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Everything posted by bob

  1. Yeah clearly Dannyboy looks more like Christian Bale midway between The Machinist and Batman Begins.
  2. I guessed the jury one, but how can you not know the Saint of Scotland!? Even by a process of elimination it's pretty obvious isn't it?
  3. I came on at about 10:30pm but I think it over by then. Sadface. Not sure if I will be on tonight.
  4. Or chuck a smoke grenade into his office. The bugger has to come out and see you then.
  5. I think he means being born a white guy in the UK (presumably?) rather than in Sudan or India. That's luck.
  6. So they're changing the citizenship test to be allowed to stay in the UK again. You can try out some of the questions here. I passed with flying colours (minus just the one flying colour), and got 9/10 It's definitely easier than the outgoing one i think, but i'm not entriely sure that knowing these sort of things are entirely necessary to live here. I've always thought it weird that people need to know patriotic tidbits in order to be a citizen, and think that it would be more useful for them to know more day to day things that would help in everyday life. What do you peoples think? Can anyone beat my level of Britishness?
  7. It seems to just point out celebrities who have their face at the same angle rather than ones who actually look like you.
  8. Yes but you get 1 internet point from me, so it's probably all worth it.
  9. These website are clearly a load of rubbish.....oooooooh the Hoff.
  10. Yeah i think i may have to do that, although i'll have to start from scratch. I'm not sure if it is impossible to clone a windows partition, and have it on both drives, without it blocking one of them. I've googled around, and no-one seems to mention that you can't do it, so i might have another go at that first. Nothing with computers ever works first time does it?
  11. Oh something's gone terribly wrong now.... So i swapped the two drives round, and for a brief moment, it was all working. However, i wanted to somehow change the new dtive letter to C: so that i wouldn't have to manually change my whole system so redirect to the E: drive to work....however, that isn't possible, since you can't change the drive letter for a partition that you are booting off. So i thought i would be clever, and change my current C: drive (the old HDD) to G:, boot into the HDD, change the E: to C: and switch back again. Nope. I have no idea if that would have worked or not, because halfway through i booted into my new SSD partition, only to find that it was telling me that that copy of Windows wasn't genuine and i could do nothing but log off. Lame. Not sure what to do now. It seems i can't have two copies of Windows running at the same time (since i technically only have one license) so i'm not sure what to do now.
  12. Sounds to me like she was Being A Woman. Source: I live with one.
  13. They will no doubt tell you that it is the HDMI cables fault/you're using it wrong/blame Google.
  14. I heard Harry Redknapp has been linked with Emo Blades now that they have a managerial vacancy...
  15. I used to live in Africa, and my dad still does, so whenever i go to visit him, I get reminded of the poverty and inequality that exists between the two halves of our world. Because of this, i do experience this 'guilt', although it doesn't keep me awake at night. It does though cause me to donate money to alieviate my guilt, something which i do fairly often, either through causes like Red Nose Day, or Kiva.org. I also give money to Water Aid once a month. I don't give money to Oxfam, as i think that they aren't particularly effective at helping poverty, as they have grown to have too many overheads, and aren't the most efficient way of tackling the problem. Schemes like Kiva seem a good way of helping, as you are (via a middle man) giving money directly to people in these countries, who then stimulate their own economy by running their businesses and paying the money back to you (which you can then give to someone else etc). I know all the cons of a system like this (it would be better without the middle man obviously) but this is better than nothing.
  16. What does autosacked mean?
  17. My whole life is a lie.
  18. Ah yes, i knew i'd seen someone shaving with their fingers in something, but i assumed it probably wasn't Supes. That just looks ridiculous though. Does he have super sharp finger nails then? Or just strong nails and weak hair (but strong skin). Bizarre.
  19. Did not expect this to be the answer to that question...
  20. I agree about tuth but how else would you say tongue. Tell me you don't say 'tong'. That would just be ridiculous. EDIT: The Lonely Island's take on YOLO
  21. By all means go into a shop to try out the phones, but don't take advice from them. Like you say they'll just want to sell you the most expensive one, or peddle you some crappy phone that comes with a free tv that you don't want but end up paying for in increased monthly payments.
  22. Checking emails, Facebook and websites will never send you over unless you are using it for many hours in a day, every day. I'm only in the internet for an hour per day when i'm on the bus, and the rest I'm either on wifi or my laptop. You should be fine. If you've an android phone you can set up a limit to cut your Internet out when you near your maximum (and possibly get an app to do it on an iphone), so you can browse without worrying about extra charges.
  23. Aaw, I was this close to putting money on Djokovic...never mind.
  24. Yes but what does your hedgehog look like?
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