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Everything posted by bob

  1. I think you might be partaking in a bit of internet-hyperbole. Extremely ropey?
  2. Hey guys, I accidentally two copies of Tekken 2, does anyone want my spare?
  3. That sounds identical to the Wii version. Sometimes the AI would just decide to score and there was nothing you could do about it. We stopped playing after a while because it was such bullshit.
  4. I didn't really feel it, but I think it's aimed at a teenage girl audience. It felt like watching something from the Disney channel, or Nickelodeon from 15 years ago. I thought the dialogue between the teenage characters felt a bit cringey, but then it's been a while since I was a teenager, so maybe they do talk like that now? I'll keep watching and see where it goes. I kind of want to know who the villain is going to be, because it's difficult to see who they pitch her up against. Someone evil, but fairly nonthreatening?
  5. I don't think there are many more people like you.
  6. Does anyone else really like a song, and think about recommending it to someone else, but then wonder if the song is actually any good, or if it's just the circumstances around the song that they like, and the song is actually trash? I listened to 'In The Blood' from the Hades soundtrack on repeat for weeks, because it's a banger, and it reminded me of the game, which was also a banger. And i recommended it to my mum, who has a similar taste in music to me, and she said it was ok, but not really her thing. Was it the song? Did I just like it because of the game? Is my mother trash with trash taste? I find it really difficult with music to step back and see it for what it is, which seems to different to film and other media, where you can usually tell if something is actually good or not, or if it's your own preferences or bias that make you love it. This song as another example, I love, but would someone else like it who hadn't seen AoT?
  7. The trailer seems to have a much more serious tone than the first two seasons. It started off as a Star Trek spoof, and now it's looking more and more like just Star Trek. Looks good though.
  8. I got the feeling from the trailer that it was aimed at a younger audience, but I'll watch the first episode tonight and see what I think.
  9. Watching anything on Crunchyroll or Funimation continues to be an excruciating experience. I realise that they want people to subscribe, but the adverts are genuinely awful. Any adverts for an anime tend to just be 20 seconds of people gasping or screaming, with no indication of what the show is about at all. Sometimes the volume level on certain ads will just double (looking at you Ni No Kuni - Cross Worlds), forcing you to turn the volume down, whereby your can't hear the show when it finally returns. Often, they'll just play the same advert multiple times (4 in a row is my current record). It's not going to make me want the product any more. The choice of advert is sometimes a bit suspect - adverts for all inclusive holidays in the Maldives. Is that your target audience Funimation? People who can't afford a £5 a month subscription to your cartoon steaming service? It really gives the apps/services an amateur feel.
  10. What was Dr Strange trying to copy?
  11. I think my joke may have gone over your head a little bit, but that's ok.
  12. Zelda is now a Far Cry/Assassin's Creed game.
  13. Is that the bit where you find out how the forest became blind? So sad. They should put warning labels on those things.
  14. L E C H O N K
  15. No wonder they asked him to step down.
  16. I think the plural in this case would be 'houses plant'
  17. Interesting. Shame it wasn't Resistance. That IP needs a new game. Resistance had such innovative and fun guns. I'd love to have another sequel.
  18. Agreed. The laws have become so pernickety that they've gone far beyond what they were trying to prevent. The handball rule was to stop people picking up the ball, or controlling it with their arms. The offside rule was to prevent people hoofing up to their striker who was hanging around next to the goalie. Now they're having to view each incident down to the millisecond and millimeter, and it's just gotten stupid. I realise you have to have a line, but they need to slacken off a bit. If the player didn't control the ball with their arm. It's fine. Give them the benefit of the doubt. If the players aren't miles offside, let them have it. Oh, and Madrid have just scored.
  19. You could say it 'tranformed' into something more 'titanic'.
  20. There aren't many nice looking consoles to be honest. Most of the early ones were pretty boxy and function over form. The NES is just a grey box. The Atari looks like a car dashboard from the 70s. The Mega Drive was just a black slab of plastic. I don't think they really gave a thought to what they looked like until recently.
  21. Mate, get a duster round your house. It's not healthy to be living surrounded by so much dust.
  22. I enjoyed Chip 'N' Dale as well. It wasn't as funny as I was expecting, but I did do a few laughs. The best bit was trying to spot all the Easter eggs in the background (and foreground).
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