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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Dazz, all you have to do to get a custom title is sleep with Ashley to become a moderator. Just take it like a man.
  2. Well, I know people mostly use it to cruise for sex, so I'm not sure why you've signed up.
  3. Sweaty men wrestling each other? I thought you'd be all about that.
  4. Or some of the best lighting in history? It has to light up the tuft of hair - and only the tuft of hair - in such a way that it looks to be the same color has his face and ears. That's pretty impressive!
  5. I think the post-game content gets way too much credit for something that's essentially just the prankster comets from the Super Mario Galaxy games. But yeah, it's all just remixed levels, though far from all of them use Shadow Mario. Getting the Star Coins and golden flags is needed to get five stars on your profile, which in turn will unlock a final bonus level. So if you're interested in playing that, go for it. Otherwise there's no point.
  6. I've already played both that and Golden Abyss. :p Unless that was a general suggestion to anyone who might read your post, in which case, yeah, you should all totally play it.
  7. Yes, thank you ABC for buying Scrubs and giving it one last season.
  8. Yes, that was indeed the joke he was making.
  9. Magnus


    I'm not sure, but I think there are only two cutscenes. "I'm ashamed of what you've become" could just as well mean "I can't believe you chose to let six doctors die", even if it makes more sense to read more into it if you've been evil the whole time. Trish loves her high horse.
  10. This is the first music game I've bought since Ouendan 2, so it has a lot to live up to!
  11. Magnus


  12. I never minded Ari. He was flawed, but he always tried to do the right thing in the end. Now Mrs Ari, on the other hand...
  13. I don't waste my tears on anything shorter than ten minutes.
  14. Wasn't that just the same ending, but without the final scene? Or at least that's what it seemed like.
  15. What helped for me was not touching the analog stick while grinding until after I'd already jumped, or he'd just shoot off in whichever direction he felt like. Of course, what would have helped the most would have been if there hadn't been a trophy for finishing the tutorial. :p Edit: Also, I can't seem to beat the second level. The first time, the game froze, the second time I ran out of time, and when I finally finished the level on my third attempt, the game got stuck on a black screen playing music forever, so now I have to do the whole thing over again. I'm not enjoying this at all so far! Edit again: Fourth attempt, and now the game keeps pausing over and over again. I should have played Mutant Blobs Attack! Edit: Okay, I finally beat the second level. The game is going to last forever at this pace, but at least I can stop whining for now.
  16. I had to watch a YouTube video and even then it took me an hour and a half. ~TUTORIAL~ And I had no idea what I was doing in the main game and then the game crashed a second time so I gave up for now.
  17. Well, that was a finale, I guess.
  18. Anything with yearly releases needs to go away and not come back for a couple of years. I was going to say I have less of an issue with Nintendo's refusal to mix things up, but then I still haven't gotten around to buying Mario Kart 7 or New Super Mario Bros. 2, so maybe I am a bit tired of that too. I felt the same after playing Scribblenauts Unlimited. Like, it was clearly the best game in the series, but it just wasn't very interesting anymore.
  19. My parents are convinced that one of our neighbors has a secret drug den in their house because their blinds are always drawn. It may just be racial profiling because the woman is black, though (no idea about her husband/boyfriend). I guess it is a bit weird, but I think they should be allowed to sell as many drugs as they want as long as they continue to keep to themselves. When was the last time you saw her? *Worried*
  20. Based on people describing themselves on dating sites, I'd say that chubby means fat now.
  21. I just beat the Jet Set Radio tutorial. Gaming achievement of the year, right there.
  22. I think Charlie loves Entourage because he wishes he had that life. Kind of like you and Cougar Town.
  23. You've about reached the point where the show begins its very steep decline in quality. The final season of Entourage would easily make my list of The Ten Worst Final Season of All Time. The final episode, man... well, you'll see when you get there. But yeah, the early seasons were pretty enjoyable!
  24. OhmyGodyouneedtostopreading/r/MensRights. But also, this isn't the thread for this, so let's just leave it. :p
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