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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Most likely playing with myself. Which is amazing really, because that's what I'm doing now! How time flies!
  2. Australia: 4/10 Someone should tell Baz Luhrman that quirky cinematography does not equate to a good film, nor does having talented leads turn an average story into a good one. And also that 2.5 hour running times should be left to those who can maintain interest over that period.
  3. David Cameron will become the PM, with a majority of about 43 (outlandish, I know) This looks like a sad inevitability. Labour should never have had a second landslide: my belief is that they had some brilliant ideas, but the second unquestionable majority they were given also gave them the belief that they were invincible and above reproach. The elimination of newspapers due to other media will have become an inescapable certainty, not just a possibility. I think that that print is dying a death, but there will always be those who would rather read something physical that they can grasp rather than something digital. Internet an computer startup times are still not instantaneous, while running "Pickupnewspaperandsitinfavouritechair.exe can be don in the time it takes to switch on the PC. The PS3 will be the best console ever by the end of the year. Fo sho' You're a funny guy. The Democrats will lose the mid term elections and the House. Possibly. Whoever has control will have it by a very slim majority. Republicans will outdo themselves as they Palin becomes a clear front runner for presidency. It's unlikely as the Americans are not so stupid to only leave a gap of four years between each insane person they elect. The Daily Express will continue to report on Diana's death like it is still news. Pff. Like the Daily Express reporting on Diana's death is news, is news. Blu Ray will be mainstream. I hate that Sony has won this war, they don't deserve any of the success that they have. 5 million more 360s will break. This is why I don't believe in psychics and mediums. Everyone knows this. The afghanistan situation will not be resolved. Define "resolved"? Will there be a government for the ungovernable? Will Islamic militants stop suicide bombing their own people? Will the warlords stop corrupting youth in order to exploit them? Will women be free and equal to their male counterparts? Show me a primarily Islamic country where ALL of that is true, please. Then all of you stop whinging. Rez will not make or say anything funny. ReZ is funny. What's with all the ReZ bashing of late? Not every single word he types is comedy gold, but nor is anything anyone else does.
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give me the MASK agents best suited to this mission: Irving Ramar: Arsenal Supporter and Kung Fu Master Vehicle Code-Name: Number 9 Iun Hockley: Underpants-wearer and Professional Chocolate Assassin Vehicle Code-Name: The Magic Bus ReZ "ReZ" McRezourceman Oxygen Breather and Youtube Superstar Vehicle Code-Name: Crambert Dumpkins Derek "EEVILMURRAY" EEVILMURRAY Cocktail Waitress and Record Producer Crambert Dumpkins Co-pilot --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Wrath of Khan. You MUST watch it and acknowledge its greatness. If there was ever a better movie about life, death and our legacy, then fuck you, because there isn't.
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8433285.stm Now, this might seem a case of "he did wrong and got what he deserved" but for me as someone living in China, it's not so cut and dried. Let me give you some insights: 1. A few months ago, some people opened up a new fruit shop outside my apartment, it was doing absolutely roaring business and the people there once told me how happy they were it was successful, so much so that they wanted to open another shop. The next DAY they were gone. The shop was gutted, the stock was gone and the family was nowhere to be found. My wife called them to see where they had gone (we had their phone number for deliveries when we were feeling lazy). The number had been disconnected. They just disappeared into thin air overnight. 2. One time, a member of my staff got into a taxi with her boyfriend, wanting to go to a popular and well-reputed shopping mall for dinner. The taxi driver took a disliking to them and told them he wasn't working anymore. Which is illegal as his light was on and he stopped for them to ask where they wanted to go, drove a few hundred yards and told them to get out. Boyfriend got angry and refused to pay as the guy had not taken them to their stated destination. Taxi driver then locks the doors, driving them out to god knows where, gets out of the car with the two people in it and disappears. My staff member got into the front of the car, unlocked the doors and they both got out... to be confronted by a mob of about 50 locals shouting "Get out of China! Get out of China!" and slapping and punching the pair of them. The driver grabbed hold of the girl and wouldn't let go of her arm, knowing that the boyfriend wouldn't leave without her, they both end up bruised and covered in blood. The police arrive, the patrol car having to drive its way through the ever-growing mob inch by inch. As soon as the taxi driver sees this, he scratches his own face and clutches his neck. The police drag the two foreigners into the police car, which is subsequently attacked by the mob. They are successfully driven to the police station, where a local judge gives a summary decision: pay the "injured" taxi driver -who produced a witness out of the crowd who swore he saw the boyfriend beating the taxi driver inside the taxi, or be deported immediately and all their property seized. They paid the fine and left. 3. One or two weeks previously another staff member, who is very dark-skinned was accosted in an undergound station by a large group of people accusing her of being a muslim terrorist - on the basis that she looked a bit "Islamic". The Metro security guards joined in by hemming her into a small corner of the station and chanting racist abuse at her until she told them she was from South Africa. At which point the police turned up and arrested her for "disturbing the peace". 4. Several months ago, there was an article in the Shanghai Daily about a foreigner who had sex with a pair of prostitutes who then tied him up and robbed him. He was deported for having sex with prostitutes as it is "illegal". A week later to the day, there appeared an article about a chinese man who was murdered by the boyfriend of a prostitute when he refused to pay her. The dead man's wife was trying to claim on his life insurance and the company had refused to pay as it said it was in the commission of an illegal act he died. The judge checked the law, and he concluded that while prostitution was naughty, there was nothing saying it was illegal. The wife was awarded her compensation. Still believe this guy got a fair trial?
