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Everything posted by bob

  1. Even with those side-by-side and slowed down, I genuinely can't tell the difference. What is that, 60fps vs 30fps?
  2. Might get Pokémon SwSh, Animal Crossing, Lego Star Wars. Will wait and see about Metroid, but if they ever released the Trilogy on Switch, I would probs buy that.
  3. How the hell can people tell what FPS something is running at? Are you guessing, or is it from experience or what? I mean, I can tell the difference if shown two rates in a split screen, but to be able to tell us something is 30 or 40 or 50? I don't get it.
  4. I'm sure it'll work the same way as trading in Pokémon Let's Go, which was seamless and not at all a piece of solid crap.
  5. Why does it have the exact same face as Nuts 'N' Bolts Banjo?!
  6. Who fucked up the design of Pac-Man? He's literally a circle with a mouth?
  7. Not yet, but after Brexit, it'll only be a matter of time.
  8. I played it having zero knowledge of anything Witcher related, and was fine. You can kind of tell when they reference something from a previous game, but it is usually about something unimportant or unrelated to the main plot. It looks like they downgraded the graphics massively to cram this onto the Switch (that crow in the trailer looked like something from the PS2 era) but I think this game is worth playing just for the plot, even if the graphics are lame.
  9. Just wait! They'll shadow-drop my boi Waluigi and then I'll have the last laugh. I still have no idea how these points are awarded, but I'm fairly confident I'll be in the lead.
  10. Damnit, I hate it when developers announce games so far away from their release date.
  11. Well it isn't going to be released for another 11 months, why would they start polishing it now?
  12. The characters look weird since they aren't using the usual faces or voices, but I thought the same with Spider-Man PS4 and that turned out ok. The gameplay looks a little.....confined? I realise it probably won't be open world, but to have flying characters and cage them into small areas, will make it feel very claustrophobic imo.
  13. That's the laziest comic I've ever seen. Why even bother drawing the figure at all, just write the passive aggressive paragraph, and then leave.
  14. Those Twitter replies acting like the leaker is some sort of heroic whistleblower or some shit. They're just announcing stuff slightly earlier than the company would anyway!
  15. Spider-Man 2 Smash Bros Melee SSX Tricky Super Monkey Ball Timesplitters 2 I would've gone for Wario Ware, but didn't realise it was a remake/port.
  16. Good. I like the show, but I'm glad they're going to finish on a high, while it's still good. Too many shows keep going on while getting worse and worse. Seems like a show that will have a easily definable ending too.
  17. We've got a leak somewhere in our TV antennae cable that's letting rain water into our TV cupboard. Unfortunately, I think it means we'll have to replace the whole thing all the way to the roof, since we have no way of knowing where the water is getting in.
  18. bob

    Borderlands 3

    Apparently they are releasing a brand new DLC for Borderlands 2, for free! It bridges the gap between 2 and 3 and will be called Commander Lilith & the fight for Sanctuary.
  19. Is Dynamaxing anything like that bit in the Detective Pikachu film where they supersized the terrapin Pokémon?
  20. Bought and played through Vader Immortal last night. It's pretty good, but perhaps a tad overpriced considering how long it is. Haven't had a chance to play the dojo yet, so maybe that'll add some value to it. The rest of the game really shows off the benefits of VR though. The moment when you first meet Vader is pretty intimidating - far more than in any film or other game. The lightsabre bits are really cool too, the rumble feedback from the touch controllers really makes it feel like you're swinging a laser sword! Hopefully I'll get a chance to try Superhot tonight, can't wait! It's crazy, I think I've already bought more games for the Quest in one week than I have for my Switch in 1 year. I just want to try everything!
  21. Mike Ashley buying up the high street like he's playing real life Monopoly.
  22. New Watch Dogs looks interesting. I really enjoyed the 2nd one, and the fact that it's set in London seems fun.
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