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Everything posted by bob

  1. Civilization 6 available for free on the Epic Games Store from today until the 28th.
  2. I'm a simple man - i see Nolan, i ejaculate violently in my pants.
  3. Does that include the free version that Epic gave away? Or is it that physical copies only?
  4. I think he was asking why people would pay money to see Cats at the theatre, rather than theatre in general.
  5. I have unfortunately fallen off the excessive game-buying wagon recently. One of my New Years resolutions a couple of years ago was to stop buying so many games that i was never likely to finish, and to only buy new ones once i'd completed the old. For a year or two, i've managed to keep this up, but this year i've kind of lost track and it's all fallen apart. The problem started when i bought my Oculus Quest, and instantly bought several games for it. I've played and completed a few of them (Superhot, Vader Part 1, A Fisherman's Tale, I expect you to die), but others i haven't the time, or the play-space to complete (Robo Recall, Virtual Virtual Reality, Real VR fishing). Then for Christmas, i got BOTW, God of War and Star Wars JFO. I started BOTW, and played quite a bit, but then got distracted when Animal Crossing came along. I started God of War a few weeks ago, but only got past the first chapter. I haven't even taken Star wars out of the box, and have kind of lost the desire to start it. I might just sell that one to be honest... Then it only got worse when i managed to convince myself i needed a new laptop, and the devil on my shoulder told me to get a super (duper) fancy one with a good graphics card. Now with a PC powerful enough to play it, my mate bought me Borderlands 3 to play through together, and I also downloaded GTAV (for free at least) to see how it looked with the graphics all fancy. Now I have an urge to play the story on that. Additionally, the new laptop has allowed me the possibility to play loads of PCVR games that I didn't have the option of before - so i'm currently resisting the urge to buy several of those that'll i'll try once and never play again...
  6. I bought at 108 and sold at 129 because I'm such a high-roller. Trying to work out what to spend my gains on...
  7. I've had that damn hedgehog set up her stall again for the fifth day in a row. How do i tell her politely that i don't want her there? Can i ask to see her license?
  8. I tried out the Marvel Spider-Man VR game last night. Obviously it's just a glorified tech-demo, but damn if it isn't satisfying launching yourself around with webbing. It's got a real learning curve as well; at first you find yourself slamming into buildings like Peter does, but then you learn to guide yourself around them with the other hand, and you can get a bit of a rhythm going. Ultimately though, while it is fun having a go at swinging, i don't think Spider-Man lends itself well for a first person type game. It's too acrobatic a character for someone standing still in their living room. If you look down at any point, you can see Spider-Man's body contorting itself around while your head looks straight ahead.
  9. *Waits around the back of@martinist bins for him to throw away the old one...
  10. We got vouchers from British Airways (and i believe they have to offer you a refund instead if you want it, you just have to find the right section on their website) so i think you should be ok there.
  11. I don't think YOU understand what a lot of triangles that was!
  12. New laptop arrived. Spent most of the day setting it up. Tried playing Borderlands 1 on max settings, and it was sooo smooth! Love it. Might try some VR tonight, and maybe The Witcher 3 if it downloads.
  13. I use Maps, YouTube and Drive occasionally to transfer files, but i Gmail is the only one where i would lose a lot of stuff if they stopped it. I don't have anything stored in any of the others. I agree though, those aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
  14. I've got a VR capable graphics card now, so I'm looking forward to getting stuck in to all the SteamVR games and demos. Not sure if i want to spend the money on HL:A though, as i don't know if i have enough room or time to play it properly, but i do want to see what it's like.
  15. Yeah I'm reluctant to use any google apps because of the threat they'll fold them at any point. I think the only one i properly use is Gmail, so fingers crossed they don't get bored of that soon.
  16. Just the 571 bells for me this morning. No you can't come over.
  17. Doing some fairly boring, monotonous CAD work, and decided to listen to Daft Punk - Alive to help pass the time. There are some "banging tunes" on that album. Been bopping away all day.
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