What the fuck is going on. This game is a massive clusterfuck and i'm completely lost.
I don't know why you couldn't find me last night. Probably some 'role' or another, although it wasn't mine. I know i tried to find Animal, but he was locked in a box or something. Who knows why?!
My PM implied that i had massive rampant sex with someone, but i can't remember who due to being drunk (in game i mean, i've not just forgotten) and i think the Love virus was involved somewhere.
This game is so damned confusing, i have no idea how the hell you're supposed to guess who's bad and who's good. Is it supposed to be this ridiculous, or am i just not trying hard enough?
Magnus Peterson does seem incredibly suspicious, but perhaps the light bee thing is some sort of red herring?? Do we get those in the game? Yvonne seems pretty darned suspicious also, always being really vague about everything and quick to point the finger at everyone else. Sheikah too in that respect.
I'm going to reserve my vote, and go for whoever seems most popular later on, and let others make my mind up for me. Seems legit.