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Everything posted by bob

  1. Pretty sure both of those use the same equations, just the first one plots the numbers.@Aneres11 you might have just ended up with one of the unlucky potential timelines that wasn't a peak? My afternoon value was 74, which means i could have a potential peak of 548 at some point this week. Alternatively, i could have no peak, and make a loss.
  2. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/just-cause-4/standard-edition Here you go.
  3. Got 79 bells this morning, which is crap, but the calculator is predicting a possible huge spike midweek. HODL!
  4. Can you remember how much you paid in total?
  5. Bought 1070 turnips at 91 bells each. Fingers crossed!
  6. Man, the 'natural' incline you can get is ugly as fuck.
  7. Finally managed to catch my first tarantula last night. Honestly though i only did it because it got stuck behind a palm tree while trying to murder me. I don't understand how you're supposed to catch them otherwise. Its currently Tarantulas 5 - 1 Bob
  8. Guess who just found out how to upgrade to the more durable tools after spending thousands of bells on flimsy ones?
  9. Can you limit the amount of villagers? Or do those fuckers just keep coming no matter what you do?
  10. bob


    A documentary series that's as long as the series itself?! Looks good! I read about the interesting way they did CGI backgrounds in The Mandolorian - fully 3D environments that they projected onto screens around the actors, so it would be interesting to see them delve into that.
  11. Is the weather determined by the real life weather as well? It's reet nice out, and it has been for most of April...
  12. I agree. I feels like they crammed the extra bad guys in when they didn't particularly need them. I feel like it would have been better if they'd spaced them out throughout the game, but i realise that wouldn't have fit with the story.
  13. Anyone managed to get these yet? Its still listed as being £15.99 for me.
  14. "Ah but we're different because we are a club with loads of history already! This is just returning us to our rightful place!"
  15. Sold all my turnips for 157 each. Don't think it's going to get any higher this week, and made me a cool 50k profit, so I'm happy with that.
  16. Well he's on my island at the moment, so he can't be on yours.
  17. It might be worth pointing out that this is regardless of if you have PS Plus. I initially disregarded it, because i assumed it was this months Plus giveaway, but these are just straight up free.
  18. bob


    Saw this succinct summary of Tiger King on Reddit: This series did really well in America because it's basically a Tiger'd up version of... Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump On one hand, you have the somewhat unlikeable lady who is more qualified, means well, but has a past she regrets parts of (and has since reformed). This is coupled with an entire population of whack-o's making up conspiracy theories about her and spinning them into implausible tall tales of murder. Somehow the bar for bad or suspicious behavior is lower for her compared to him. And the OTHER person is a wildly unqualified (though somewhat charismatic to certain people) cult-of-personality meme-subject with a history of sexual predation, violence, racism, and idiocy. He's in it for the money and that's about it. He's got country music in his corner. In a habit of stiffing workers and not paying them a fair wage. Facebook loves him while reddit comment sections eviscerate him. He deserves to be in jail.
  19. 139 this morning, which The Tool[emoji2398] suggests could hit a high of 190 this afternoon. So i think I'll wait until then.
  20. Remembered that i bought Robo Recall in the Boxing Day sale and hadn't tried it yet. I was a bit worried before playing that it would require more space than my living room allows and.....i was correct. I realised a couple of times during gameplay how close i came to swinging into a wall as i for a bit too much into it. The game is pretty good though. Its immensely satisfying to shoot, grab and throw robots around. Not a fan of the arcade format though. It would be good if they expanded the game to be more of a fully formed experience in future. I'm wondering now if i brave looking like a twat and try playing in the garden...
  21. So glad the egg fuckery is over. I don't know if spawn rates varied between players, but i was getting 50% water eggs to fish last night. Shit was whack. Anyway, saw my first tarantula last night, but unfortunately it attacked me and i fainted. My character did too.
  22. Got 112 bells this morning, bur looking at that spreadsheet tool, I'm predicted to get a likely 133 bell high or a small possibility of a 190 bell peak later on in the week, so i think I'll wait.
  23. It is not. He just gives it to you today regardless of what you've crafted.
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