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Everything posted by bob

  1. Don't know if you've decided yet @Shorty, but Engadget posted this: http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/24/ae-best-small-flagship/
  2. Fucks sake. I seem to have a curse that whomever i put in my fantasy team and make captain becomes shitty. Does anyone have any requests for next week?
  3. There's actually someone with that name?! I thought it was a pun i couldn't get. Oh, well. Happy Birthday then!
  4. Happy Birthday! (whose birthday is it?)
  5. Hang on. You can do stuff mid game?
  6. bob


    Re-reading through this thread (although skipping spoilers) it's bizarre to read how quickly this show went bad. The first half is nothing but good things being said, then instantly a switch it flicked, and everyone saying, they shouldn't bother making a new series.
  7. The S2 is a bit smaller, and still works great. It's still rather big though, but after having it for 6 months or so, it doesn't feel huge. It annoys me that they cheaped out with the S3 mini. They could have made an amazing phone that loads of people would have bought, had they made it speedy, but with a smaller screen. My girlfriend for the Galaxy Ace, but she's a bit disappointed with how slow it is compared to mine. If they could make something that is that size, but runs decently fast, i'm sure it would sell. (Basically the iphone....)
  8. I've had an easy start to the season having played 4 lesser teams who could not contain my might.
  9. I was going to counter, saying i would prefer a 'bob' brand......googled it....was pleasantly surprised. We could go halvsies!
  10. How does a cat even look that grumpy!?
  11. Best bit was the helicopter pushing random people into the sea.
  12. I gots to get me a theremin.
  13. bob


    Just started watching this. It's good.
  14. I don't think Sony's problems are anything to do with a failing video games industry. If they go bottoms up, then we'll still have two main console makers and perhaps another will pop up to take its place. You might be right regarding creativity though....perhaps Kickstarter style projects can help drive creativity and the big names piggy back on that...
  15. That one's better anyway.
  16. I didn't know you could get an application refused - is that for a learners permit?
  17. Saw this on Twitter: Stat of the day: #Chelsea have shelled out £86m on compensation since 04'. MORE than Everton's net transfer spend since #EPL began. Wow. Makes you think....Everton should push the boat out a little.
  18. Ine really is a lucky girl indeed...
  19. That is very well received, thank you.
  20. I like to think we just separate the wheat from the chaff to end up with the best members.
  21. Aaaah, but imagine if the Kinect worked like the adverts pretend it does? Add that to whorish graphics and physics and i'm sold.
  22. Oooooooooooooh snap! @uəʌəsʎɐɾ you just got bobbed! No wait that doesn't work...i wish i had a better team name that works as a verb. (J7 you are impossible to tag...)
  23. Yeah, if you didn't count goals which were defensive mistakes - Arsenal would be top of the league.
  24. Simply looking at how games have progressed in the past 10-15 years makes me excited as to what we'll be playing in the future. Just think of what it will be like if we have the same level of technological advancement that we've had so far.......but further into the future! Not just in terms of graphical advancement, although those pictures Shorty posted are incredible, but in terms of input/gameplay etc. Imagine something like the Kinect in 20 years time, which captures your entire body in real-time, puts it into a MMO or suchlike, with the ability to recognise almost any interaction you can think of. Add that to amazing graphics, plus some sort of head-tracking eye display that actually works.... Or even being able to control directly with brain waves or suchlike, that would be cool. I'm sure it's not that far off, (although the jump to being in a commercial console would take a lot longer). I personally hope i still have the time/money to play video games if/when any of this becomes available...
  25. How do you feel about.......shoes..?
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