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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Oh, so that's why they were so vague about his backstory in Assassin's Creed III.
  2. I feel like I'd better recommend Binary Domain. It lacks the polish of AAA games, but makes up for it with charming characters and a surprisingly decent (if cheesy) story. The gunplay isn't as fast as in Vanquish but it's still satisfying, and the game has some great bosses. I'm also currently playing Vanquish and enjoying it. Never played Syndicate.
  3. The woman who writes about video games in my local newspaper doesn't know it, but she's quickly becoming my nemesis. Even more so than the guy who does the page with the comic strips - today, one of the strips had very clearly been cropped from a photo someone had taken of that same comic strip from a magazine/newspaper. This week, she made a list of the ten biggest releases in the first half of the year, and already I was annoyed because she used a picture of Tomb Raider: Legend for Tomb Raider. Then she used the list as a springboard for this week's column. She talked a little about how reboots aren't necessarily a bad thing, and how it's about time that Tomb Raider was finally rebooted, apparently unaware of Legend, despite the picture of it right next to the column. But the best part was when she noted how two of the games on the list were prequels, and hey, wouldn't it be neat to get more prequels? It's always interesting to see what happened before the original game! Personally, she'd love prequels to Uncharted and Dead Space. But yeah, gaming journalism/local newspapers.
  4. That's okay, you didn't vote for me anyway.
  5. EXCITING CHANGES. HEY AREN'T THESE CHANGES EXCITING. THEY'RE SO EXCITING WE HAVE TO CHARGE YOU MORE TO CONTAIN ALL THE EXCITEMENT. My parents play the Lottery with my grandmother and only occasionally win small amounts of money. Every time I ask them why they keep playing if they never win anything substantial, they'll tell the story of when my grandmother won £500 fifteen years ago.
  6. The great thing about geeky t-shirts is that they allow you to categorize geeks at a glance. Like, if they're wearing a Zelda t-shirt, maybe they're worth talking to. If they're wearing a Big Bang Theory, you know not to pull them out of a burning building. If they're wearing an über weeaboo shirt, they're probably into some really freaky stuff, so you should totally flirt with them.
  7. The images have been resized and all is right with the world again.
  8. They should have just ended it this season like the creators obviously intended. Welp, may as well aim for ten seasons at this point.
  9. *Drumroll*
  10. That's almost a whole Ine. Congratulations!
  11. I'd pay to watch Grazza play Demon's Souls.
  12. Happy birthday, Bobert. Man, you're younger than me and better-looking.
  13. Released on every system ever. Well, almost. The Vita must be feeling pretty left out right now. I will give this a wide berth, but I'll be interested in seeing how well this does compared to Skylanders. I'm kind of hoping Activision and Disney will flood the market and kill off this type of game. :p
  14. I can't stop laughing.
  15. Man, imagine a staff trained by Serebii. "Hahaha, I thought you said 'an Xbox 360, please' there for a second. But seriously, how many Wii Us do you want?"
  16. I think the most interesting thing about that picture is how the two hottest girls have different-sized inboxes.
  17. This is how you embed YouTube videos, Bob. STOP TRYING TO PLAY GOD.
  18. You're super cool, Peeps. I mean, the t-shirt is super tacky, but you're super cool. :p
  19. If you loved this game so much solely for being on a handheld, I'm surprised you haven't bought a 3DS to play Revelations.
  20. Nah, Daft hates the entire series. He's hated Resident Evil since before it was cool.
  21. That's not what I said. :p
  22. Nah, it's "men" discussing men's "issues".
  23. #burn Am I doing it right?
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