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Everything posted by bob

  1. Thought I'd try this out last night, but after a large PSN update, and a huge download, i didn't get around to installing it. Still, might get a chance tonight! Apparently you don't need PS Plus to play, which is nice.
  2. I have no interest in Mario themed Lego, but i would be interested in a Lego Mario game. Doubt that's going to happen though.
  3. I might give it a go, simply because it's free, but i don't really have the time to play any of these multiplayer games properly any more.
  4. Rick the boat (don't rick the boat, baby)
  5. South Korea's death rate is weirdly low. They have had 7000 cases, but only 42 deaths so far. I wonder why?
  6. Someone posted a theory on Reddit that the plot of the film features some sort of pandemic, and they delayed it to avoid complaints or something.
  7. I tried making a serious topic, and people just hijacked it with jokes.
  8. So, this was released a few weeks ago, is anyone here thinking about getting it?
  9. Mercedes cool steering thing is interesting. I wonder how much advantage it's going to give them?
  10. Yeah, like were going to be allowed to meet up in large groups once the coronavirus outbreak starts...
  11. Brand new footage from the next Mario game
  12. I've got good news for you, your maths isn't quite as good as your swimming but that's actually within target [emoji14] Its pretty hard to do that pace for three hours though. Doing anything for three hours sounds like to much hard work tbh.
  13. Is that the one where they go to America and meet the inventor guy? I watched that on Netflix a week or two ago. It felt like a bad fan fiction.
  14. How dare you. I just happen to have an intimate knowledge of what happened in that year. I could have gone for the Battle of Hornshole in the Scottish borders, or the coronation of King Christian II in Norway. Not my fault you have no knowledge of history.
  15. Short answer, yes. Long answer, yeeeeeeeeeees.
  16. Probably a reference to the peace treaty that Cardinal Wolsey negotiated with France in 1514.
  17. I'm not going to say that Bond films are cinematic masterpieces, but Die Another Day is pretty much universally agreed to be one of the worst ones, so don't judge the series based on that.
  18. bob


    Köszönöm, Gomba! Viszlát!
  19. bob


    Well I'm in Hungary right now! I found learning various verbs and tenses a bit pointless, so i just focused on a few phrases to get me through, which seems to be working. A woman this morning seemed genuinely surprised when i greeted her in Hungarian.
  20. I propose we change the website back to Cube-Europe to avoid confusion.
  21. bob


    Guys guys guys! The word for mushroom in Hungarian, is Gomba. That can't be a coincidence, surely?
  22. Had anyone else played The Fisherman's Tale? I bought it and played it through tonight and it was incredible. The whole concept is astonishing, and is something that only really works with VR. I watched a trailer, which spoiled the beginning of the game a bit, but if i hadn't watched the trailer, i probably wouldn't have taken the chance on it.
  23. Phew, glad they've finally done a camera test. I was worried the cameras wouldn't work, but my mind is at rest now.
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