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Everything posted by bob

  1. Well first off, i'm not taking difficulty advice from you. I'd need assurances from someone on my level, who plays on easy and then still needs to cheese the odd boss. The other reason I know i'd hate it and stop playing it is that I can't play creepy, dark or spooky games. The whole aesthetic of this, and all the other Souls games, just puts me off. I'm still really jealous though, because it sounds like the open world design is fantastic, and would absolutely be something i'd enjoy. I'll just live vicariously through others.
  2. I keep coming in here and reading about how much fun everyone is having with this game, and how it might be the best open world game ever, and I LOVE open world games. But I know I will hate this game and will waste my money if I buy it. So I have to just read the posts in here and try not to be too jealous.
  3. Those are features.
  4. Here's a good tip, try watching on your phone instead. I could barely make out the characters at all, let alone specifics like CGI sand.
  5. I would recommend the Moto line of phones. I've got the Motorola One Action, and it's been great. Only £200-ish I think. I'm not exactly a power user, but I've never had any issues with it.
  6. Everyone complains that no one makes original games anymore, and when someone does, you lot all say it ought to have been a sequel...
  7. Oh wow. I've not been excited for a Star Wars thing in a long time, but that looks fantastic!
  8. That sounds awful. Maybe everyone else thought that someone else has told you? Hope she makes a full recovery!
  9. Isn't the key to winning most racers speed?
  10. I'm pretty sure you can use video analysis to calculate a person's centre of mass, or hip point. Just do that and see who is further forward. Then it doesn't matter if a stray leg or hand is throwing off the VAR.
  11. Not sure where else to put this, but i noticed in Spotify when listening to a Star Wars track, your song timeline thingy turns into a lightsabre. Oh, I also watched Boba Fett. Thought it was pretty meh. It's like they ran out of stuff for him to do halfway through, so just started Mando Season 3 instead.
  12. Just don't play the game anymore dude. Sell it and recoup some money back.
  13. Energy bill is going up by £720 a year, so that's great.
  14. This looks like it ought to have a Saturday morning spin-off animated show. A satornisoffow, if you will.
  15. Figured this was a big enough story in the book world to post here:
  16. Is that a monopoly then? Or is there another service? Expect the prices to go up!
  17. Clearly the three legendaries are going to be based on Sporting, Porto and Benfica.
  18. No, I'm saying they need to go back and rename Sun, Moon, X, Y, Sword and Shield.
  19. And why is the gemstone named so?
  20. Ruby was just red again!
  21. Looks like Gamefreak discovered some other colours after all.
  22. All great photos Cube. Can we get a close up of the CCTV system and a postcode please.
  23. So after Jonnas mentioned the 3rd MHA film, I realised that there was a 2nd one that I hadn't seen. Apparently, it's on Netflix too, which makes things easy. The film is ok. Better than season 5 in that stuff actually happens to the main heroes, and you actually get to see heroes fighting villains.
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