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Everything posted by bob

  1. Look, its obvious he doesn't want to be friends with you. Just let it go. It's getting really awkward for the rest of us.
  2. Yeah it really wasn't my intention to get this far, but there isn't really any indication of what point you are supposed to start the divine beasts...
  3. I had the day off work on Wednesday to wait for the washing machine repair man, and so got a good few hours of play on this. I was wandering around the Lanayru section of the map when I ran into some Zora chap who told me to go up to the Zora domain to help him. From then on, the next section felt much more Zelda-y. A pretty linear charge up a mountain, followed by some terrible cut-scenes and further exposition of the plot. I was then told to go and kill some Lion-centaur to get enough shock arrows to help stop the giant mecha-elephant from making it rain. However, when i found the Lion-centaur, I found that I was woefully under prepared in fighting him (i've still only got 5 hearts, and a single mean look from Lion-o seemed to take off more than that). So I just snuck around the outside of his plateau and gathered up the required arrows without bothering him (he seemed like a busy Lion-centaur), and went to meet the fish prince. Together, fish prince and I defeated the mecha elephant, and I'm now wandering around inside it. Overall, I'm really enjoying the exploration and puzzle solving elements of the game, but not really enjoying the combat... Which is why i really liked that you could bypass fighting the lion man and still continue with the game. My least favourite parts of previous Zelda games is when they used to lock you in a room with an enemy and your weren't allowed out until you'd defeated them.
  4. That might be intentional? They might have decided to have all of the fighters pass characters come from 3rd parties, which would suggest that this last one will too.
  5. Ah, but I'd have a 100% success rate in predicting characters, which is the highest you can be.
  6. There's also a real chance it'll be Waluigi and I'll surge into the lead (I still don't understand how the scoring works)
  7. Klonoa sounds like a STD, so they obviously can't go for that one. They'll clearly have to stop disrespecting my boy Waluigi instead.
  8. I was told i was a Psyduck, and who am i to argue with that. Partnered with a Pikachu to form Team Yellowhammer.
  9. Wow, I've never seen one of those before. Do you sit down and pedal or balance on top?
  10. That's what I'm going to start calling my bike.
  11. So I think i'm up to 12 or 13 shrines now; three towers and around four or five of those korok turds. The last shrine I did was pretty hard. Rather than being a puzzle, I had to fight a robot spider with a sword and shield. I do not like the combat in this game. It is complicated, and fiddly, and I am shit at it. Luckily, I had some haute cuisine packed away that gave me a shit-ton of yellow hearts, so I had enough life to fail my way into beating the spider-knight. It did end up destroying most of my shields, and all of my swords. By the end, I was wafting it with a leaf and chucking bombs. Not sure where the best place to get new swords is? They don't seem to appear with the same frequency that i break them. Most of the time I seem to be using skeleton arms since they are the only thing that ever drops from enemies.
  12. Might try this demo out later if i have time. Always wondered what the fuss was about these games.
  13. Just handing over power without a democratic vote? What sort of tinpot despotic place is this? I'm staging a coup.
  14. Wow, GT7 is going to be the most realistic yet!
  15. Did you actually have a black and red toilet before? I've never seen that before.
  16. I managed to get in a few hours of playing this over the weekend, in between chores that should have been done over Christmas, but didn't. So far, i'm enjoying it. I've done 7 or 8 shrines, which I quite like. They're like bite-size dungeons; short enough to do in one sitting and not get lost in between play-sessions. I've made it as far as Kakirokoro Village (I know it starts with a K), and learned about the Divine Beasts, but otherwise I've mainly spent around 50% of my time cooking. The other 50% of the time was spent trying to find the Assassin's Creed tower for that portion of the map. All the weapons being made out of cardboard is an interesting mechanic. Don't mind it at the moment, as I'm quite happy to just use whatever is laying around, but i can see it being a bit tiresome later on. It is fun attacking goblins with hoes and pitchforks.
  17. I always assumed it's down to the colour of the crystal used to power it. Like how sapphire is blue and ruby is red.
  18. I honestly couldn't tell you why the AC games are worth playing. Describing the gameplay to someone else makes it sound so dull....but it isn't. Its basically a charming mortgage simulator.
  19. Had to search through the game libraries of the Xbox 360 and Wii because i couldn't remember what i played on those, and couldn't be bothered to go into the attic to check. Anyway, here's my top 10 in no particular order: Spider-man (PS4) Spider-man 2 is one of my favourite games of all time, and so the release of a new game that was said to have captured the feel of SM2 made me incredibly excited. Thankfully, the reviews weren't wrong, as Spider-man (PS4) was a fantastic game that I enjoyed every minute of (even the Mary Jane sections). I enjoyed it so much, that I was even compelled to play the game through twice to get the platinum; something which I am very rarely bothered to do. I am very much looking forward to the sequel now, which hopefully will have a sub-title so I don't have to refer to it all the time as Spider-man 2 (PS4). Borderlands 2 One of, if not the best co-op games ever. My friend and I spent countless hours on this game, and all the subsequent DLC, killing, shooting, looting and laughing. It had many flaws, and definitely wasn't perfect, but the style and humour made it stand out and remain memorable many years later. Assassins Creed: Black Flag This filled a pirate-shaped hole that I didn't know I had in me. I was already a fan of the AC games, and this one was ok in that respect, but it was the (pretty much completely separate) pirate aspect of the game that sold it to me. Sailing around in high storms; attacking merchant ships for loot; whaling; listening to sea-shanties; it was just fantastic. I also really loved the companion app that enabled you to build up a merchant fleet and trade to get money to use in the main game; something I wish more games did. LA Noire I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love the setting, music, characters, gameplay and acting. I hate the interrogations. Unfortunately, the interrogations are a large part of the game, and almost completely ruin it. I remember getting almost apoplectic with rage towards the end of the game when I failed certain interview sections. There was simply no way of knowing what you were supposed to do during each question, and it ultimately boiled down to dumb luck in choosing the right answers. Fucking bullshit. Anyway, good game - hope there's a sequel on the cards. Minecraft I didn't play this game an awful lot (even though i owned it on three different formats), but it is undeniably one of the games of the decade. It has such compelling gameplay - here's an island; go explore, build whatever you want - that I keep returning to it just to start mining all over again. Just Cause 2 I downloaded the demo for this on Steam, and played the absolute shit out of it. Then I bought the full game, and attempted to play the absolute shit out of that, but my laptop failed me. So I bought an Xbox 360 purely to play this game. I had an absolute riot in this game, it was so much fun. Sure, the story was wank, and the script was laughably bad, but the physics engine and gameplay were so gloriously fun to piss about in, that it didn't matter. Portal 2 Another brilliant co-op game, but also a great single player game too. I've heard it described as puzzle games boiled down to it's purest form. I wish they would make a third one. Yakuza 0 Not a game I would have looked at twice on my own, but recommendations on here made me consider, then buy it, and I'm so glad I did. The gameplay is ok, albeit a bit repetitive, and the mini-games are pointless, but it's worth playing for the main story alone I think. The cast of characters is great, with some amazing villains (I was so happy when I got to punch turtle-neck in the face). Horizon: Zero Dawn Motherfucking. Robot. Dinosaurs. Halo Reach A brilliant single player campaign and an even better multiplayer - this was probably my most played game on my Xbox 360. The gun-play was incredibly satisfying, and the missions seemed infinitely replayable, with some great set-pieces. I loved it.
  20. Well you're in luck. They definitely aren't €200 any more (were they ever?) Games are usually cheapest when bought through Steam, or through GoG (good old games). I think you can also buy them from the Epic store, who sometimes give away free games.
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