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Everything posted by bob

  1. The whole 'n' word thing has always seemed a bit counterintuitive to me. When it comes to insulting words, it seems like you have two options: 1) Stop everyone saying it, and eventually it dies out. I guess there are hundreds of words like this throughout history that we don't use anymore, and thus don't have any power behind them. 2) Reclaim the word in a positive way until the meaning no longer works as an insult. The gay community successfully reclaimed the word 'queer' this way for example. Trying to reclaim the 'n' word while at the same time stopping others from using it seems to be an unworkable combination of the two, where you end up with the word still having the power to insult, whilst remaining a common word. You end up in a ridiculous situation where you have a sliding scale of skin colour, where if you have some level of melanin where you suddenly become allowed to say a word. I also remember that time a black rapper got a white girl up on stage to sing along to one of his songs, and then it got all awkward when she got to a lyric with the 'n' word and said it along with him, but the crowd reacted negatively, and the rapper backtracked etc. I realise it's difficult because there is no 'council of black people' making decisions, but imo someone needs to make a decision and stick to it!
  2. That does look good. The second one got a bit too weird at the end for me, but I'm fully on board for a prequel!
  3. Well I'm not sure how best to watch it while on dry land, if you catch my drift....
  4. Anyone watching Season 7? I can't place what makes this show so good, but it's just as fantastic as always. The concept for season 7 is so enjoyable; it's like Quantum Leap!
  5. So I've been mostly playing the following games: Borderlands 3 - My mate and I usually manage to organise an evening each week to have a session on this, and we're plugging away at it. It's pretty much exactly the same as the first three games in my opinion. They've made the grenades a bit more powerful, and therefore actually useful, but otherwise it plays exactly the same as before. Still, it's a fun game to play through with a friend. On the other hand, the online element of it is laggy as fuck for some reason. Not sure if that's the games fault or what, but it does make the co-op element hard. Animal Crossing - I have run out of steam a bit with this game. I paid off my final loan last week, and since then I haven't had any impetus to play it any more. There are still a couple of fish and bugs I need to catch this month, and i only have one fossil to find to complete the set, but it's hard to see how that's going to keep me going for much longer. Civilization 6 - So in my first game, i decided to try for a Science victory as Russia. At one point I wasn't sure I was going to manage it, as i almost ran out of turns and I wouldn't have had enough points to win it that way. Luckily I managed to colonise Mars with a few turns to spare. That sneaky fuck Japan declared war on me just as I invented nuclear warheads, so he was lucky I had the self control not to repeat history. I wasn't sure what the ramifications were for dropping a nuclear weapon on someone, and i didn't want to jeopardise my science victory, so I held off. Turned out it wasn't necessary, as Japan poured over the border with a load of Samurai and people on horseback, and I had miniguns and an attack helicopter, so the war didn't last long or cost me very much. For my second game, i've decided to try for a Domination victory as Britain. Started off trickily as I've been boxed in by several other countries and already had Gandhi declare war on me. It seems to me that powering through the science tree to get better military hardware seems to be the way to go, so i'm going to try that (I really want to nuke someone).
  6. I have no idea what that is, but I'm certain you overpaid.
  7. I prefer this thread. I endorse this one.
  8. It might be worth pointing out that a lot of the are very....British centric? I'm not sure how well they translate to other countries (Phoenix Nights for example)
  9. Coupling is a very good, fairly underated British sitcom, but stop after season 2. Red Dwarf is good, but peaks somewhere around Season 4 or 5 imo.
  10. If you like spoofs: Airplane Airplane 2 Naked Gun trilogy Hot Shot Hot Shot: Part Deux
  11. Saw a revealing stat about Luiz: Games per red card for Chelsea: 160 Games per red card for Arsenal: 13 Games per penalty given away for Chelsea: 53 Games per penalty gievn away for Arsenal: 6.5 It's hard not to conclude that the man is a complete liability...
  12. I can't even make a shit joke anymore without it coming true.
  13. I got a large spike of 554 bells yesterday afternoon, so I'm a very happy chappy with a fully paid off house loan.
  14. bob


    Managed to get my wife watching Avatar:TLA on Netflix. She was fairly non-committal at first. I had to put it on when she had very little choice other than to watch it, but slowly she got into it, and eventually absolutely loved it. Glad I got a re-watch as well, that show is so good.
  15. It's your own keyboards and time that you are wasting, not mine.
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/KevDoy/status/1272045860197560320?s=19
  17. Would we use the word 'insane'?
  18. My eye did a weird thing. On the plus side, i look like Grand Admiral Thrawn.
  19. I assumed it would be an enhanced version of New York from the first game, with a new story based around Miles, sort of like a 1.5 rather than a sequel. From the looks of the trailer, it'll have a few new enemies and suits, maybe a couple of new abilities, but running on the same engine as 1?
  20. Standing upright, it looks a little bit like the World Cup trophy? Laying down, it looks like a paperback book that you spilt milk over and left to dry on the radiator overnight. Purely based on looks, it is pretty hideous, but i remember the 360 looking funky when they announced it, and now it's a classic. Games-wise, Spider-man and Horizon are the ones i'm excited about, but then looking at the release date and comparing it to the release date of Bob Jr, and i'm guessing it'll be a while before i get to play any of them.
  21. I'd quite like the ability to select multiple items in my pocketat once.
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