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Everything posted by bob

  1. My fav Pokémon apparently made it in, so I'm happy.
  2. Christ Gamefreak, what is that fire starter? You just aren't trying any more are you?
  3. Best part of Attack of the Clones:
  4. All they had to do was not name the mission after a real life incident (Highway of Death) and it would have been fine. You can get away with a lot without it being 'rewriting history'. For example if you made a game where it turns out Hitler was just a puppet and there is a different bad guy behind WW2, that would obviously be a made up story that everyone can see isn't true. However, changing the locations/participants etc of famous WW2 battles for no reason other than to paint someone else as the bad guy; the only reason to do so seems politically motivated. I know that 'SJW' are quick to jump on any old controversy, but in this case they do seem to have a point.
  5. I guess the controversy stems from the fact that they took a real-life incident where the US supposedly bombed civilians, and blame it on the Russians. If the game is fiction, then why use real life incidents at all? If you are going to put real life incidents in, why change them? The whole thing just seems very bizarre.
  6. As much as i want to just cancel Brexit, i don't think it's the correct way to go. Also i don't want to vote for LD. I'm happy to vote for Labour, who will hopefully go for a confirmation ref (although I'd prefer to have one of those before we have a GE). If the country still votes for Brexit (i.e. Boris' deal) after all this shit, then i think that's what we should have. Having said that, who knows what propaganda fuckery they'll pull in the lead up to either a GE or Vote ².
  7. Well I can do a pretty good Tommy Cooper but i don't think it works well when you type it out...
  8. That's all very well, but did I just see you and@Eenuh in London walking near White City tube station?
  9. This website seems useful: https://microtransaction.zone/
  10. My interest has piqued ever so slightly.
  11. I was surprised to read that this is the 16th (sixteenth!) Call of Duty game! I knew they went a few years when they released one every year, but that is insane.
  12. Consoles will all be sold at a loss now, as manufacturers will want people to buy them and then sign up for the online subscription anyway. The offline experience will become so borked that you are basically forced to sign up, and that where they'll make their money. (You can include PSNow and Gamepass to this).
  13. Perhaps this will result in them focusing more resources into fewer GaS games and thus giving us better versions? Nah.
  14. It was okay, with one super cringey bit that ruined it for me. Nothing on TFA though, for sure.
  15. Tried playing Deism this weekend. As far as i know, it's only a demo/work in progress, so i had to sideload it, but it looked interesting, so i thought i would give it a try. Its a god simulator similar to AoE and Civ, but pretty bare bones compared to both. You create various biomes and add animals, minerals, trees etc, and people come and settle in your land. You then provide for them, and try and get them to evolve and grow to create bigger and better towns. You can intervene with rain, healing and other 'good' miracles, or chuck fire, lightning etc about like a dick. It was pretty fun. I was playing in sandbox mode, so i had all the miracles available at the start, and unlimited mana to use them, but i think to play it normally you need to gain believers slowly and get enough mana to use miracles, and earn new miracles by upgrading towns. The gameplay was pretty simple, but it being in vr and being able to zoom right down and watch the villagers skipping about was cool. Really made me want to play Age of Empires 2 ultimately - i wish it was available in VR!
  16. Congratulations@Serebii! I would make a joke about your outdated website design, but I've never visited it.
  17. I didn't have any consoles growing up really as they weren't really a thing. However, when i moved to this country, it was around the time of the N64, which i played at a friend's house and was transfixed. I knew i had to have one! So i saved up my pocket money and bought one with Super Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie. I don't ever really remember being jealous of anything the ps1 had to offer, especially since I only read Nintendo magazines and so didn't really know of any ps exclusive games. It wasn't until the internet that i started to take notice of games on other systems. By that point I'd had both the GameCube and Wii, and eventually i bought an Xbox 360 to play multiformat games as well as halo and gears of war. None of the ps exclusives around that time really interested me though, so i was happy with my Wii plus 360. When the Next Gen rolled around, i weighed up getting either the PS4 or the XBone, and went with the ps4 i think just because so many others on here had it. Again, none of the exclusives on the XBone really turned my head, while I'm pretty happy with all the games i have on ps4 that i couldn't get anywhere else.
  18. The lengths i had to go to in order to buy a Diglett plush in Tokyo... We must have gone to 15 shops! Finally found my boy at the bottom of a bargain bin.
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