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Everything posted by bob

  1. How is this the first I'm hearing of Amazon Luna? Where did that come from?
  2. Calm down Marvel. That's too much new stuff now, I can't keep up.
  3. bob


    In one of the weirdest crossovers ever - Kelsier from the Mistborn book trilogy is being added to Fortnite??? Apparently the author Brando Sando is good friends with someone at Epic Games, and so he made it happen. What's next? Paul Atreides in Minecraft? Captain Ahab in Smash?
  4. Zidane is like a cat asking to go outside.
  5. If Rockstar reckon they can sell GTAV on another console, i'm sure it'll be there.
  6. Maybe they thought Bruno Fernandes would be allowed to take all of them?
  7. Got jabbed today. Very efficient process; in and out in 30 mins, and now I'm feeling fine. Feels weird to finally have had it after all this time...
  8. To continue the football analogy - I always prefer the tournaments where England aren't in it. You don't have to deal with the overblown hype, boring games, and inevitable embarrassment of them crashing out to Iceland. The media attention gets spread out over all the other teams in the competition, and it's generally just a much better tournament. I'd love it if the UK skipped a Eurovision or two. Or even just had to qualify like everyone else. I agree that it would probably bump the quality up a bit if they had to get past a semi-final first. Plus, maybe the other countries wouldn't resent us quite so much.
  9. I have been plugging away at this, doing attempt after attempt, and filling up the mirror of darkness (or whatever it's called). However, I felt like i'd hit a wall. There was no way to get any more Titan's blood, and so level up your weapons, and i'd max'd out all the mirror specs. I was about ready to call it a day - i'd played for over 30 hours, which isn't bad for a game that only cost £20. To be honest I was surprised i even managed to get to the final boss anyway. When i started playing, i didn't think i'd even get that far! Then I was browsing the Hades sub-reddit, and i saw a message by someone giving advice for your first clear if you are having trouble. They suggested using the shield, applying Ares boons (doom) on your attack, and Athena boons on your special, and then picking up as many Pom fruits to stack up the doom damage. I thought 'what the hell', i'll give it a go! So I used the Ares keepsake, and with the Ares boon at the beginning of the level.....there was no attack option. Crap. And then there were no more Ares boons, at all until Elysium. I didn't get a Athena boon until halfway through Asphodel, and when I did, special wasn't an option. I panicked halfway through the run, and sold off the boons i had got on my attack and special, hoping to get Ares and Athena later on, but it all fell apart, and i ended up sauntering into the third boss with 17 health and no extra lives. A disaster. Well that didn't go so well, so i thought i'd try it again! This time, I got the Ares doom on my Attack first try, and although I didn't get an Athena special, I did get Athena Divine dash. I also managed to get a hammer boon that gave me double damage on my attack. Soon I was tearing through the enemies simply using dash+attack! Eventually i picked up enough Poms that I was doing several hundred in damage just from doom. I got to the final boss with two or three lives left, and managed to smack him down with plenty to spare. Finally escaped on attempt 59!
  10. I do think there is some political bias, but anyone who thought our entry deserved to be anywhere other than the bottom half of the table is deluding themselves. We sent a poorly dressed bouncer who couldn't sing, with a generic, bland, boring song. It was awful.
  11. Christ is that how much it is? Think I got it years back when it was 99p. I thought you had it already as VIP used to appear next to your name in Tapatalk (which was same for me). Nah, that's just because I am a very important person.
  12. Hmmm, i thought the only option now was that stupid subscription model. Still, £14 is a bit steep. I might have another go with the mobile browser theme, but I hate using browsers.
  13. Finland? The Limp Bizkit tribute act?
  14. I loved it. Malta and Germany frontrunners for me!
  15. Ours was rubbish. Why are Switzerland's trousers so high?
  16. Wife and I were doing the hand flippy dance along with it.
  17. Three good entries to start.
  18. It's like a weird dream. Nikkitutorials is a presenter? Flo Rida is representing San Marino? Peter Gabriel (not that one) has remixed Venus?
  19. Urgh. Does anyone else here use Tapatalk, and has your app started autoplaying video ads? It's so annoying, but there's no way of turning it off. I would jump ship to another app in a heartbeat, but there are no alternatives...
  20. Have you tried a sentence (with spaces and punctuation)?
  21. I watched the first three episodes of Bad Batch, and i'm struggling a bit. It just seems very bland and formulaic. To be honest, I've tried watching Clone Wars twice now, and couldn't get through it, and I found Rebels boring (although I did manage to watch all of that), so I think that maybe the Star Wars animated series just aren't for me.
  22. My friend got one of these through a police auction site, and I had a play with it at the weekend. It's pretty fun! Got bored of the track we set up after about 30 seconds though, and instead used it to chase his kids around the house.
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