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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. God, people. Let's just do this already. How hard could it be? *Famous last words* But first I think we should talk about doing it! Here are last year's categories, shamelessly stolen from Goafer: I already stealthily removed the Most Anticipated award because that's just silly, but any other awards that you just hate and would rather get rid of? Or maybe some new awards! Best Hair, maybe. Just to spite Mr Odwin. Or maybe a couple of Mafia awards, since people really seem to love mafia games for some reason. As for the gaming awards, obviously we'd need to update it to include any new consoles, but I was also thinking that people should be allowed to vote for any game that was released on the console during the year, rather than just exclusives. Exclusives are more fun in a way, but then Halo 4 would pretty much win by default while games like Virtue's Last Reward would only be eligible for Game of the Year. But suggestions are welcome, I guess. Lastly, I'd love some nominations for News Article/Site Article of the Year (do we need both?). Just to refresh everyone's memories! And maybe for Real Life Achievement too, as no one will remember that you had sex with that really hot girl last January.
  2. Do I hear the pitter patter of little feet in the near future?
  3. Did you make that typo on purpose? :p B+
  4. Good for you.
  5. I think the exploration and puzzles are fine until you need a thing sticker. Then not only do you need to exit the level and go all the way back, you also need to either go back to a previous level and get the thing you need again or pay a bunch of coins to buy it, then you need to make room in your limited inventory for a huge thing sticker - and then it might not even be the right thing sticker in the first place! Having to use a radiator to melt snow when you've got a bunch of other things that also generate heat (and even have to use one of them to melt some snow in a different part of the level!) really does remind me of old adventure games, except in those, Guybrush would just shrug and say that what you're trying to do doesn't work. You wouldn't be expected to go all the way back to the voodoo hut, pay the Voodoo Lady 200 doubloons to get an item, go back through the jungle and then lose the item forever if it's not what you need. It's Discworld, but I had to google part of your rant to find it. I've actually played the game, but I think I've blocked the more frustrating puzzles from my memory. :p
  6. I'm glad I decided to read Captain Falcon's post, as I got stuck on that puzzle last night and could have sworn the first thing I tried was a fire flower. I guess I must have used another battle sticker by mistake. And then I exited the level and got a radiator sticker and tried that but it didn't work, so now I guess I have to go back and get another radiator sticker so I can solve the other puzzle, even though the slot for the sticker makes it look like it requires something larger.
  7. The great thing about posting spam in this subforum is that it goes unnoticed by the moderators and doesn't get deleted. The bad thing is that only, like, five people will see it.
  8. I'm surprised you didn't just wait until Wednesday to download it from PlayStation Plus.
  9. I finished sixty video games. *Too cool for school*
  10. I really dislike this game's mix of mid-nineties 3D renders and 2D art. It's like, sometimes cutscenes (if you can call them that) look great with great-looking 2D art that really conveys motion and emotion, but most of the time you get these creepy Myst-looking 3D characters who awkwardly stand around like mannequins. I mean, I loved the game, but some of the more exciting moments were good despite the art, not because of it.
  11. Way to sound like a rapist, Serebii.
  12. I came across one in a porno the other week. It was really weird masturbating to someone who dressed like a three-year-old. This must be how ReZ feels.
  13. It's a Christmas thing.
  14. The Walking Dead was one of my favorite games this year, so I'd definitely recommend it.
  15. Looks like Mokong's made a new fan!
  16. No, it was trash.
  17. Remember when Mokong was going to be the first person in the world to finish Survival Mode? :p
  18. Any way you want. That said, I wouldn't recommend going for the 'no powers' achievement on a first playthrough, as a lot of the fun comes from using the different powers.
  19. Because multiplayer helps sell games, and as long as you're playing the multiplayer, you're not going to trade the game in. That said, I really couldn't care less about multiplayer and think all games should just leave it out. :p
  20. I don't know much about the comic book, but the TV show was renewed for a season 4 (shocking!), and they're going to start looking for a new showrunner again.
  21. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
  22. Breaks in the middle of movies sounds awful. Just as things are getting exciting... "The movie will resume in ten minutes." What if you don't need to use the restroom? Then you just have to sit there and wait. If you can't hold it for 2-3 hours, that's why they make adult diapers. :p
  23. Raining's ideal relationship: Fifty Shades of Grey?
  24. At his point, I'm just hoping this'll be better than Super Paper Mario.
  25. Well... maybe the guys were hot. ________________________________ Nice guys expecting girls to fall in love with them just because they're nice is like LGBT allies expecting praise because they treat people with different sexual orientations with the same respect afforded to heterosexuals. You don't deserve a prize for being a decent human being! Also, it's really creepy to act like you're only being nice to get laid.
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