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Everything posted by bob

  1. I didn't watch the Man Utd game, and I understand that they were fairly poor, but what was that shit-show for the red card? This is what VAR is supposed to sort out. Either send them both off, or neither.
  2. It works for the people that matter then
  3. Yeah Season 1 is very good. We're waiting until all the episodes of season 2 are out before we start watching those, but I'm looking forward to it.
  4. Lets find out! https://photos.app.goo.gl/R8zAMaUMhyXWDHm26 Can anyone else see this? Hmmm, can't seem to embed the photos directly.
  5. It does seem like a bit of a game-breaking move. Balancing him must have been really hard.
  6. Why do you do all your cooking at your computer desk?
  7. Did you guess? Or are you quoting my 3rd point above?
  8. Personally I really like the look of Minecraft. Maybe that's because I played and had a good time with the game, and it reminds me of that though. I can guarantee though, that if Sakurai announced that the next DLC fighter was NES pixel Mario, none of you would care about the graphical style.
  9. Oooh wow, someone on Reddit got this up and running in VR through Virtual Desktop. https://v.redd.it/rj2qm2545lq51 Looks awesome! So tempted to try this now, as it's a VR game you can play sat down!
  10. I more surprised at the hate for Minecraft itself here to be honest. I don't understand what makes it different from all the other games that people on here regularly enjoy. It's a fantastic game. Personally, I thought Steve being in Smash was practically a foregone conclusion - best selling game ever, huge fanbase, instantly recognisable character. It wasn't a surprise to me at all.
  11. Ok, so here are my top 3 reasons why I think they swapped the faces: 3) The original face guy wanted too much money - could happen? Maybe he thought he had them over a barrel, and when he tried to negotiate for higher pay, they went "nah, fuck it, we'll just swap in some other schmo, nobody will even notice". 2) The original face guy has some horrendous skeletons in his closet and they want to distance themselves early - "Oh that racist homophobe? Never met the guy! Our Peter is played by this person. Always has been!" 1) The whole thing was done on purpose to drum up controversy ahead of the re-release - no such thing as bad news right? They were worried that no-one would care about a remaster of a game that only came out like a year ago, so in order to draw attention to the fact that they've given it prettier graphics, they replace the main guy for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and wait for all the internet chat to roll in!
  12. Why is@Julius on there twice? And why isn't@Vileplume2000 there once? Could it be that you fucked up?
  13. Reminds me a bit of Untitled Goose Game with the 'be as annoying as possible' bit. I kind of want to see what the gameplay looks like though first.
  14. Could it be a case of people preordering more than they are actually intending to buy? I.e. putting a pre-order down at more than one shop, or for a console they might change their mind on later?
  15. Not done an awful lot of gaming recently, but I did try and start up God of War again. i don't know what it is about it, but something doesn't sit right with me about it. Partially, I think it is the controls for combat. Attack controls on the shoulder buttons? That just feels really awkward to me, and I can never remember which is which. I keep doing light attacks when I mean to do heavy, or aim when i want to shield. It ends up making the combat in this really disjointed, lumbering and slow. The other thing that I don't like is the faux open world. Technically, yes, you can go anywhere, but you are still rigidly controlled into cramped corridors and any kind of travelling across the overworld feels like a chore. I'm really enjoying the story and the interactions between the main characters (I've just picked up the talking head), but every time The Boy says that i can explore if I want, i feel a sort of dread in doing so, which shouldn't be the case in an open world game. Maye it's just not for me, but I do want to finish it. I've also been trying to start up TLOZ:BOTW again. I decided i would forge ahead and try to do a bit more of the main story, so i headed for the volcano to try and find the inevitable meeting with the Gorons. I wasn't sure where to go, so i just went straight up the side of the volcano until I got to the 'lava moat'. Then, I skirted around the edge of the moat, using up all my fire relief potions until I got to Eldin's Bridge. I loitered around there for a while, thinking that's where I could trigger the meeting with the Gorons, but that didn't happen. So I eventually came down the mountain until I got to the Goron town, entering it the wrong way and finding that they had fireproof clothing for sale. Maybe I do need more rigid corridors in my life...? Anyway, defeated the second boss dude, and i've done the Assassins' Creed tower in that area so now I'm up for a bit of a wander around again. I know where the third Divine beast is, because I can see it flying from across the map, but I have no idea where the fourth one even is. I'm assuming it's in the fourth quarter of the map i've yet to even open up. Thinking about exploring it actually fills me with excitement, which is how an open world game is supposed to be.
  16. I'm going for Mr Resetti. Or it would be, if he was relevant any more. It's kind of sad that they'll pretty much only make DLC characters from franchises they want a boost in sales to. Or promoting an upcoming game. I understand why, it's free advertising for them. It's just sad that we're unlikely to get any obscure or retro characters.
  17. Excellent news! Now you can put your feet up for three months.
  18. The problem the Dems have in America, is that they have such a fractured voter base, whereas all of the Republicans will happily vote for literally anyone with a big R next to their name.
  19. Yeah but I meant the real reason, not the porous, bullshitty reason.
  20. Did they make him look more Tom Hollandy? Seems like such a slap in the face (almost literally) to the original guy. Why not get him back again? Did he not have a high enough resolution face?
  21. Are they from the same household?
  22. An original live action Disney film!? What are they smoking over there?
  23. I read that if you're aiming for 100%, it's best to leave all the blue coins til the end so you can follow a guide to go around and get them all. It's harder to follow a guide if you've already picked up 70% of the coins.
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