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Everything posted by bob

  1. So i got 3 games for Christmas; God of War Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Zelda BOTW And then in the Boxing Day sale, i bought 3 or 4 games for my Oculus Quest. Robo Recall Virtual virtual reality Real VR fishing Ocean Rift (not really a game) At the rate i finish games, the first three should take me most of the year, while fitting the Oculus games in and around them whenever i can.
  2. Spider-man if you are a Spider-man fan.
  3. This is the Germanest thing you've ever posted on here.
  4. Just got back from seeing Cats. Wow. How the hell did that do 30 years at the West end? The songs are just awful. I thought i was going to see a good musical ruined by shit CGI, but it ended up being pretty good CGI ruined by a shit musical.
  5. Yeah, there doesn't seem to be anyone who can beat Liverpool at the moment, let alone the four or five losses they'd need for anyone to catch up.
  6. Oh have no fear, spamming old game threads is one of my favourite past-times
  7. Got this for Christmas! Not particularly a fan of Zelda games, but I've heard this is a bit different from previous ones. Looking forward to trying it out.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone!
  9. Merry Christmas everyone! Opened the presents from my family on Saturday - got a few games that are now sat in front of my TV taunting me as i can't play them until after Christmas *crying overly-dramatically emoji*
  10. Saw it on Sunday night. Wasn't great. Comfortably the worst Star Wars film. Plot and script was all over the place. I might go into more detail if i can be arsed faffing about with spoiler tags. 5/10
  11. Wow, that post makes me want to buy products from cuteplushies.net!
  12. I thought Link was a direct cable from PC? Is it a downgrade from what you get included with the Rift S?
  13. I think the S might have a slightly better screen resolution, but ultimately it does seem like they've shot the S in the foot somewhat with the release of the Link cable. All the Rift S users over on Reddit were in meltdown about it.
  14. bob


    What do you mean, myth?
  15. I have not, but i was close to dragging my wife to see it at the cinema. Glad i didn't now, as that sounds like something she would hate that i would have gotten the blame for.
  16. You weren't replying, and i got scared.
  17. Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.
  18. Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.
  19. Did you play the first two? How does it compare? Some of the reviews I've seen said it was a bit crap compared to the first two.
  20. So with it getting close to the end of the year, how about we have a formal thread for everyone's top 10 games of the year? I'm not that fussed about any hard-set rules for eligibility; if the game came out the end of last year, but you've spent most of the year playing it, that seems ok with me. If you want to, you can also do a Top 10 of the decade. I'm not going to stop you. But do it here if you do
  21. Just downloaded the latest Quest update including hand tracking. It's pretty impressive, although it only really works when your hands are right in front of you, so if you turn your hands to the side, it loses tracking. Still, it's a pretty cool tech demo.
  22. These are back in stores and are absolutely godly.
  23. The fact that this is backward compatible makes me a bit more likely to buy one, as i could then play all the games i missed on the Xbone as well as any new ones. But like everyone else, I'll probably wait and see what other games it has first.
  24. Lot of wet farts being tossed around in this thread.
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