARGER THAN THE ORIGINAL PLANS. And we should now pay for this extra useless metre. Not next year, and no, we can't add it to our mortgage. We have to pay it RIGHT NOW. BANG! Our savings are all gone. I've been working 10 hours most days, 12 hours some in order to get enough money together to decorate the place. I'm exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. I get one day off a week, and I have to use that day to plan what I will do for the next 6 days. In the last six months, I have barely seen my friends, socialised maybe once and eaten out twice. Both times on my own, and both times on a meal deal. I swear, I can't do this... I've just plain and simple had enough. There's no more help coming, and the best I can do is not good enough. And the worst part is that every day I am reminded of people who never work, never try and never deserve, but somehow get everything. I've never known my natural father, been mostly blind in my right eye since age 3, I had a brain tumour at 15, orphaned at 16 when my mother died, cancer before my 18th birthday, rejected by my adopted family, had my heart broken on numerous occasions, I was bullied to the point of suicide in my early years and I am always too important in my company to promote, I've had stomach ulcers, Flus, suspected colon cancer, blood poisoning, irregular heartbeat... I work hard, I love people, I try never to let a bad word cross my lips, I try to look for the positives wherever possible, I'm as generous as I can be while remaining prudent with money and I always help other people less fortunate and count my blessings that I am not in their position. I just can't see a way out of this. There's no point any more.
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