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Everything posted by bob

  1. You might even say......sub-zero evening?
  2. Do we even know that each version of K. Rool is the same guy? It might simply be the three Rool siblings, Keith, Kyle and Kingsley, who took three different directions in life. They may look the same, but beneath those genetically similar exteriors there lies completely different personalities.
  3. Not sure if this is a damning indictment of previous Directs from you, or you just have really small dreams.
  4. Watched the latest season of The Expanse, and was surprised in the final episode how they...
  5. The weird thing is, they supposedly only shot like 12 minutes of extra footage for this, and yet I barely recognise any of the shots in that trailer. Is the whole film just going to be CGI?
  6. Car failed the MOT. Failed on so many items, we basically have to scrap it and buy a new one!
  7. Has anyone watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix? It's a documentary featuring interviews with a lot of the people who helped design the social networks in the past, and basically how they regret what it's become. It's a pretty depressing watch.
  8. It's political correctness gone mad! You can't even compare the treatment of Republicans to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany anymore!
  9. https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/10/22277540/star-wars-severs-ties-the-mandalorian-gina-carano-cara-dune Looks like Cara Dune won't be returning in Season 3 of the Mandalorian.
  10. As a pure Genwunner, I don't recognise it as a Pokémon.
  11. It's ok, you can just assume everything is made by Nintendo. @Glen-i will arrive shortly after to correct you, so you never have to worry about which is correct.
  12. This pig has learnt how to fold over the side of the fleece and use it as a pillow. EDIT: I hate Tapatalk sometimes.
  13. What's the benefit of a foldable phone though? They seem like curved screens to me, just a bit gimmicky and not really all that useful.
  14. Sweaty wrists.
  15. Well since i defeated Ganon the second time - I haven't felt any desire to go back and play the game....I wonder if that's how a lot of the people who stormed the castle as early as possible felt. It felt good to have that final task hanging over you the whole time, and once done, there seems little incentive to go and upgrade your armour, or complete any final shrines etc. Anyway, I'll just leave my final thoughts now, since i'd quite like to move onto another game, and I can't see me playing any more. Ultimately, I think it's a fantastic game, definitely my favourite Switch game so far, and without a doubt my favourite Zelda game. I've always struggled to get on with Zelda games. I've been burnt so many times where I get caught up in the hype and buy them, only to get stuck or lose interest early on. I've played OOT, TP, SS, and WW, and only ever managed to complete TP. I umm'd and aah'd for ages about whether to get BOTW, because I didn't want to waste money on another game that I'd hate. Luckily, I ended up getting it for Xmas, so it was someone else's money, and in any case, i definitely didn't hate this one! The amount they managed to cram into the world is simply astonishing. Even after 90+ hours I spent playing it, I still come across things that I missed. Sometimes I'll see a screenshot of somewhere and think 'I didn't see that?!'. There is a downside to this, I suppose. Some of the stuff I literally would never have come across If I hadn't accidentally read about it online - like the ability to buy a house (and the fairly long quest thereafter) which would completely have passed me by. I still can't quite believe that this whole world is crammed onto that tiny Switch cart, and playable on a handheld! I actually really enjoyed the Divine beasts, which isn't something I thought I'd say at the beginning, since I hated the Zelda dungeons. I think they could have done with a couple more, but maybe the world would have felt a bit crowded with that many giant mechanical animals wandering about. It was a wonderful feeling looking out and seeing the overworld from inside the belly of the beast - it was a really nice touch and probably a really difficult technical challenge(?). I loved the way you seemed to grow in power and strength - I was initially terrified of the Guardians, and gave them a wide berth for most of the game. Then I realised that with upgraded armour, almost two rows of hearts, and a pocket full of ancient blue weapons, I was powerful enough to bitch-slap any Guardian quite easily - it suddenly felt really good to suddenly be able to lay into them. The game certainly isn't perfect. The much maligned weapons breaking system is annoying and seems to defeat the purpose of finding cool/rare weapons in the game. What's the point in finding a high-powered sword if you are scared to use it lest it break? When they were adding in the Master Sword, and had to tack on a bullshit refractory period to make the weapon usable, they should have thought 'hey, maybe this system doesn't work'. There should have been a blacksmith or something where you could go and repair your broken weapons. I also found some of the abilities a bit pointless - I think I only used the ice block one a couple of times? Maybe there were times I should have used it, but beat a puzzle a different way, but i thought it was an underused ability - like they added it in and then forgot about it. The only time I've seen people using it online is when Guardians happen to be standing in a shallow puddle, and they use it to flip them over - really cool, but limited use! The ability to ride a horse felt a bit pointless as well. I wonder if the people who actually used this only did so out of a nostalgia for OOT. I only tamed two horses the whole game. A boring brown one, and an enormous shire horse thingy I named Horst. But I barely rode either of them, because whenever I did, I'd be on them for about 20 seconds and then I'd arrive at a cliff, or a rock that they couldn't ride past, and I'd have to dismount and leave Horst behind. The plot was absolute drivel, made worse by the terrible voice acting. Why bother adding voice acting to 2% of the dialogue? If you are going to make it voice acted, record lines for everyone! Other AAA games manage it. And the 'plot' surrounding every single Divine Beast was exactly the same - Champion dies 100 years ago, mini-version of Champion helps you get into the Beast in present day - not worth sitting through awful voice acting for. I do wonder where they're going to go in the sequel. Do they use the same world, but all the shrines have magically moved about and reset? How to retain that sense of exploration, when your world had already been explored? Maybe they'll just flood the whole thing and put you in a talking boat. Anyway, great game, 9/10.
  16. https://www.polygon.com/2021/2/3/22264390/botw-breath-of-the-wild-zelda-nintendo-switch-speedrun-100-percent-damageless-joedun Wow.
  17. This reminded me that I never got my Nintendo one...
  18. I've not seen Babylon 1-4, will I be lost if I try and watch 5?
  19. This tells me that your feeling was wrong.
  20. Oh, my bad. When I googled it, and it just said PS5, Xbox Whatever the Latest One and Windows.
  21. I don't think the game is coming out on PS4 is it?
  22. So, I finished the Tarry Town sidequest, which was quite fun, and then decided I'd start exploring the Castle properly. Got to say, I hated it. It's more like the old style Zelda dungeons with those awful rooms where they trap you in until you've killed the enemy within. Anyway, I explored a few of the rooms, before getting a bit uncomfortable, and instead decided to go and see how far through the castle it would let me get. Luckily, with the super jump ability, you can just leap and skip out huge parts of the castle, which was good, and I was surprised to find myself at the doorway to the inner sanctum thingy. Didn't feel prepared to fight Ganon, but thought I'd pop in and see how difficult he was. Turns out, not that difficult. I beat him in about 10 minutes, and the credits rolled last night. However, this morning, I fired up the game again, and found myself stood outside the sanctum again? What the fuck?! I assumed that somehow it hadn't saved and I'd lost my progress. So I beat Ganon again this morning! And it plonked me outside the sanctum again! Turns out nothing changes once you've defeated the end boss, you just get a little star next to your save file and that's it...I hate games that do this. Makes the feeling of beating the game fall flat. Anyway, there are a few things I still want to do in the game, but I'll have a mull over and post my final thoughts in here later.
  23. Damn! DCubed dropping the deets on Dr Doak's disastrous dalliance.
  24. Did Dr Doak decline to do it again? Or did he decide not to deign the developers with his display?
  25. I got a pretty cool house plant for Xmas from my sister is law. My jungle bathroom is coming along nicely.
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