  7. Dude! This film is totally not scary! It plays more like a BBC Sunday tea-time thriller than a full-blown horror movie. I mean, Dr Who and Ronnie from Eastenders are in it for the love of bob! Alright, the fact that the Infected can run quick and are right behind you now, Eenuh, is reasonably unnerving, but it still looks low budget and the script is not so tight.
  8. Is it me, or do they not look "friendly" with each other just as their visors go down? Tony has a sort of pleading/concilliatory look on his face and Rhodey looks less than impressed.
  9. Get in line! I mean, if you mean you want to sing David Bowie's lines, that is, I just finished with his bits... give me a minute to uh, wipe down here, and uh... hang on, hang on... ok, done.
  10. I'm going to let you win. DKC3 id/was awesome and it was, believe it or not, the game that inspired me to read books like "Walden" and also investigate more my Native American heritage. Prime Sucks, Prime 2 Sucks and Corruption is totally better than both of them. Now I win. Yay!
  11. I absolutely INSIST that King_V do Heather Small in a Beehive wig. And also sing as Heather Small in a Beehive wig for the Perfect Day rendition.
  12. Iun

    Doctor Who

    Corrected that for you there. My opinion? Shouldn't have had that whole Chocolate Orange. My opinion on this episode? Good, but I can't see where they're going to go with it. Don't understand why they didn't use a different actor as The Master. I haven't seen the preceding four (?) specials so I am pretty much only current up to the end of the fourth series. Which was good The worst episode of Dr Who was the Christmas Special with Kylie. Now, while she's still hot to trot at 40+, the rest of the episode was terrible.
  13. Up 7/10 I feel it started off really well, but then descended into fairly standard formulaic cartoon fare, I cried a little at the beginning. I dare anyone not to. I dare you. District 9 4/10 What the Hell is all the damn fuss about? Am I the only one here not on the ball-licking train for this film? Honestly? Is it that Peter Jackson produced it? Is it that South Africa is more known for racism than Sci-Fi? Is it supposed to be some subtle but GLARINGLY OBVIOUS allegory for Apartheid? I wanted to like this film, I honestly did, but I had the plot figured in the first 10 minutes and as nothing came as a surprise after that, it wasn't worth it. Wolverine 5/10 I'm sorry, what? Jackman has always been perfect as a sensitive and slightly understated version of Wolverine, and sadly he's the only good thing about this film. The rest of the characters either don't get enough screen time or seem like pointless caricatures of the people they are supposed to be, just so one-dimensional in many ways. I also did not like the way they attempted to retcon everything and shoe-horn Wolverine's life into the existing universe. It would have been much better if the directors and screenwriters had just gone in a direction independent of Singer's vision. It was at least, entertaining, but the best thing about it was the inspired casting of Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. That's a film I am most definitely looking forward to.
  14. See my image in user image gallery!
  15. Agreed. Fine game. Same for Body Harvest - though GTA III was a sequel of sorts.
  16. Well, better wish you all an Early Merry Christmas - I'll be back in the UK tomorrow with Mrs Iun and we'll be internet-less until we get back to Shanghai. So, Mary Kiss My Ass, What A Dapper New Beard! Or: Merry Christmas To All, And To All A Good Night. I'm so watching Christmas Vacation when I get to my parent's house...
  17. Superlative, old chap Tip o' the cap and all that.
  18. That was the most unprofessional, crappy, badly recorded, poorly-thought out and tuneless piece of digital turd in history! If we EVER do that again... ...count me the fucking shitting bollocks in.
  19. C'mon guys! Someone send me the Mp3 before I leave for England in a few hours!
  20. YES! YES! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!! Edit: Now someone please help me clean up this mess I made, it got into the keyboard and hit my colleague square in the eye. To be fair, serves her right for watching. Though "standing, aghast" would probably be a more appropriate term than "watching".
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