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Everything posted by bob

  1. https://www.nintendo.co.jp/schedule/#switch Japanese Nintendo schedule apparently shows .
  2. Why didn't they still show the icon, but just not include it in the next screenshot? Did they not understand what the criticism was?
  3. I believe you're overthinking it. The first game is good because you can...be Spider-Man. The second will be similarly as good if they let you do more Spider-Man stuff, in a Spider-Man way. As you say, remove all the Spider-Man stuff, and the game is a solid 7/10. But the fact that you get to swing around, beating up bad guys in New York AS Spider-Man? 10/10. It's like wondering why people buy FIFA games - the game mechanics and presentation may be cack, but people will still buy it to play as their favourite team, or favourite player, in their favourite kit etc.
  4. I'm going to have to buy a PS5 for this aren't I!?
  5. Well I finally saw the epilogue for this game, and I've pretty much done everything I want to do in it. Ended up with 120+ attempts, and about 30+ successful escapes. I haven't checked how many hours I've spent playing, but I definitely got my money's worth. I seriously didn't expect to enjoy this game at all, and it ended up being one of my favourite games of the past couple of years, and has me curious about checking out other rogue-likes/lites, which is incredible.
  6. A huge spider started crawling across the sofa blanket between my wife and I. Luckily, as I threw the blanket across the room, the giant spider landed in an empty mug and I was able to place a book on top. I hate this time of year.
  7. Someone made it it's own thread! Go check it out!
  8. Now the first trailer has dropped, I'm going to start a thread for this. "Set in a high fantasy world where magic exists, but only some can access it, a woman named Moiraine crosses paths with five young men and women. This sparks a dangerous, world-spanning journey." The IMDB synopsis is so very vague, but it's very difficult to sum up the books in a short paragraph. I've never been so hyped for a television show. This is my favourite book series, and in my opinion, is the best fantasy book(s) of all time. It's very early obviously, but the trailer looks to be doing it justice so far. If you have read the books, please keep any book spoilers in a spoiler tag which states they are book spoilers, rather than show spoilers. It's going to be tricky keeping future plot points secret to anyone who hasn't read the books otherwise!
  9. If you're rebooting it, you can change/rebalance the Pokémon, I guess. But yeah, it doesn't really matter which Pokémon get in, they just need to change something moving forward, or they'll keep adding Pokémon each gen and soon they will start groaning under the weight of having so many. It's unsustainable. How many are there going to be in 10 years time? 1500? 2000? If they can't animate the ones they have now, how terrible are the games going to look in 2031?
  10. But it's not a main line game, like Snap, so maybe it would be acceptable?
  11. Got evacuated from work because of a huge chemical fire a mile or two away. In reality, we were probably fine, and my house where I evacuated to is probably closer to the fire than my work, but it was kind of exciting.
  12. There's an easy solution to all this: just cut down on the number of Pokémon. You don't need 1300 of the things, people only care about 150, maybe 151? Just animate those, and then concentrate on adding shadows to the trees.
  13. These are pretty much my thoughts, so can everyone pretend I wrote them?
  14. I'm so fucking excited about this film. It's got my nostalgia gland pumping furiously, and I don't know that I can contain it. Still not a fan of MCU Spidey though. So far both of his solo films have fallen a bit flat for me. I like Tom Holland, but I wish they would let him have a whole film without a minder like a child.
  15. Please understand, they literally don't have to, because people will still buy it anyway.
  16. I think the most annoying thing about this game is that it's going to suck, and then @Glen-i will have been right, and use it as proof that all open world games suck.
  17. I'm sorry it took so long! Good luck with your kinetic sandbags.
  18. Thanks, but I'll wait for a price reduction. I'm not made of money.
  19. I did a screen record to show the slow creeping horror. https://streamable.com/bvvbpc
  20. I've found what I think is a bug, although it may just be the most annoying advert of all time. Also, it's a bug with Tapatalk, so nothing anyone can do, I just wanted to tell someone about it. When using Tapatalk (non-paid), they put adverts in between some of the topics. Normally, no issues. Today however, one of the adverts started....growing. The text would slowly get bigger and bigger, expanding the advert and pushing all the other topics downwards. When I scrolled down past it, it just kept going, until all the topics got pushed off the bottom of the screen. I watched it for a while until the text got too big to read, but it didn't look like it was going to stop. So yeah, I'm hoping it's a bug and not a new standard for adverts, which just expand slowly until they envelop your entire life.
  21. I'm a fan of cheese and tomato.
  22. Well now that just looks crazy enough to work.
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