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Everything posted by bob

  1. As if they've given the real codes to Trump anyway...
  2. I look forward to the inevitable branch of the company that sells books based on the games they make: Lucasfilm Games Books. And of course, the company that distributes the OSTs for the games: Lucasfilm Games Music.
  3. So I only found out recently that you can cut the legs off Guardians. I had previously avoided them, because the first one i killed took me about 30 mins to chip away at while hiding on top of a cliff, and every other one since then had destroyed me. I found out about the leg chopping, and took down two of the fuckers in about 5 mins!
  4. If you love Japan so much, why don't you marry it?
  5. I still can't believe they have to wait until he leaves office to charge him with a crime. How bad would the crime have to be to simply arrest him?
  6. I bought Nelly Furtado's hit pop sensation Man-eater in 2006 - am I eligible for a refund?
  7. Is this what playing a game through gritted teeth looks like?
  8. I finished watching His Dark Materials recently, and while the second season was better than the first, it's still all a bit meh. I didn't understand how Ruth Wilson was able to control the Spectres? She said that she hid part of herself to stop them attacking her, but then there seemed to be a huge jump to her controlling them and getting them to kill the witches...? Also, they introduce all this stuff about the war against the Authority and the angels with no build up at all - it seemed really tacked on. The witches just seemed to talk in stilted clichés the whole time - saying how the world has been thrown into chaos by Lord Asreal opening the window, but it didn't seem like the world was in chaos...? Like how was it in chaos? Lyra and Will declaring each other best friends despite them spending about 3 days together. The actor who plays Will seemed to do most of his acting through clenching and unclenching his jaw - and then staring off into the distance. How come only one or two Demons can talk? The show has some good ideas and moments, but a lot of it falls flat in my opinion.
  9. Presumably it's not worth fielding good candidates in a constituency that they have no chance in though, which is an issue with the system. Implement proportional representation and you might get better people challenging.
  10. I still haven't received my email - I wonder if you have to have had a certain number of hours to qualify?
  11. I had a nice Christmas with my wife's family. It was very quiet (for obvious reasons) and mostly focused on the new baby (he had the lion's share of the presents under the tree). However, I did get a really nice houseplant from my sister in law, which was a nice surprise. Weirdly it was the present I got most excited about. Here is a picture: Image contains: a houseplant, window blinds, a red sofa in the background, a teddy bear with its head trapped under an unwrapped present.
  12. Is it utterly fucking miserable like all of Pixar's films recently?
  13. Merry Christmas Everyone!
  14. I just hope other countries are looking at this and thinking 'shall we just have at look and double check that we have a system in place in case we accidentally elect a criminal'.
  15. Checked on the price of Bitcoin for the first time in a while, and it seems to have gone insane. Sold off another sliver of what I own, which should be a nice Christmas bonus, but going to leave the rest and see what happens.
  16. Agree with most of this. They really should have kept Bill Burrs character around, since he's the only charismatic one in it. Needs less stoicism.
  17. My wife and I sat down to watch Mulan now that it isn't £30. It's pretty bad. They've taken all the best bits from the original (the songs, the dragon) and replaced it with a load of weirdly misplaced Chinese martial art film stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love those old fashioned martial arts films, but it just doesn't fit here (like when Mulan kicks an arrow at a dude, killing him, wtf?). The dialogue is ridiculous and way too serious. There's not enough comic relief for a kid's film. The plot is almost nonsensical - the army leaders are ready to literally execute Mulan at one point, but then change their mind after a rousing speech from a random soldier, and instead make her head of the entire army!? One positive point is that the film is beautiful; some really nice landscapes on display. That's about it though.
  18. Yeah, good idea @Will, it was very enjoyable. I fell behind a bit, so i'll update all my predictions and just back-date them if that's all right?
  19. This one's from the base PS4.
  20. bob


    Good to know it isn't just us. We have a reasonably old TV, and half of the things that go wrong I usually attribute to the TV being old and slow, but it seems like this issue is with Netflix themselves. I mean yeah I guess I could just learn Spanish, but what if I was deaf, am I just supposed to learn how to hear again Netflix? Hmmm?!
  21. bob


    My wife and I have been watching quite a few subtitled shows on Netflix recently (we're very cultured like that), and every so often it'll just miss out a line of dialogue, leaving you to try and translate what was said on your own. Is this some sort of new initiative to get viewers to learn a new language by immersion? Or is it Netflix fucking up?
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