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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. I don't know man. Sometimes you just strike gold with those random Youtube suggestions.
  2. It's a weird sort of visual novel. No real gameplay to speak of, but an amazing atmosphere, characters, and worldbuilding. I like the soundtrack as well.
  3. I missed out on all the other entries since the first. I'm happy to get back into the series on Switch! https://nintendoeverything.com/level-5-announces-laytons-mystery-journey-katrielle-and-the-millionaires-conspiracy-dx-for-switch/ (title could use an update)
  4. You're the one doing the shaving I presume?
  5. Just wanted to post this GIF.
  6. You're telling me you never shave them off?
  7. UK CEST
  8. Could be interesting. Horror anthology series from Guillermo del Toro. http://www.slashfilm.com/guillermo-del-toro-presents-10-after-midnight-netflix/
  9. I'm not interested in a Star Fox racing game, and even less in a racing game in the vein of Diddy Kong racing.
  10. I was interested in it as well, well, I still am, but with the seemingly lack of optimization it drops in priority significantly. Plenty of games this month, and I still have to buy Kirby and Donkey.
  11. Ah, I bought some Uniqlo shirts recently, from that Kurakami Karacho line. Didn't know this was already available. There's nothing for me there, as I'm generally not interested in the Shonen Jump titels, but this one is hilarious. Might pick up a Doreamon shirt when it's out though! On a related topic: Nintendo Japan is selling Sanrio x Splatoon shirts. I'm definitely getting one of those. I also really want that Zelda ost box.. Maybe next month.
  12. I considered that a fluke, but I actually came close to that score just now.. Around 210000000 or something, you can check in the weekly highscores right now. I'm far from a pinball pro, but Sorcerer's Lair is pretty forgiving! I think I do. While they both have a similar appeal to me, Pinball purists may prefer Stern Pinbal Arcade, while people like me may simply prefer the better game overall, which is Zen Pinbal FX3. Aside from that, There's the other Pinball Arcade coming, and there's even another Pinball simulator coming. And personally, I'm also very much looking forward to Yoku's Island Express! Zen PInball FX3 versus Stern Pinball Arcade - Stern Pinball Arcade is the better simulator, it feels more real. Even I as a non pinball pro can appreciate that. - Zen Pinball FX3 has more tables on offer. - Zen Pinball FX3 is more polished. Including things like leaderboards and tournaments. Stern Pinball Arcade didn't have this at launch, and even now you can't directly compare amongst friends. - Stern Pinball Arcade features real tables, and has a little info on their history. - Zen Pinball FX3 has the more modern licenses. - Zen Pinball FX3 has optional more videogame elements like upgrades ans power-ups, though personally I ignore all of that and play classic mode all the time. - Zen Pinball FX3 is simply more bang for your buck. The prices per table on average are cheaper in Zen Pinball FX3. - Zen Pinball FX3 has a simple menu that allows you to quickly start a new table or change one. Stern Pinball FX3 has a not exactly impressive 3D model of an arcade room that needs to load up every time, resulting in unnecesary long wait times to actually start a game. - Zen Pinbal FX3 allows you to skip all the matrix messages. Stern Pinbal Arcade, being a simulator, lets you sit through all of them. - Both have excellent table guides, though I slightly prefer Zen's style. Zen Pinball FX3 gives you a more condensed overview of all the goals on a table, Stern goes through it in-depth and step-by-step, though this makes for a long tutorial with literally hundreds of steps. - Both start free and have an excellent free table. Both Sorcerer's Lair and Frankenstein are fun to play. So to me, the clear winner is Zen Pinball FX3. I like the polish, the loads of options, and I'm not even using a lot of stuff like their standard game modes and accompanying challenges. Like I said, I can actually appreciate the more realistic take in Stern Pinball Arcade, but fact is that even their physics do not match reality. I can actually enjoy real pinball tables when I go to my favourite cinema, I actually played a Godzilla machine yesterday, so I have recent experience with real pinball machines. So Stern Pinball Arcade only offers minor more realistic physics, while Zen's Pinball Arcade does things significantly better overall. And in my opinion, some of the realism can be a downside, take Frankenstein for example. I've grown to love the table, after figuring out you could change the music (pro-tip: don't mash buttons to start the game, wait, and use the left trigger to change from the grating default music to the much better film score), but all the sounds and samples are low quality audio. This is something where I wished they'd take some liberty, and remaster the audio files for better