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Everything posted by bob

  1. Urgh. Does anyone else here use Tapatalk, and has your app started autoplaying video ads? It's so annoying, but there's no way of turning it off. I would jump ship to another app in a heartbeat, but there are no alternatives...
  2. Have you tried a sentence (with spaces and punctuation)?
  3. I watched the first three episodes of Bad Batch, and i'm struggling a bit. It just seems very bland and formulaic. To be honest, I've tried watching Clone Wars twice now, and couldn't get through it, and I found Rebels boring (although I did manage to watch all of that), so I think that maybe the Star Wars animated series just aren't for me.
  4. My friend got one of these through a police auction site, and I had a play with it at the weekend. It's pretty fun! Got bored of the track we set up after about 30 seconds though, and instead used it to chase his kids around the house.
  5. Doesn't Jigglypuff have an enormous (definitely visible) tuft of hair on its head?
  6. This is only £40 in Tesco right now with a Clubcard.
  7. I watched Invincible on Amazon Prime. It was really good! When it started I thought it was a weird Justice league spoof, but one that wasn't really all that funny, but once I realised what it was supposed to be, it got much better. Really looking forward to the next season. We also finished watching Mr Robot at last.
  8. I'm hoping it's not because you used to wear a giant adult nappy to school...
  9. I think it is a valid criticism to have. Personally i am the opposite. I hate games where there is a set path, and only one way to get through it. i think perhaps because it highlights how shit i am at games, and it makes me feel bad. With open games, I can pretend that i didn't want to go that way anyway, and go do something else. 2D side scrollers genuinely fill me with anxiety. I felt similar to others at the beginning of BOTW. I felt a bit aimless, and I ran away from a lot of the enemies because I felt underpowered (I didn't fight a Guardian properly until about 40 hours in). I even stopped playing for a few months, same as you, and then picked it up a while later to start up again. But that second time, i plugged away at it, and slowly got a bit stronger - worked my way across the map doing shrines and picking up hearts. Eventually, you realise that you are strong enough to take on the more difficult enemies, and the game opens up a lot more. I think that if the game didn't have Zelda in the title, it wouldn't be so divisive. People who hate open world games just wouldn't play it, and those who do would have a very enjoyable experience. The (probably large) subset of Zelda fans who hate open world games feel like they have to play it, and then get very angry when they do so.
  10. I think i've started to get the dreaded JoyCon drift!
  11. That's a really good idea that I wish they would implement in a lot of real world races. Can you imagine the 100m having a running start, but there is a barrier that only drops on the starting pistol. Get there too early and you smash into the barrier. Time it perfectly and you get the perfect running start. Do it for F1 and get some dramatic crashes right at the start of the race!
  12. My charging cable was similarly loose, so I got a needle and had a wiggle. Goodness me there was a lot of crud in there! No wonder the USB-c cable kept falling out.
  13. I tried the railgun again last night. Didn't have enough Titan Bloods to get the Hestia, but i did get a cool boon where you fire off a little homing arrow with each shot, as well as a boon from Demeter that turns your cast into an ice beam. I managed to get all the way up to the Minotaur miniboss, and then died shortly after when I got run over by a chariot. I also got a fishing rod? Haven't found anywhere to use it yet, but hopefully I can catch some fish with it soon.
  14. So I reached the third stage boss a couple of times, and kept getting my arse handed to me. I even got them down to half health a couple of times, and then the other gods join in, and I get reamed. I decided to try and level up a bit first. I realised that you could upgrade your weapon, and needed Titan's blood to do so, but hadn't got more than one bit of it. So I looked up how to get Titan's blood and found out you have to beat the first boss (and the final boss, but that isn't happening any time soon) with each weapon. I have only ever used the spear, so I decided to grind some Titan's blood by beating at least the first boss with each of the other weapons. This confirmed by initial impression that most of the other weapons suck ass (notably the bow), but i managed to get a few more splodges of Titan's blood to level up my spear. Then last night I finally managed to beat the third boss, and then made it all the way to the final boss! I died, obviously, but it sure does feel like i'm progressing!
  15. Presumably they know what course it's on, but not what altitude, so they can work out the line it's going to take, but not how long before it falls.
  16. Tbh I find collectors weirder than someone wearing hideous shoes. Buying a load of stuff you don't intend to use, that just sits on a shelf until you die...
  17. bob


    Looks good. Goes really well with your orange nail polish.
  18. Do...do you know who Luke Skywalker's father is?
  19. MFW I see the trio of well-known video game industry personalities:
  20. I don't know why, but the fact that you've included the 0.5 in some of these times is hilarious to me. Oops, no, can't start that game, it's 30 hours and 30 minutes long.
  21. Pokemon Snap 2 is out?
  22. I've still not opened my copy of this game. Wondering whether to try it, or just sell it. It just seems rather bland to me, although maybe that's unfair since i've not watched many videos on it due to avoiding spoilers.
  23. Watched Mr Robot S04E05 last night - it was really good. My wife and i were watching it, and I noted that the poor security guard was getting a lot of screen time, yet hadn't had any lines yet. I know that in Hollywood, if an extra has lines, they get paid quite a bit more, and I felt bad that the poor guy seemed to have quite a substantial part, but because he hadn't said anything yet, he was being duped out of more money! As the episode went on, and he still didn't say anything, we wondered if maybe the producers were just cheap, but then i realised that none of the characters had said anything through the whole Virtual Realty heist, so maybe it was a conscious decision to increase tension. ...then i realised that in the other little storylines, it had been a while since ANY of the other characters had said anything. Any exposition or conversation had been done my text message, or written note. I told my wife, and she realised that the last thing anyone had said was Darlene saying 'We don't have to talk' right at the beginning of the episode. And so for the rest of the episode, there are no spoken lines at all, right up until the very last shot, where another character says 'We need to talk'. Only two lines of dialogue, bookending the episode, with everything in between done in silence. What's weird is that if we hadn't been talking about the poor security guard, i don't know that we would have even noticed! It's like there was an episode in season 3, where almost the entire episode was done in one long camera shot. Made me wonder how many other episodes did something cool like this, but we didn't even realise. Anyway, yeah, the show is definitely getting better, but i'll be glad when it's over.
  24. Watched Godzilla vs Kong yesterday. It was ok. Visually, it looks pretty good, but as always, they introduce a load of dull humans to follow around that you really don't give a fuck about. I realise that making a 2hour long film just about one long fight would be difficult, but the gaps between the monsters fighting is just lame. Also, the massive ramp up in technology in this film felt a bit jarring. In the previous films, it feels like it's set in the present day, but then in this one they have weird space ships, magnetic tunnels through the earth, magic scanning robots, etc. Anyway, I would give it 7 monke/10.
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