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Everything posted by bob

  1. Actually SKIP-BO Castaway Caper makes my list as well. In fact, who needs the other four games?!
  2. I know a guy who's going a PhD on Italian pop music......from the 80's. So probably even more dated than what you've seen already.
  3. There are some childrens charities in Paris who probably perked their ears up....
  4. Maybe she was a paraplegic because she was fat because she was in a wheelchair because she was......
  5. I thought she was in a wheelchair rather than just too fat? Or was she in a wheelchair because she was too fat?
  6. bob

    Windows 8

    Maybe not, but it won't be as cheap as £25 for a while i reckon. Incidentally, if you download it now, you have until Oct 2015 to install it!
  7. Surely it would be 'Win all, draw none, lose none' unless there are games that slipped through without any of those outcomes?
  8. That was a lovely film. Cool website which has thousands of random sound effects and theme tunes. http://www.funswitcher.com Amazing. http://www.funswitcher.com/#cjnzp
  9. It's transfer deadline day - and it can only mean one thing; Harry Redknapp has just conducted an interview through his car window. Seriously though, i don't understand the QPR thing. How did they suddenly become this super mega rich club capable of buying all these players?
  10. bob

    Windows 8

    If anyone was thinking at all about upgrading to Windows 8 at some point before 2015, today is the last day that it will be £25 (plus tax) to buy Windows 8 Pro. After today it goes back up to £150+. I considered buying it and saving it onto a USB for future use, but thinking about it, i think i'll just survive with 7 until my laptop finally dies, and then just buy a new laptop with 8 already on it. Anyway, 31st Jan is the last day for that deal.
  11. That's......unusual.
  12. Sounds pretty standard for doctors too. They don't tend to socialise much outside their own, and work ridiculous hours the rest of the time. My sister is a doctor.
  13. People who walk along smiling at something when they have no discernable thing to be smiling at. Suspicious, smug, bastards.
  14. I was surprised to find that that works ok on my Galaxy S2. Didn't expect it to.
  15. Finally managed to upgrade my laptop to a super speedy SSD and it is amazing. I feel like this:
  16. No, i watch them while clutching a photo of Dannyboy.
  17. I'll take it. Considering changing my name to 'Moustache Robin' though...
  18. Unfortunately, a google search for 'bob the pony' brings up nothing but celebrity hairstyles....
  19. You know what? Now that you mention it, i think you're right.
  20. That's pretty much exactly what i was doing, only in long drawn out stages, as i needed to be able to work on the laptop in between stages. You were right about the double installs (or at least the problem hasn't persisted) nowhere could i find it said that you couldn't have a cloned version of windows. What i did today (after faffing about with it last night too) was to clone it all again using Clonezilla, which is a much better tool than EaseUS. The first time i did it, it tried to just clone the partition with Windows on it (my C: drive), but that wouldn't work; the cloned partition wouldn't boot. I reckon it was because it needed some files from a different (OEM) partition on the HDD. What i needed to do was clone the entire drive rather than just the partition with Windows on it. So i had to delete more stuff, and tell the Clonezilla program to ignore the fact that the clonee drive was bigger than the cloner drive, and this morning I had two identical drives. Too identical, it turned out, as they had the same drive ID, and one of them wouldn't come online. Doh! However, with some faffing they eventually sorted themselves out, and had different ID's. Anyway, i am now writing this on my laptop with my old HDD sat beside me disconnected. Success! /thread.
  21. What if they get promoted?! (It's a real possibility in the lower league....)
  22. You'll be a dude with large earlobes and a funky robe?
  23. I liked Mario Mart Wii...
  24. I didn't mean it was lucky that he came out of his mother's womb rather than slipping out of some random African's vagina purely by accident. How horrible would it be if that were possible? 'Sorry ma'am we're afraid that your baby appears to have been born on the other side of the world. Bad luck. '
  25. Well you get bonus points for knowing the patron saint of Nigeria. Is it St Kanu?
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