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Everything posted by bob

  1. I agree, i tend to spend much more time just driving around exploring than actually playing the story mode.
  2. Watched it! Looks amazeballs. It was at 4pm by the way...
  3. bob

    Red Dwarf

    I don't think they changed it, i think it was just Lister making a joke. That joe wouldn't have worked if he said 'no, your last words were 'Gespatcho soup!'' or whatever because then they'd have to have gone into explaining why they were GS again.
  4. Also, whales aren't fish. *marine biologist hat on*
  5. I wish people would give some clue as to who is who in the league. It's really confusing.
  6. No, no. I definitely said large barrels of rice. It's the only way.
  7. Put huge barrels of rice everywhere. That is my advice.
  8. (I'm not in this game either, i'm just being unhelpful...)
  9. That bulbasaur hat looks like Alf...
  10. There's a fairly interesting article on the Grauniad website about GTAV, but i'm not sure how much it differes from the stuff already posted.
  11. Oh yes yes yes, check that shit out. Top of the fair play league. I believe that qualifies me to play in the Europa League?
  12. Aw yeah! Andy's Allstars are going down! (Who is Andy anyway? And i don't just mean in a 'who are ya' kind of way, who actually is it?) (I've added an apostrophe to your team name because it seemed right, i hope you don't mind.) Anyway, to sum up, you are going down.
  13. Yes. ------------------------
  14. How is it that 343i (Halo 4) and Rockstar managed to get so much better visuals out of the xbox (and PS3) than everyone else? Did they get a special unlock code or something?
  15. Why do you even bother starting in the daytime?
  16. That bottom one looks suspiciously like they've photoshopped it for diversity requirements.
  17. Everyone deserves to have one day in the year when they are happy. So why not have it on the anniversary of the day you were born! Have one happy day on the anniversary of the day you were born you two!
  18. He is quite funny, but i don't like watching him on account of him being a 'bit of a dick'. I understand why other people find him funny, but a lot of his humour seems to come from being cruel about other people and just generally being a grumpy angry man. The odd clip here and there is ok, but over the course of an entire show i think it would make me feel uncomfortable. Anywho that's just my opinion.
  19. We can ask for as many recycling bins as we want (warwickshire) so it's worth asking.
  20. Ah cool, that was my idea i think!
  21. About the luck virus. At first we just used it to protect the murderer from being found by anyone, but then Jimbob mentioned that we could use it for whatever we wanted. So we said that anyone who targeted a certain person during a night phase would die in a lucky way. Was that what happened during the last night? Did both those people target Sheikah? Personally i thought it seemed a bit jammy, but i wasn't going to argue at the time!
  22. Cheers guys, but i genuinely had no idea what i was doing the whole time - it wasn't an act! As far as i know i didn't even lie at any point... I was terrified someone was going to ask me what i had been up to one night, but no one did! I didn't really know what sort of information Town got in those PM's, so i wasn't sure i could have replicated it if asked... Thanks to Jimbob for writing it all, it was good.
  23. I had the love and luck viruses. It was meeeeeeeeee!
  24. Wow, I didn't think that would work..
  25. My favourite ever was Rockstar guava flavour, but alas it is rarely sold now.
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