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Everything posted by bob

  1. I think I finally made the decision to buy an Oculus Quest, and it's sold out everywhere already! I know I only need to wait, but I bought it in my head already damn it!
  2. It works so well though! Leaves the tension right till the end
  3. Russia or Norway stand out for me.
  4. Bald Norwegian was like Vic Reeves singing pub songs from Shooting Stars.
  5. That was so weird. Looked like a kareoke that got out of hand.
  6. Loving Russia so far. Good song, good performance. Not sure about budget Freddie Mercury on stage right now...
  7. bob


    Portuguese start off fairly simple but then ramps up the difficulty like a bitch. Thought I was coasting until all the 'there, that, this' turned up and realised I can't be arsed. I wish you could just choose to learn some vocab for a bit.
  8. This thread is a real minefield using Tapatalk when none of the spoiler tags work, and none of the TV show names appear.
  9. Wow, the GBC didn't have a very wide range of games did it?
  10. Agreed. And for this reason, I won't be performing this year.
  11. In general? Or because of this year's host?
  12. Interesting. Will this film even be in a DCEU, or are they dumping that?
  13. @EEVILMURRAY Can I recommend Fish Files? I'm worried it might not get enough nominations to get into the final vote, which would be worrying considering what a classic it is.
  14. 1000 hours and counting on my non-existant 3DS.
  15. Finished MHA season 2. It's definitely getting better, but it still feels like the dialogue was written by two ten year olds. "Aha! My power means that I can shoot bees out of my mouth, but only when I have my eyes closed!" "Actually, I was only using 50% of my power, now I will attack you at full speed!" "I distracted you with this piece of cloth, and while you were distracted, I managed to get away!" Also, why do they keep changing the intro and outro music?
  16. Pretty sure it's from the 3DS eShop menu.
  17. I can't even remember if I bothered having a team this year.
  18. I thought it was a fucking fantastic episode though.
  19. Spoiler I can't be arsed trying it with Tapatalk though. It never works half the time.
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