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Everything posted by bob

  1. I wonder if they'll release a version without any of the bullshit. I don't want a fucking lithograph or a (photocopied) letter from Kevin Feige.
  2. My new phone arrived! I'll take a screenshot to show you all. Sent from my motorola one action using Tapatalk
  3. Probably the Oculus First Steps tech demo that you play when you first fire up the Quest. It's just you interacting with a little robot, together with a few toys and objects to play with, but the moment I picked up the table tennis bat and started bouncing a virtual ball off it, I knew that VR was something special.
  4. Just a heads up man, it's 'fussed' not 'fuzzed' (you did the same thing in the VR thread too)
  5. Nooooo, not Shawn!
  6. Motorola One Action Looks to be pretty good value for £220 (and I got it for £200 with a code)
  7. Bought myself a new phone. My old one was getting a bit slow and kept spazzing out (think there's something wrong with the screen getting false inputs). Should arrive in two days!
  8. Indeed, although the quest has at least 3 outwards facing cameras, so I assume it is triangulating these to work out where the fingers are in 3D space. I can't wait to try it out!
  9. What drawbacks are there for you? Other than the cost you didn't really specify. I don't think VR will ever replace traditional gaming, but I think it does add something completely different to games that you get on the Switch or traditional PS4 - the sense of presence, the interactivity, as well as the fun of being able to reach out and grab items and chuck them about. For example, the game I've been playing recently "I expect you to die" is basically an old fashioned point and click game where you have to use various items with each other to solve puzzles. As a point and click, it would be fairly boring, but the ability to reach out and grab the items and play around them makes the whole game far more exciting and fun.
  10. Oculus have just announced hand tracking! https://mobile.twitter.com/i/status/1176906799166959618 And the ability to hardwire your Quest to your PC and play any PCVR game!
  11. What if you buy that bundle and the game is wank? Then you'll have to sit and look at a PS4 that reminds you of a wank game every time you look at it.
  12. Come again?
  13. But what is he Peking at?
  14. Prorogation deemed unlawful! Parliament technically still in session! BoJo still won't resign!
  15. Downton Abbey - yep, pretty good. 8/10
  16. bob


    Hit my 200 day streak today on Duolingo. Check out deez stats. Anyone else do better?
  17. I don't think you need the console. It is just there if someone wants a box to go under their TV, and will provide the best, wired, experience of Google Stadia, with lowest lag etc. I don't know for sure though.
  18. bob

    Indie Games

    I want to play Soul Knight, but I haven't played Shovel Knight or Hollow Knight first. Will that matter? Will I be lost?
  19. If it helps, the clown will probably eat you whether you sleep or not, so you might as well go to sleep.
  20. Watching Attack on Titan S2 on Crunchyroll. Fuck me, do all the characters look the same. Doesn't help that they all wear the same outfit, but they keep jumping around with the timeline and I have no idea who anybody is. Still pretty good though.
  21. That's what I used to be like, but reading Project Yellowhammer has made me realise how awful it will likely be, and how some people may actually die because of it (medicine shortages, energy bills increasing etc).
  22. Did you just write an aggregate review of an aggregate review website?
  23. Congratulations! On the engagement, not the purchase of two books.
  24. Probably none out of that list, although I might get Astral Chain when it's not so expensive (i.e next year).
  25. Mine was this tiny Clefable glitch
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