I can't believe no-one else is bidding for Ba? Maybe they're thinking Chelsea will just outbid them so there's no point? Or is he not that good? Surely he's worth more than £7 million?
My aim is to write my phd thesis and pass my viva. After that i'll need to get a job.
These aren't really NYR though, rather things i have to do next year or face running out of money and end up living on the streets.
I thought this too. Why couldn't he be played by an actor? He was just a large muscular orc. Could have been done like the Uruk-Hai in LOTR.
Watching Two Towers tonight made me realise how far Gollum has come too. Hobbit Gollum makes LOTR Gollum look a bit crappy.
No movement in either the top tier or the bottom tier. How often does that happen?
I won against COOP which is pretty badass! Bit surprised at that (You're welcome by the way @Haden, 6 points clear now!) but very happy. Even managed to score an own goal and still win.
Next up is Haden. Will probably lose. Maybe i'll give a huge win bonus. Normally does the trick.
What exactly do you qualify as 'insane'.
I usually give/receive one gift per family member. And that gift is in the region of £10-20 (€12-24).
I wouldn't have thought that was excessive, but then i've never known any different. If we did inherit it, it was from before i can remember i suppose....
I vaguely remember something like that happening a while back with SwiftKey... It turned out to be something like the app was being stored on the sd card which confused it. I can't really remember though, it may not be a similar problem at all. SwiftKey is awesome though, I'm using it right now!
Shows in the West End have an intermission of about 10 minutes, and no one complains. If anyone has ever been to watch a Bollywood film, they have them in those too. I'm sure if they did decide to add them in, we would all survive.
Well there very well may be something wrong with some people. Diabetes and bladder problems and such.
The only time i can remember having to go to the toilet (like literally not being able to wait) was Return of the King. I tried my hardest, but all those endings....my bladder couldn't handle it.
I thought it was a good episode. Not particularly funny (although GODDAMMIT PATRICE!!!! gets me every time~), but still good, almost like HIMYM of old.
Was it funny when Leeds drew Chelsea in the League Cup? No, not really.
Was it funny when they got thrashed 5-1? Yes. Hilariously so.
They should wait and see what happens in the match before laughing. It's not like any part of the draw is within Man U's control.
Which would you rather it was?
I would have thought it good news that it can't be a clot, since those are scary. But having not experienced schizophrenia, i don't know if that is preferable...