The woman who writes about video games in my local newspaper doesn't know it, but she's quickly becoming my nemesis. Even more so than the guy who does the page with the comic strips - today, one of the strips had very clearly been cropped from a photo someone had taken of that same comic strip from a magazine/newspaper.
This week, she made a list of the ten biggest releases in the first half of the year, and already I was annoyed because she used a picture of Tomb Raider: Legend for Tomb Raider. Then she used the list as a springboard for this week's column. She talked a little about how reboots aren't necessarily a bad thing, and how it's about time that Tomb Raider was finally rebooted, apparently unaware of Legend, despite the picture of it right next to the column.
But the best part was when she noted how two of the games on the list were prequels, and hey, wouldn't it be neat to get more prequels? It's always interesting to see what happened before the original game! Personally, she'd love prequels to Uncharted and Dead Space.
But yeah, gaming journalism/local newspapers.