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Everything posted by bob

  1. Because this forum is so Nintendo and Sony centric, I often forget that Microsoft haven't dropped out of the console business completely. It's always a little surprise when they announce a new game or something, and I go "oh yeah, they're still going".
  2. So, with Amazon refusing to give a solid date for delivery, I decided to cancel and get one direct from Oculus. I ordered that one, and then found out that Amazon wouldn't let me cancel the first one. Then an hour later I got an email from Amazon saying the first one has been dispatched, arriving tomorrow. Tried to cancel the second one, and it wouldn't let me do that either. So it looks like I'm going to get two...
  3. Does this look good? Or is it just weird?
  4. @Hero-of-Time right now
  5. Urgh. So Amazon fucking lied. Got an email the day my Quest was supposed to be delivered saying that they actually don't have any in stock and that they don't know when it'll be delivered. Sad trombone. I would cancel and try and get it elsewhere, but no-one has it in stock either.
  6. I can't believe that nobody has mentioned the Dallas, the show that ended in 1991.
  7. If Hunt, Gove or Raab get it, I might genuinely cry. When was the last time we had any actual competent politicians in this country?
  8. I won't be voting as I've only played one of those games.
  9. I'll definitely be posting my findings here, don't worry.
  10. Whoooooops, just bought it.
  11. Jaden Smith is his son, and apparently he's a rapper now, rather than an actor.
  12. And you still haven't. Not all black people are related @Sméagol!
  13. I hope it's more like S1 than S2. 2 was all over the place.
  14. I'd like to change my answer. Starting with my N64 games.
  15. What would you wear if you were in Hawaii? Shorts seem reasonable for a tropical climate.
  16. I have never sold any of the games that I've played. I keep them in boxes in the attic, even though I know I'll never play any of them again (don't tell my wife). Even if I did get them down and start them up, I know I'd be disappointed because they all look like arse now.
  17. bob


    I'm still doing it, but with my Portuguese holiday coming up in a couple of months, I'm basically just trying to learn as much useful vocab as possible, rather than learning strange verb tenses that I'm never going to need.
  18. Yeah the Vice and Rift S are way out of my budget, so I'll have to make do with the Quest. Most of the reviews I've read make it seem very impressive for the price though.
  19. I think they connect to the Oculus store, but you might be able to sideload other apps and games onto them via USB.
  20. What are the alternatives? The Oculus Go is a bit bare bones. PSVR looks good but the tracking is a bit simplistic.
  21. bob


    Brazilian is the only option on DuoLingo unfortunately.
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