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Everything posted by bob

  1. I only left a tip because i felt peer-pressured into doing so.
  2. Just the ability to craft/buy things in multiples would be amazing.
  3. I'm a prophet. Heed my words! Heed them!
  4. I've got 135 this morning. Any other week and I'd probably sell at that, so one of you had better come up with the goods this week!
  5. I like Leif. He's the only one i buy anything from.
  6. Mine is predicting a small spike only...looks like I'll have to travel!
  7. Ok, i bought 3000 turnips this morning, and redeemed my free 7 day trial of Nintendo On-line, so I'm going to be rampaging through someone's island at some point this week to make some megabells!
  8. I thought about getting a nice microphone for video calls, but then i realised that i wouldn't get the benefit of it, and that it's other people who need to buy one, not me.
  9. My flower meadow for farming bugs is coming along nicely.
  10. You'll need to visit head office. It's on a different island.
  11. Just got back from the hospital. My wife has a virus. But its one of the good ones with a 9 month gestation period!
  12. Aww yiss. Gunna use this to my advantage in the turnip markets!
  13. Crafted well over 100 pieces of fish bait and still no tuna...i only have 1 day left! In other news, i spent several hours pressing A while crafting well over 100 pieces of fish bait. Please do something about this, Nintendo. Edit: wow, complaints on here, really do work. First fish i caught after i posted this, was a tuna!
  14. It was good, but you really had to focus on it. I thought it would be a good puzzle game to play a few levels while watching TV, but the difficulty ramps up really quickly, and you properly have to focus on each level to get the solution. I think i only did about 50 levels out of 600.
  15. What's the consensus on crap butterflies? Catch them to force better ones to spawn quicker? Or leave them as they aren't worth it?
  16. Oh crap, so i only have 2 days to catch a tuna? Better get my rod and start tossing it vigorously.
  17. Watched episode 7 last night, but my wife and I got a bit confused (par for the course with this show)
  18. Good news is that the prediction says i can't make a loss this week. Bad news is my max peak is only 138...
  19. You can choose to plant 10000 bells instead of 1000. You just need to put 10000 bells in your inventory first, then bury it in the sparkly hole.
  20. I've still not seen a peacock butterfly yet. I only have a few hybrids so far, but even so, a 80% drop is going to make that harder. If they really wanted to nerf all the ridiculous money making and slow people down, they needed to do something about the stalk market. Or maybe the cynical part of me thinks that they didn't want people happily catching bugs to pay off their loan, and instead want them to buy the online subscription to play the stalk market properly...
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