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Everything posted by bob

  1. I genuinely can't tell if My Hero Academia is taking the piss or not. Sometimes it seems deathly serious, and sometimes they introduce characters like Best Jeanist, and have lengthy discussions about their blood type in the middle of fights. Still quite enjoying it though.
  2. Wow. That was incredible. I would write about all my favourite bits of that film, but I don't trust Tapatalk to do spoilers correctly. One of my favourite films of all time though (maybe not as a stand-alone, but considering the buildup, it defo is). That scene near the end made me feel like a 10 year old child again. Edit: the Russo Brothers managed to slip in Community actor number 3 near the beginning too!
  3. Here we go: Goldeneye Banjo Kazooie Super Smash Bros Micro Machines Tetrisphere
  4. bob


    Watching Sabrina S2. It's pretty meh, but the opening credits music is worth it.
  5. Question: why is Final Fantasy 3 also Final Fantasy 6?
  6. You gunna take that [mention=182]RedShell[/mention]? He's calling you a friendless loser!
  7. Ha, I had that cardboard GC with a slot in the top to use as a piggy bank while saving up. Must have been given away with NGC magazine I guess?
  8. Isn't that a description of every demo?
  9. The place I got married in is currently under investigation for holding swinger's parties inside a sex dungeon... ... probably safe to say we won't be going back for our anniversary.
  10. That Chelsea result lost me £10. Damn Burnley, why couldn't they just roll over and die.
  11. The way everyone treats Bran is a bit odd to be honest. They just kind of ignore him, and pretend he isn't there. Tyrion is the only one who is like "hang on, you are some magical all-seeing eye and you know everything that has ever happened, imma have a chat!"
  12. That feature is locked behind a "buy more software" paywall.
  13. Hmmm, I have version 8.0.0 installed, but have no grid on the right. On the main page? Edit: Oh, apparently you have to have more than 13 icons to get that option.
  14. How do you show the most played games?
  15. Doesn't look like anyone in the race for top 4 wants to win. Edit: Oh, arsenal have just pulled one back though.
  16. Pretty good results for English teams! 4 English teams 2 Spanish teams 1 German team 1 Dutch team In the semifinals across both competitions.
  17. Even I didn't give it max points, that's what I'm so confused about!
  18. I pressed the "Quote" button. Everything that happened after that is not my fault.
  19. He did it in the pilot as well. Clearly just has art in his soul.
  20. Sounds like a 3D mouse add-on would be useful. Or just support for existing ones?
  21. I really hope you don't have any kids.
  22. Watched Shazam on Saturday. I really enjoyed it, even if my wife was a bit lukewarm about it. It was really pleasing that the majority of it hadn't been included in the trailers at all, so most of it was a surprise (admittedly i knew nothing about the superhero, or the premise beforehand other than Chuck was in it, and therefore it would be great). It was a bit slow to get going, but didn't feel too long, and the last 20 mins were great. It was one of those films where the sequel looks like it might be better than the first one though.
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