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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. That post doesn't even show up, Ashley. Now you just look crazy. And to be fair, "this week's plans" can still be stuff like, "7:00 PM - watch Adventure Time, 7:30 PM - watch When Harry Met Sally and cry into a tub of ice cream." :p Some people take slacking off very seriously!
  2. For a game set in the seventies, there aren't nearly enough mustaches in this. I feel like porn has lied to me.
  3. Thanks for setting up the subforum. Now you can go back to your Cougar Town marathon, or whatever else it is you count as being productive.
  4. Happy birthday, Jameseven!
  5. I've been playing the first game these last few days after giving up at the end of chapter 4 nearly four years ago, and I just have to comment on how Kyle Hyde is the nosiest person ever. :p There's this main mystery involving Hyde's old lover ~Bradley~ and I'm sure that at some point all of these separate mysteries will tie into that somehow, but Hyde doesn't know that yet! So when he finds out that a fragile old lady shared a glass of wine with someone in the same hotel ten years ago and he won't leave her alone until she tells him who she had a drink with, I sort of feel sorry for her. It's like, that's none of your business, Hyde!
  6. If @Ashley is around and can set up the subforum, I'll create the threads today. But it's the weekend, so it's possible he's busy watching rom-coms and crying into a tub of ice cream.
  7. The HD version of Underworld is the original version, so it hasn't been remastered at all. :p
  8. Too bad the question wasn't "what do you do when you're on the internet?"
  9. Or sleeping at work. Multitasking!
  10. Nobody wants to be that Guy. He thinks onesies are cool.
  11. I was thinking of doing separate voting threads, but now Bob has made me doubt myself. Though I think Ashley made an excellent point when he said that separate threads would be easier for me, which I think is what matters most. :p
  12. Initially I was impressed with how the girlfriends actually had a personality in this game, but then they all got swallowed up by the earth and I never saw them again after our first date, so that was pretty lame. Though I still prefer them over the needy girlfriends in Grand Theft Auto 4 who have all the personality of a baked potato and won't stop calling you.
  13. Not much of a spoiler if you don't even know if he's going to die or not. Connor being the main character has been known pretty much since they announced the game.
  14. If you mean level 4-5, the sticker is in level 4-3.
  15. Here are some pruning suggestions from me: Respected Member of the Year - Not sure we need this? Forum Pair of the Year - Unless there are some exciting new pairs to vote for? Best Multiplayer Buddy - Okay, this could just be because I never play multiplayer games. Spammer of the Year - I think the guy who only came here to advertise his Pokémon rip-off won this last year? Contribution Award - This is just really vague. Forum Moment - Also known as the N-E Meet Award. 2012 Game of the Year: Uncharted: Fight for Fortune.
  16. You will vote in every category and you will like it. Pruning suggestions are welcome, though. I figure we'll get the voting threads up at some point this weekend and maybe leave the voting open until the end of next week? Unless that's too short. Or too long.
  17. I added some Xpert11/mafia awards. Though since I don't play either, feel free to suggest improvements! Also, I'd love to hear people's thoughts on how to handle the dilemma of exclusive vs. multi-platform games. :p
  18. I think everyone missed Haytham when they had to start using Connor.
  19. True, The Thousand-Year Door had some great levels that actually felt like they were part of the Mario universe, unlike the levels in Super Paper Mario. We need more train levels in video games! I liked how The Thousand-Year Door introduced some new areas. Paper Mario 64 was filled with the classic Mario places, but that was kind of the point: seeing a classic Mario game through an RPG lens. They had the good sense not to just do that again ten years ago, but not now for some reason. Going through the standard grasslands/desert/swamp/snowy mountains/jungle/volcano feels pretty uninspired, but if they'd at least filled those places with interesting characters, it would have been more bearable.
  20. I'd be up for getting rid of the Best Playground Game/Player awards and having separate Xpert11 and mafia awards. Xpert11 would just win Best Playground Game anyway. :p
  21. I felt like such a rebel beating the final boss on my first try without using any thing stickers. Thing stickers were the bane of my existence. I'm not sure how to feel about this game. On the one hand, parts of it were a lot of fun. On the other hand, parts of it were fundamentally broken or just plain annoying. I really wish this game had had more of a story, though. Near the end of the game, when Kersti said, "who do we know that can fly?" I tried to think back on the characters I'd met during the game, and the only ones I could think of were generic Toads and Wiggler. Such a great character gallery! Bowser's always been one of the best characters in the Paper Mario series and he gets zero lines in this game, while Luigi is reduced to pointless cameo appearances. And Peach is back to being nothing more than a MacGuffin again.
  22. He doesn't know that! Oh, that makes sense.
  23. Are you suggesting those categories plus the ones we have now, or replacing the ones we have now? No, you're going senile.
  24. It's better in the sense that we wouldn't get people spreading their Assassin's Creed III votes out over three systems, but it would mean the only chance any multi-platform game would have of winning would be in the Game of the Year category. Mostly I just want to vote for Virtue's Last Reward for 3DS Game of the Year.
  25. Maybe it's a new Fable!
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