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Everything posted by bob

  1. Of all the bizarre Nintendo decisions over the last few years, this one is perhaps the most mindboggling. Why put a time limit on the sale of your game? Fair enough for a physical release, but it literally costs you nothing to keep selling the digital version?!
  2. That still doesn't seem like very many. 150 pallets for the whole of Europe? Maybe they're concerned about their carbon footprint.
  3. It might just be a more aggressive vs defensive style? With lots of dodging around before attacking, you might draw out your fights a fair amount. I was also pretty slow, most of mine were 25-30 mins.
  4. Sorry to interrupt this phone data conversion, but there is a new teaser video out: https://mobile.twitter.com/FANologyPV/status/1455928084230598658
  5. The article doesn't mention Xbox...
  6. I gave the demo a go, but it really wasn't for me. I hate side-scrollers, and this didn't have enough other mechanics in it to distract me from the fact that it was one.
  7. I'm intrigued that this has a demo. It really isn't my type of game at all, but given all the praise it's been getting, I really want to give it a try. When I'm back home with my Switch I'll download the demo.
  8. I don't think they care about managing expectations or negative reactions, they just want people to watch it. They'll get more people watching it by leaving out the 'indie' part.
  9. bob


    It falls a bit flat in places, and the timeline jumping is needlessly complicated, but it was quite fun.
  10. New trailer: Looks good! Some questionable things going on, such as the weird Waygate design, but otherwise it looks very exciting!
  11. Yeah, I think it looks pretty good. Kind of looks like Tomb Raider, but with a male Lara Croft.
  12. Seems a bit uneccessary. What's wrong with taking a screenshot, uploading it to a third party website that requires a different account such as Twitter, and then either sharing it from there or downloading it on another device to send at your leisure?
  13. Watching season 5 of My Hero Academia, and I'd forgotten how little actual content there was in each episode. You've got the - recap of the last episode - the ridiculously long music intro - a recap in each episode of what each characters' quirk is - copying and pasting scenes from previous episodes to add filler - flashbacks from previous episodes (just to recap) -actual new content! - ridiculously long music outtro (but sombre this time) - preview for the next episode (which I don't ever watch because then the actual new content feels like recap when I actually watch it). Also, they need to stop pretending that all the members of class A are on equal footing. Stop giving screen time to Tape Man, and the guy who's quirk is "Tail". Nobody gives a shit about them. I realise they had to have a full class of heroes, so needed to add some filler characters, but you can relegate them to the background now.
  14. Unacceptable. Ban them.
  15. That's funny, I didn't see your mum there, but then, I don't know what she looks like.
  16. I spent the whole of the pandemic working from home while sat on a wicker armchair, and it was the comfiest damn chair I've ever sat in. I used to get back and neck pain from work, but after a whole year of being sat at my dining table in front of my laptop, I haven't had any pain since. 10/10 would recommend.
  17. They're adding features!? Oh my goodness, my day just gets better and better! Screw the credit card, I'm just doing to roll up a £50 note and insert it into the headphone jack.
  18. Holy crap!? You mean I can now sign up and play some 25 year old games as much as I want!? This is unprecedented! Excuse me while I dig out my credit card.
  19. Yeah, the trailers aren't showing up in Tapatalk, and I can only remember a couple of them from memory. I might get a chance to revisit on my laptop though, so if I do, I'll vote then.
  20. I'd like a recount.
  21. Well maybe his budget needs to increase.
  22. Get yourself one of these mate:
  23. Who the fuck is that? I don't want to play as some shitty-ass turdface in ridiculous shorts waving a stupid fucking key about. Why is everyone pretending to know who this little shit is, anyway? Nobody has ever heard of fucking Soreen from Kingdoms Heart. Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep tonight.
  24. I'll just copy and paste my answer from here, the last time this topic was discussed: Basically, I have less and less time to play games these days, but i still try and squeeze in an hour every now and then. I feel like there are some games these days that are just long for the sake of being long, while others seem to judge the length better. My playthrough of The Witcher 3 suffered a lot from this. After about 25 hours of playing through the main storyline, I felt it was ready to wrap up and deliver the ending. However, it just kept going! There was still about a third of the game to go! It just felt so long, i ended up being relieved when it finished, which was a pity, because I was really enjoying the game up until then. The slog at the end left a bitter taste in my mouth, and made me less likely to do any post game content. As a comparison, a game like Titanfall 2 had a great, neat campaign that felt about the right length, with a nicely judged difficulty curve and good pacing throughout. I was satisfied all the way to the end, and didn't feel like it had ended prematurely. The other aspect is the post-game content, or trophy hunting. In my opinion, through the process of playing the main story of a game, it should guide you towards opening up the rest of the content/side quests, and through playing those, you should be 60-70% of the way through the games content. Once done, you can play through and mop up the rest of the side quests, content or trophies. This isn't the case in certain games. After completing Yakuza 0 (for which the main story was pretty well judged IMO), the amount of extra crap to do was just silly, especially trophy hunting. I think after around 30 hours, I had finished the main game and done a fair few of the side quests, but there was still around 100 hours of 'extras' to do (according to howlongtobeat.com)! I realise that no-one is forcing you to do all the extras, but 'completing' a game gives a certain sort of satisfaction, and putting that behind a 100 hour barrier just seems bizarre. One argument in favour of long games is the value for money aspect. Many people argue that if you are paying £60 for a game, you want it to last as long as possible before you feel the need to spend another £60 on the next one. However, there's a difference in playing a game that has great 'replayability', and one that just gives you loads of boring tasks to do to draw the game out, or adds a load of extraneous chapters and has a story that drags. One could draw parallels with films. Nobody complains that films aren't long enough. If the film tells a great story in 90 mins or 180 mins, it's still a good film. Nobody is walking out of the cinema complaining that the film should have been 4 hours long.
  25. You can't have 3 GOTY mate.
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