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Everything posted by bob

  1. But why doesn't anyone else have manga eyes? It was just really off-putting. The rest of the film was ok though. I wish it had been more complete though, rather than leaving such an open ending.
  2. Watched Alita: Battle Angel. It actually was much better than I was expecting, right up until the point it ends before the story is resolved. Crap ending. Also, why are her eyes so big? Looks very creepy.
  3. My wife's school is going to continue to enforce bubbles and social distancing at school for the one remaining week before the summer holidays because......well. Why the hell would you drop all precautions in schools one week before they break up for summer?
  4. Fucks sake England. We tune in 5 minutes late (couldn't find the remote) and you go and score within the first 2 minutes!
  5. There was an interview on BBC Radio 4 yesterday with the exCEO of Virgin Galactic, and they asked him if this was all about the billionaires egos. He tried to claim that no, Musk, Bezos and Branson had all just seen the future where we are doing to need to move industrialisation to space to combat climate change, and this was the first step. Sounds like bollocks to me. If that were the case, why do they have to go up there themselves?
  6. Which one of those is your dog?
  7. Two sets of fans who spend way too much money collecting things just for the sake of it. Match made in heaven.
  8. Guys, can we please keep the conversation on the Nintendo Switch (OLED model)?
  9. I'm exploring all the other weapon aspects now. It's interesting how each one forces you to play a little bit differently. The bow is definitely my least favourite weapon though. It's so slow and cumbersome, and leaves you open to attack so much. Haven't worked out the best way to play with it yet. Only just unlocked Companions, too. This game has so much depth considering how simple it seems at the beginning!
  10. I don't suppose there's anything preventing a tempad from being pruned, it's just that TVA agents don't normally get pruned, so there was no precedent. Everyone else kept all of their belongings on them, so why wouldn't he?
  11. Wow. They were definitely saving all the budget for Episode 5.
  12. Episode 4 was great. I'm really enjoying Loki, more so than Wanda or Captain Falcon. I wonder if they're going to end season 1 with a wrap-up, or leave the whole thing open for the Multiverse films.
  13. Yeah I'm not sure how to feel either. 8 goals scored, 0 conceeded. Into the semifinal after a very convincing win. Is this a different team in disguise? It's not England, that's for sure.
  14. I do think it was a red card, but I don't think it was intentional, and I do think he was very unlucky.
  15. It wasn't a challenge, it was a clearance. I don't even think he knew the other guy was there. I think it's a really unlucky red card.
  16. But what if the final fighter is from a game that didn't even exist 3 years ago? I think that we should all get one final guess, and if we get it right, we get 30 points.
  17. I also sucked at the beginning (well, I still suck now), but the game slowly gets better and better. You'll be getting stronger and stronger without even realising it. Eventually you'll be crushing the first boss each time like a bug, and wondering how they ever even gave you trouble. You need to concentrate on dashing out of the way to begin with. Soon, dodging the various attacks will become second nature. I would say, just use the resources as you get them. As you get further into the game, you start getting so many of everything, that you don't need to worry about saving up. As LazyBoy said, make sure to upgrade the mirror with the purple drops - especially the death defiance one - that gives you extra lives. If you are still hating it, there is always God Mode, which you can switch on and it will reduce the damage you receive permanently, each time you die.
  18. I've been playing this off and on for a while. I've beaten the final boss 5 times now, each with a different weapon. The bow was the hardest one so far; dealing damage was fine, but I just couldn't seem to defend myself while using it. Anyway, I eventually managed to get some good boons together and managed to smack the last boss into next week. I keep reaching points where I think i'm going to give up and play something else, but i just keep going for one more attempt! I've only got the machine gun left to beat the game with, and then i'll have done it with every weapon. Maybe that's when i'll call it a day?
  19. It seems weird that we're being judged on predictions made more than 3 years ago. I feel like the gaming landscape has changed somewhat since then, and this affects who the final fighter will be. Should we all be allowed to make one final prediction for the final fighter?
  20. I went through the whole game without using any weapons (other than scenery during a fight). Only found out how about 2 chapters from the end.
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