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Everything posted by bob

  1. Are people just going to mash the number pad each time they type it, or copy and paste? Weird.
  2. bob


    Thousands of hours of premium entertainment at her fingertips, and the first thing my wife fires up is Disney Weddings...
  3. Both the first and second episodes were pretty intriguing. So far, season 3 is better than 2, but nowhere near 1. I can see it getting all too confusing by the end though, what with robots who are copies of people, people who have always been robots, people who were people but are now just in robots' imagination, people who are just holograms, robots that are in their own imagination, and perhaps also people who have robot parts? They seemed to have cooled it with the ridiculous timelines at least.
  4. I love the idea that someone at Nintendo in Japan is a huge fan of naff 80's ventriloquists, but isn't he (and the duck) named after Orville Wright, co-inventor of the first powered airplane?
  5. bob


    Tried it out last night. Watched Coco, and it worked flawlessly. HD picture with no stuttering, buffering or anything. Film was ok.
  6. Nah, its just Rummy. Everyone else here is proper eloquent like.
  7. bob


    Yeah, that's another way around it. I'm hoping that Google Assistant adds support at some point so i can just launch it verbally and not even have to pick up a controller.
  8. bob


    I bought years worth as my wife said there were a few things she might want to watch on there, and the £50 deal seemed pretty good. Only problem is that my tv doesn't seem to support the app, which means we'll have to faff about casting it from the app on our phones, which is a massive first world problem.
  9. Tell me about it. Would everyone just stop enjoying themselves?!
  10. You could get rid of one of the people instead?
  11. I think it's fairly obvious that Sony are completely fucked. They seem to have completely botched the whole affair, and it's going to bite them in the arse in the long term. Unless you plan on getting a PS5, in which case, what on earth are Microsoft doing?! One bad business decision after another! Who would want to buy that sad excuse for a console?!
  12. I'm defo going to watch season 3, but i was so disappointed with season 2 that i don't really have any enthusiasm for it. Fingers crossed 3 is more to my liking.
  13. Alright. Meet me round the back of Lidl with a bag of potatoes, a crowbar, and a hyperdermic needle.
  14. This looks horrendous.
  15. bob


    So after returning from Budapest, i decided to switch to learning Polish, since i am supposed to be going there over Easter (looking less and less likely now, but that's a story for the coronavirus thread). Polish language pros: 1) They don't use 'a' or 'the', so despite have three gender, you don't have to remember which version of 'a' or 'the' to use each time 2) The Duolingo course is back to normal after the clusterfuck of the Hungarian one - back to learning about boys having dogs, men eating bread, and ducks being large. Polish language cons: 1) You know how in English we say 'he', 'his ' or 'him' depending on context? Apparently in Polish they change every fucking noun like this! So you change the word for dog depending on if you are talking about the dog directly, or if the dog has ownership of something etc... 2) Pronunciation - so many z's! Also, i hit my 365 day learning streak, which is nice.
  16. I had i go at this. Its pretty good - extremely well presented and slick (that might just be all CoD games tbh, i think the last one i played was World at War). However, i stuck pretty hard at online shooters, and don't really have the time to git gud, so i don't I'll persevere. I do like the bizarre gulag mechanism. Gives the match a bit more longevity if you're shit like me.
  17. Please tell me you were the 'One nit when i was sleppin a grackler cam' person.
  18. I got my name in the N64 magazine once (not for winning a competition, it was on the letters page), and they spelled my name wrong. Fuckers.
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