quality sound. This of course would make it a less realistic simulator, but there's no reason they can't make that optional. It's all about polish. Farsight's goal was to recreate some tables as faithfully as possible for them, and they largely succeeded at that, but they didn't put any effort in the overall package. Any new updates they push like leaderboards and verical mode, are in reaction to Zen's features and still less polished. And like I said, Zen Pinball FX3 is cheaper. I downloaded them both simultaneously, intending to purchase one table for both of them, but for Stern Pinball Arcade the table I wanted, Star Trek, was € 8,50, and for that price I could buy The walking Dead and Portal and still save some money in Zen Pinball FX3. So for all these reasons I have not spend money on Stern Pinball Arcade, but I have on Zen Pinball FX3. The day before yesterday I bought the Bethesda pack, € 11,00 for 3 tables, and I'm loving the Doom and Fallout tables. The other is Skyrim. And then we have the already notorious (regular) Pinball Arcade, which should appear in the European E-shop soon. I already don't get why Farsight has a Stern Pinball Arcade and a regular Pinball Arcade, why split those? And then of course they massively dropped the ball, pun intended, by losing their Bally and Williams licenses. This includes for example The Addams family, a table I actually played a long time ago, and it seems to be one of the more popular tables amongst pinball enthousiasts. I was looking forward to playing that arcade digitally, and I guess technically I still can if I buy the table as soon as the game's up and before they actually lose the license, but if Pinball Arcade offers the same experience and prices as Stern Pinball Arcade, than I'm not actually that interested. Luckily I can play the actual thing in a pinball museum nearby (that's where the cinema gets their machines from). I haven't been there yet though. But yeah, I'm not exactly hyped for Pinball Arcade. Some final notes: those interested in my Frankenstein highscore, as you can't easily compare unlike in Zen Pinball FX3: it's around 1700.000.000 Also, I intend to set up a tournament in Zen Pinball Arcade for the Summer Extravaganza!
  13. Well, they don't need to start planning every character 3 years in advance.
  14. Looks interesting. http://battletechgame.com/
  15. That is absolutely not going to be a problem. They're likely to have a big Fire Emblem blowout on E3 (they need to fill their show with something besides Smash), so before Smash is out we will have more details on the game, including who the lead character will be. They're not going to pass up a way to promote the new Fire Emblem in Smash.
  16. This looked awesome until I tried to find the official video on Youtube and came across Lego rollercoaster monstrosities 10 times the size.. Still, I want it. https://shop.lego.com/nl-NL/Achtbaan-10261?CMP=EMC-SH2018_05_12_TEA_RollerCoaster_NL&HQS=Hero_B_CTA_EU_NL&RMID=SAH_2018_05_12_TEA_RollerCoaster_EMEA&RRID=131729575
  17. Yes, this is what I was afraid of.. The Expanse has been cancelled. http://www.slashfilm.com/the-expanse-cancelled/ And so have a lot of other shows..
  18. That's looking good.
  19. I understand. After some Googling, the anwser seems simple: call Nintendo support, they don't sell it on the site (apparently), but they do sell them through support it seems. For 15 pounds.
  20. Are things like these an option for you? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BROKEN-Nintendo-New-3DS-XL-Red-Handheld-Game-Console-AS-IS/302732066768?hash=item467c3cbfd0:g:mqgAAOSwZVJa8YJJ
  21. Darkwing Duck for NES (and obviously Duck Tales, and you may want to check the other Capcom Disney NES games).
  22. Yeah I don't get the appeal.. This and Spyro and the likes to me were always the poor man's (3D) platformers for people who didn't have an N64.
  23. And that's not a voice that I would have expected! They're playing this smart. I'm sure we can expect some other indie characters make an appearance. It already has a more interesting roster than Brawler. Yes they're two different type of fighters, but Blade Strangers is snapping up the better indie guest characters. Bets on other characters? If we have a Gunvolt and Shovel Knight, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Shantae. I also think this makes it unlikely these characters appear in Smash, though I'm not sure that's a problem (anymore). Smash will be guaranteed to be filled to the brim with characters, including a few high profile 3rd party characters, a fighter like this is actually a great place for guest indie characters. Like I said, they're playing this smart, unlike those guys from Brawler, who should have been on this from the start. Edit: Shantae is by far the most mentioned in the replies to that tweet. If for some reason she wasn't planed already, they kind of have to now. Edit 2: Hollow Knight maybe? Edit 3: Brawlout is the name..
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