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Everything posted by bob

  1. I'm the other way around i think, we'll complete BL2, and then get Halo4 when it's a bit cheaper most probably. In the first game, he would use Assault rifles and shotguns mainly, whereas i would use elemental snipers and pistols. But this game he tends to use everything, and so we are usually directly competing for weapons. Also, half the time he seems to spend the time halfway across the map, having run off without waiting for me, and so it feels less and less like a coop game and more just two single player games on the same map..
  2. Oh yeah, my friend is absolutely terrible at that, and by terrible i mean he does it all the time. Reviving must be where i get most of my xp from in that case. My friend plays as Axton, and so his (cheaty, cheaty, cheaty) turret seems to hoover up most of the kills, but he often gets downed at some point. Anyone who plays as Maya will tell you the second my badass power of hers is the ability to Phaselock a downed teammate, and second wind them instantly, from absolutely miles away. It's amazing. The most badass power? Phaselocking a fucking rakk and crushing it. So satifying after putting up with those damned things all through the first game.
  3. So my friend and I have been slowly making our way through the game. We tend to try all the side missions as we get tham as well before moving onto the main ones, as we want to do them while we're still the same level. We're level 23 right now, and probably halfway through the story? Hard to tell really. Anywho, it's pretty damned awesome right now. I get a little annoyed at my friend because he tends to skip the odd cutscene here and there, and i feel like i'm missing some of the humour, but never mind. I found out today that all ammo, money, eridium and xp is shared out through your party equally?! I didn't know that throughout the whole of the last game and this one!? I assumed money did, and eridium. But i always thought xp depended on who killed the person and was divided in a skewed way.....also, i didnt even imagine that ammo would be....did anyone else realise this?
  4. Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeen! (I'm supposed to be Voldemort by the way, not Uncle Fester/William Hague)
  5. That's pretty shitty. That's even shittier.
  6. Yeah but then i feel like one of those girls setting their statuses as the colour of their handbag or whatever. Not really helping anybody, and looking like a pedo while doing it...
  7. I think i raised less than £100 last year, which is a bit pitiful. Would probably get even less this year since people get annoyed at me badgering them.. I'd be quite happy to grow a mustache, just not being sponsored!
  8. I did it last year, and found out that i really cannot grow facial hair. I'm debating doing it again this year, but I think i'll probably just sponser someone else to do it instead.
  9. Night night x
  10. My costume is the best. Although I stopped seeing singularly ages ago so my opinion might be skewed. Drunk.
  11. More like Zambucamort! I had wait, that makes no fucking sense....
  12. I'm pretty fucking drink right now but I'm dressed as Vokdemort so fuck yeah!
  13. I think Magnus Peterson is being incredibly shifty as well... VOTE: Magnus Peterson
  14. Haha, nope.
  15. Nothing interesting happened to me...i did my thing but i don't think it did anything. Do we do the vote now then?
  16. bob

    Windows 8

    I installed a copy as a virtual machine to play around with it, and for the most part i like it. However, i did find that without touch controls/windows button i did get stuck a couple of times and not know how to get out of certain screens. That's probably just me being stupid though. I'm going to wait and see how much the Surface Pro is and possibly get that.
  17. The best way to show manliness is to whip your penis out, or failing that, a DNA test.
  18. Goodness me that was funny. I was crying from laughter at work.
  19. To be honest i was totally lost when i found it, not sure i could find it again, or describe where it was! EDIT: Just re-read and noticed you said Sanctuary. Ignore what i said, i'm a moron.
  20. Did you just buy the handbook?
  21. Well if you were getting me something anyway, i would like this.
  22. I don't really see what they're going to 'reveal' to be honest. It's going to be a GTA game. It will be amazing. It's not exactly going to be revolutionary otherwise.
  23. No editing of posts is Rule number 1 of Mafia. I know this. EDIT: Not speaking during Night Phase is Rule number 2. I have just failed both.
  24. If you've not watched it, then how do you know it is not masculine?
  25. Watch Snow White and the Huntsman, or Adventure Land. She is exactly the same in both of those. It's how she is.
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