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Everything posted by bob

  1. Finally had rain for about an hour after three weeks of sunshine. Caught a coelacanth on my fifth try! Woop woop!
  2. No way, they got Evan Smith in this?!?! I hope you can unlock different costumes in it though. I would defo want to play as Evan wearing the black hoodie rather than the very very dark brown t-shirt.
  3. Sold mine at a loss in the end. Will try again in Sunday with what i got back in return. I save 10 turnips back to try and catch some ants - does it work in your house, or does it need to be somewhere you can get your net out?
  4. Wow! Yakuza 0 at that price is a steal! @Goafer
  5. Its ok, you've got until 4am to wake up and catch one.
  6. bob


    Have you watched 101 Dalmatians yet?
  7. 50 bells, which means I'm fucked. Straight downwards trajectory since Sunday! [emoji3525]
  8. Day number 21 in a row without any rain. Pretty sure weather being in this game is a lie at this point.
  9. 54 bells this morning. I have to wait until this afternoon to find out if I'm going to make a loss, or if I'll eventually get a spike later on tomorrow...
  10. I've got a rooster called Goose who is like that.
  11. 62 bells for me this morning. Means i still have a 43% chance of a big spike later this week, but it's starting to get worrying!
  12. We've had three weddings that we were supposed to go to this summer rescheduled. Two got moved to the same weekend in August (luckily different days) and the third ended up on the same weekend but next year. I really hope that we'll be able to go in August, because it would really suck for them to have to move it again...
  13. How i feel, checking the turnip prices at the Nook Stop: How i feel when plugging the numbers into the ac calculator: 71 bells this morning. If i am to have a spike, it'll be late this week!
  14. Episode 5 felt a lot like filler. They had a bit of Serac's backstory, but so much of it just seemed to be following Aaron Paul around while he was tripping. Episode 6 was much better. I'm really enjoying this season!
  15. bob


    Having had any issues finding things yet, but then i haven't been searching for 101 Dalmatians.
  16. bob


    I don't like the way they put the 'continue watching' bit further down the page. It should be top!
  17. If you dont pay for Nintendo Online like me, its basically an offline wallet.
  18. I have yet to see any rain in my game. I think i have a broken copy.
  19. Pretty sure both of those use the same equations, just the first one plots the numbers.@Aneres11 you might have just ended up with one of the unlucky potential timelines that wasn't a peak? My afternoon value was 74, which means i could have a potential peak of 548 at some point this week. Alternatively, i could have no peak, and make a loss.
  20. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/just-cause-4/standard-edition Here you go.
  21. Got 79 bells this morning, which is crap, but the calculator is predicting a possible huge spike midweek. HODL!
  22. Can you remember how much you paid in total?
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