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Everything posted by bob

  1. To be fair my supervisor helped by having a 5... Yeah, an Erdos Bacon number is the dream, or possibly an Erdos Bacon Sabbath number, which is a thing apparently. Brian Cox has one unsurprisingly, as does Stephen Hawking which is more surprising.
  2. I'm pretty sure the blade thing is just so they could rate the bluray for as many people as possible and sell more. It was probably the only thing preventing the bluray becoming a 12 in Western Samoa or something.
  3. I have an Erdos number of 6.
  4. I don't think you can state that Shatner 'starred' in Halloween because of that....
  5. Really?! Awesome. I'm so good at this. EDIT: Just saw i'm playing Coloccini in my last game. I know i'm going to lose, but my aim is to score! Only 4 goals in 17 matches?! Let me put that right!
  6. I didn't know it was only 10. I will be more miserly in my thanks from now on. You will have to do a lot more to please me.
  7. I don't want to get technical, it makes my joke less funny.
  8. Moral of the story is: do terribly at your job, then quit.
  9. First pumpkin of the year: Yes i'm aware of how incredibly racist it looks. Bonus pic of me with hidden pumpkin. Can you find it?
  10. 1. Why are you buying the console? I'm not entirely sure i will. Certainly not while it is full price i wouldn't have thought, and probably not until there is a game that i definitely can't do without. 2. Has this differed from previous console generations? Well i bought the Gamecube and Wii at launch, mainly because i thought they looked amazing and couldn't wait to play some of the games available with friends and family. The Wii U just doesn't have much of an amazing line-up to begin with...also, with the Wii, i bought it mainly for the multiplayer aspect. I barely played it on my own at all; while the Xbox 360 i play on my own all the time. I can see the Wii U not getting played much at all, like my Wii in the latter stages of its life. 3. Do you expect your attachment rate (how many games you buy for the machine IIRC correctly) to be high? No, and that's the reason why i probably won't buy one straight away, as any games i do buy will probably not get played... 4. Do you plan on getting one of the future iterations of the other consoles? It depends on what they are like. I'm very happy with my Xbox right now, as i can stream to it, play iplayer, etc, and use it as my main multimedia device. I can't see how the next generation can better it in terms of doing stuff like that. The only thing i wish my xbox could do that it can't is play blurays. However, if it launches with some awesome games, then maybe.....who knows.
  11. This one? Or this one?
  12. Well i don't live in Scotland, and so have no idea how it's going to affect most of them, but the bit that worries me most about the whole thing it that the UK (or whatever it'll be called once they leave; as if it wasn't confusing enough) will suddenly become overwhelmingly Conservative, and there's nothing we can do about it, other than move to Scotland i suppose...
  13. bob


    Yep yep yep! I always forget that Dexter is only 12 episodes long. I normally get to episode seven or eight and think 'blimey this season is picking up quickly, they won't have anything left for the second half'. And then it hits me. Episode 3 was good,
  14. Well i guess 'too easy' is what that should have been! Magnus - 75 Captain Falcon - 33 Dog-amoto - 27 Jonnas - 26 MoogleViper - 25 The Peeps - 17 uəʌəsʎɐɾ - 10 Cube - 9 Coolness Bears - 6 / nando / - 6 Tales - 6 heroicjanitor - 6 Dannyboy-the-Dane - 5 bob - 3 Daft - 2 Smeagol - 2 Ville - 2 darksnowman - 1 EEVILMURRAY - 1 Ellmeister - 1 Mandalore - 1 ShavenWolf - 1 Zell - 1 Which rockets J7wicked up the leaderboard.
  15. Ok, five more bobpoints up for grabs. These might be quite easy, or too hard, it's hard to gauge with these...
  16. Holycrap you can remove thanks!
  17. What a n00b.
  18. I kind of got the impression that it might have been people looking for Apple logos off the internet and accidentally downloading a spoof one that went unnoticed due to translation issues... I won't say who I thought thanked the post, because i might be wrong, and i'll let them own up if they want to. Needless to say it was someone with all powerful mod powers needed to remove thanks.
  19. I bet I can predict one person who will 'thank' the post and then mysteriously remove that thanks hours later.
  20. Not until we hear his predictions certainly...
  21. I've never been in the pop charts.... *sigh*
  22. The playbook is one of my favs too. Brilliant!
  23. Guys, please refer to these people in the correct way - sandwich artists.
  24. Ah, i've played Ticket to Ride! I wouldn't call it 'meaty' though.... Have you played Dominion? Seems like it would be right up your street @Oxigen_Waste.
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