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Everything posted by bob

  1. G.U.N. can't find him because they've been looking on the ground (the traditional place for a fox to be), whereas he spends his time in the air (historically not a common place to find foxes). If they craned their necks upwards, they would be able to expand their investigation somewhat.
  2. If only we could stop their posts turning up in quoted text.
  3. Looks good. Looking forward to seeing it.
  4. Oh, I've just been ignoring the little ones and focusing on the main one. Attacking minions always seems like wasting good attacks. I'll try it your way next time.
  5. Urgh. Was doing really well on a run; got loads of cool boons and powerups; went into the Boney Hydra fight; died. It's not mega-frustrating, because you kind of feel like you're getting stronger with each death, but I'm starting to wonder how long I'm going to have to play to get all the way through. How many runs do people usually do before they reach the end? How long do they play for?
  6. I feel like this could do with a thread rip?
  7. Watched episode 2 of Winter Falcon and Captain Soldier
  8. I mean, I like Microsoft Game Pass, and I like PS Now too. But which is better? There's only one way to find out!
  9. Looks good. The shark man looks pretty funny.
  10. I finally finished watching Justice League. Had to watch it over a few nights as I don't have the time to watch a 4 hour film in one sitting (did I ever?). I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It started off pretty badly, but definitely got better as it went on. I think Snyder is really good at putting together a good looking film. There are some amazing shots in there, and some good set pieces. However, most of the dialogue was clunky and awkward, notably the introduction of Cyborg (they really should have given him and the Flash their own intro films), and anything the baddies said. Talking of badguys, I got really confused when they kept bringing up Darkseid, because i could have sworn that he died in BvS?! I just checked, and apparently that was Doomsday, but you can understand my confusion when both of them have 8 letter names beginning with 'D', and look pretty much identical. Big, bulky, lumpy grey men with grumpy looking faces. I also think that Snyder tends to write things that look cool, but doesn't stop to think if it actually makes sense. Like when Wonder Woman straight up murdered that guy at the beginning, and destroys a whole floor of the museum, for absolutely no reason at all. It looked very cool, but really seemed out of character for Wonder Woman. Anyway, I was enjoying the film, right up until the end, and then the epilogue happened, together with the 15 minute long teaser for the next film. Really Zack? 15 minutes? Featuring a weird conversation with the Joker that really wasn't necessary, or made any sense at all. I spent the first few minutes thinking my copy of the film had gotten out of order, and this scene should have been in the middle somewhere. Anyway, other than that, I thought it was ok. I would give it a 6.5/10. I also watched Wonder Woman: 1984 over the weekend with my wife. It follows a similar theme to the first film where the first 2/3 is pretty good, but the ending falls apart. I really liked Max Lord, and though the wishing plotline was pretty good. But then WW suddenly learns how to fly and then puts on that weird golden suit, and Cheetah suddenly turns into an extra from Cats, it just went downhill. Also, i'm glad Max Lord found his son at the end, but the film conveniently glossed over the millions of people who presumably died when the nuclear warheads hit? I.e. the ones not wished into existence? Something my wife mentioned was just how bad it looked whenever Wonder Woman was swinging from her lasso. It just seemed really janky, like all the physics were wrong. I don't know why they did it like that. Maybe it was just cheap CGI... I would give WW:1984 a 7/10. My wife said it was the worst superhero film she has seen, but then she hasn't seen JL, so i think her score probably echoes mine.
  11. Quite the opposite, Sony.
  12. Finished the main story last night. Thought it was pretty good, even if the final cut scene ended a bit weirdly...
  13. Yeah but (4*3)/2 = 6 which is still less than 7, so take that DS!
  14. Isn't that an accessibility thing? To avoid wrong inputs by people who might otherwise mis-click?
  15. Hmm, I might drop the difficulty right down then and try and plough through it for the story.
  16. I've been plugging away at this. Just got the big bowl of water in my room that tells me how many runs i've done, and apparently I've only done like 14-15? Feels like way more tbh. Probably because I only play for a few minutes at a time while waiting for milk bottles to sterilise, i lose track of which run i'm on. My favourite weapon is currently the spear. I like how it damages from a distance, and also does damage on the way back too. I do find it disorientating when I pick up a perk, and get used to it enough to change my playstyle, and then suddenly i die and can't rely on it any more. Anyway, my interest is waning now. I can get to the first boss every time now, and i've beaten it a handful. Only got a few rooms into the second circle of hell though. The starting over each time is really draining. When I get quite far into it, I start to think about how even if i do reach the second boss, i'm likely to die fairly easily, and then i have to go all the way back to the start again. I'm fully aware that is the point of the game, but it's difficult to enjoy it. I'd hoped that the few items that do carry over after each death would make it a bit easier, and they do, but at this rate I'm going to have to grind for days to get strong enough to get any distance through the game. Still, it's a nice game to have on hand to do a few levels on here and there.
  17. Oh man, now I kind of want to carry on playing God of War to find out what you're talking about. I haven't played any of the other games though, so maybe there's no point?
  18. For a second I thought your point was that Jim Sterling IS HoT... We've never seen them in the same room...
  19. Left handed people might just be the most discriminated against people in history.
  20. Does it come in a left handed version?
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