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Everything posted by bob

  1. I had my booster on Tuesday, and felt fine the whole of Wednesday, but this morning i'm feeling a bit rough. Headache, and shivers, with aching neck and shoulder (of the jabbed arm). Weird how delayed the response was...
  2. Now I just want to play Halo: Reach again.
  3. I watched the Hawkeye finale last night too.
  4. I don't fill anything in because I'm a domestic man of mystery. (Was international until they stopped all the flights)
  5. Well that's confusing. I'm on episode 26, so I guess I'm stuck watching this branch.
  6. I assumed it was just a sequel, is it not? If it's a remake, and it's better, then maybe I shouldn't waste my time with the original?
  7. Supposed to have my booster on Tuesday, but lo and behold my son's PCR test came back positive tonight...
  8. Started watching Full Metal Alchemist on Netflix, as i heard it was a really good series. It starts off slowly, but it did pick up, and now i'm really getting into it. Then, Netflix tells me that they are removing FMA on the 31st Dec?! What the fuck? So i've got nearly 50 episodes of this thing to watch in half a month....probably not going to manage that. Oh well, I am enjoying it, although watching Ed going into fights like: is very frustrating.
  9. My plan for the start of 2022 is just to try and get some more gaming in at all. I've asked for Paper Mario Switch so that should start me off well. I'm not all that excited about it, but I know that it being a Nintendo game, it should be good. I mean to complete God of War PS4 at some point. It's been a while since I played it though, so i'm probably going to spend the first couple of hours complaining that they moved all the button mappings while I wasn't looking. I've been thinking I might try and buy some of the PS4 games on the cheap, like Uncharted, or Tomb Raider too. Something fun with a good story. I would love to play some of the new releases, especially now that they are coming to PS4 (Horizon), but I don't know if it isn't worth waiting and seeing if I end up picking up a PS5 at some point in the future? I know buying one now (even if they were available anywhere), would be a bit pointless since it wouldn't get any use, but i'm hoping my life settles down enough that I can try and fit in some gaming in the evenings.
  10. Maybe she's only in it for a bit until she gets killed off by the fire nation, thus giving Suki a bit of back story/personality. I've never understood the fan love for Suki, she's so bland. It would be good to expand her character a bit.
  11. I don't really see how that could give you a sore arm - are you sure you're wearing them correctly?
  12. Also pretty easy decision to make when you want to sell lots of games.
  13. @Glen-i that's a lot of hours. Here's mine: Twas a good year. Especially that single hour in September spent playing Mario Kart.
  14. I was surprised to be able to get an appointment for next week considering the news was saying there were queues outside all the centres and the website crashed due to heavy use. Obviously I have an older population living near me...
  15. That is the longest trailer I've ever seen. It seemed like it was going to end three separate time...and then just kept going.
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1468582690618175493?s=20 LMAO they just keeping making new ones! @Cube is never going to get to the end!
  17. Do you still get to keep the keys when he leaves the country? If so, it sounds like a win to me.
  18. Episode 4 is the first major diversion from the books. Still good though. I can see why they are making changes. Book 1 is a bit dull in places, and most of the characters are underdeveloped. It's good that the show is fleshing them out earlier on.
  19. Why do you have the time in San Francisco displayed?
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