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Everything posted by bob

  1. Forgive me if I missed this, but why did OKC match you up with someone who lives in New York? That doesn't sound like an optimal match? "Oh yes we've found the perfect girl for you; she lives 3000 miles away, off you go!"
  2. Or the Wii Stream for short.
  3. Went through and double checked that it all fits, but it's legit. Have a 'thanks'.
  4. I believe he's talking about his anniversary of being. But he has a thread now.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. How is it a team with Ba in it scores 4 goals, and he doesn't get any of them? He was my captain this week. Bah! Not a good week for fantasy football, all my team are in the African Cup...
  7. Oh yeah?! Well i presmeared my door with jam last night so you'll end up with a jammy pooey mess on your hands!
  8. Snap! Cross-continental high five!
  9. Nah, take it literally and turn up in your gym kit.
  10. I've heard of it. It's from Shakespeare. It is definitely useless literary information though. To me anyway. From the sounds of it, it comes in useful to whatever line of work you're in.
  11. I will most probably be firing this up after Tuesday, whereforeafter it will have been my birthday, and i can finally open the game which has been sat, wrapped up next to my TV since New Year.
  12. I'm guessing The Matrix. Or Sucker Punch.
  13. Congratulations on Haden winning the lower league, i got the coveted (apparently) fourth spot, so i suppose i'm happy with that. Best thing is i got the most goals scored in all three leagues. That will do me nicely.
  14. So guys, Genetically Modified Foods eh? I very much Pro them, since my father is a Crop research scientist (not working with GM, but he knows what he is talking about). He just sent me this link, which is a lecture given in Oxford by a former Greenpeace protester turned GM foods enthusiast. It's interesting reading, and outlines (heavily biased i supposed) the debate. Anywho, what are other peoples views on GM foods?
  15. Dude, he said extrapolate. You interpolated.
  16. It's all a load of rubbish to make people feel better about themselves that they're not winning. *wasn't invited to the alliance party* I was thinking about setting up a rival Axis.
  17. If they do, they're going to have to do something about the 'New' part. Either calling it New New SMB, or go back and change the previous ones to Old SMB.
  18. Especially this one:
  19. Ah yes. That bit was a bit forced.
  20. bob

    Windows 8

    Or hiding in it...
  21. Anyone who has ever done any sort of research should find this funny: http://io9.com/5974256/overlyhonestmethods-is-the-postsecret-of-the-science-world-and-it-is-amazing I've definitely done that last one....
  22. Extrapolating from that then, you should be done in about three years time!
  23. I am unbeaten in my last 4 games of Cluedo. That sounded a lot cooler in my head...
  24. I was going to rant at how, when i went there yesterday, they told me they opened at 9, but actually it was 9.45 (on a Tuesday only, annoyingly) so i had to hang around for a bit. However, when i got inside, they were so helpful. They offered to use my points card to take money off that purchase, despite me filling up the card with the same purchase (which i'm pretty sure they shouldn't do). And then when they guy next to me bought the same book, and the woman noticed that his had a 'signed by the author' sticker on the front, she told me to wait, and she went back to see if i could have one of those too. Turns out they are 'signed' by Robert Jordan, i.e the guy that died 4 years ago, but still, its a nice thought. Waterstones are great! Debug Mode, you should go to the party! Just say fuck it and do it, nothing bad will come of it! If you don't, we'll all withdraw our votes for you in the Achievement Award....
  25. Final book came out today! On chapter 8, and oh my goodness is it amazing. You won't be disappointed if you make it to the end!
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